I love the sound design, the music's awesome, reminds me of "organ trail"
I had an issue when trying to rebind keys though, it breaks when i assign "f" as the confirm button and i have to reset them to get out.
there's a little bug on the dry plant next to the water/oil, inspect and cancel are displayed twice
I like how the writing when you change room supports the atmosphere, also how some dialogues change based on context
Having buttons to rotate but the direction being "decorrellated" from it make the controls feel weird, like i would make it so W makes you walk in the direction the light's pointing at, and A-D would be strafing, but i get the game's emulating an older game feeling too
It's cool the skills are useful sometimes too, i deciphered the note next to the generator, which i couldn't have done if i didn't have i high perception skill i guess
finished it on the first try, the game looks pretty tightly put together, not many bugs or anything like that, very cool !