Choice Manager
I manage to fix the choice manager issue.
But the main problem is like I said to you before about compatibility with Visustella stuff, and compatibility with two plugins that messes with the same thing inside code, in this case, the Choices. It does not crash anymore, but don't know if they will work properly. I will make a patch later, but for now, change this inside my plugin code:
Find this function:
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.refreshSize = function() { this.width = this.windowWidth() this.height = this.windowHeight() this._helpWindow.refreshSize() }
And replace it with this:
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.refreshSize = function() { this.width = this.windowWidth() this.height = this.windowHeight() if(!this.helpWindow){ this.createHelpWindow() } this._helpWindow.refreshSize() }
Real easy fix to do, and I just had to take a look inside my code, lucky!
Char Manager
On the other hand, Character Manager although was an easy fix, it was real hard to find the problem, because it was not throwing an error. I had to guess some things and by trial and error, I manage to fix, I guess. Still, don't know if this will cause any side effects.
On my Char Manager plugin, find this function:
Alias.Sprite_Character_updateOther = Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther = function() { this.updateCharManagerFeatures() }
And replace with this:
if(Imported.VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore){ Alias.Sprite_Character_update = Sprite_Character.prototype.update Sprite_Character.prototype.update = function() { this.updateCharManagerFeatures() } }else{ Alias.Sprite_Character_updateOther = Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther = function() { this.updateCharManagerFeatures() } }
Final consideration
I'm not releasing a official patch because I still don't know if the patches will cause any collateral damage. I will wait for you to talk to me to see if everything is ok.