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The game looks amazing, and these kind of platformers are really my type of game. I do have a few problems with it though.

  • The aim and shoot mechanic was not clear. I even restarted to see if I missed another mechanic. Finally I watched your video to find out how it works.
  • There should be a clear indicator on whether you still have your double jump.
  • It's also not clear when you are and are not allowed to wall jump.
  • I feel like it gets too difficult too fast. Which is at the first level with the timer.
  • I think it would be better if you give the player less time, but replenish time (not necessarily fully, just give some extra seconds)  when you break a target. This way the player also knows earlier when they fail. Currently, if the player is slow at the start, it might be impossible to beat the level, but the player doesn't know that. If you replenish the timer the player will know it failed as soon as he actually failed.
  • At the first level with the teleporters I'm not sure what is intended, but I made an awkward jump to the left to stand on the platform but not hit the spikes. I felt like I was cheating the game.
  • The second set of targets is a cool mechanic but at the same time I feel like the game is tricking me. I thought I was done, but actually there was more. Along with starting with lower difficulty, this should maybe also be something that should be featured later in the game.
  • I don't get why you need to be in the air for the boost to work. If you're aiming, you should be boosting.

Like I said, I love these type of games, but they are also very easy to become frustrating rather than fun. Because why didn't my double jump work there, and didn't I do the wall jump correctly? Making sure that everything feels smooth is your number one priority. If you got that down, you got a great game here.

thanks for taking the time to play this, even when the game screwed you over. i definetly need to do better in teaching the mechanics and how the game should be played. that you somehow beat the portal level without knowing that holding jump lets you boost significantly farther is kinda funny, and sad cause the game is definetly designed with that in mind so you missed out on that i expect.
Lots of good ideas, i've started implementing some of them. The wall jumping thing is intresting, they way i've imlemented it is opposite of what most people would expect i think, you have to move away from the wall after touching it then jump. i feel this leads to less accidental wall jumps in a game where you're likely to bump into walls when moving around. but enough people of complained about it where i'll have to consider changing it.

thanks again for the detailed feedback, heavily appreciated