-Why do you start the game windowed? I know this is minor, but starting fullscreen feels more professional to the average gamer.
-Good tutorial pages, brief but to the point.
-Played for 10 levels. Music's drum beat feels too loud, it bothers my ears. Gameplay is OK? It feels a little less interesting than last time.
-Level 30. Doesn't feel much different to level 1, really. I suppose Death is more common.
-Got to 60 before dying. idk, I felt bored. If you threw in a twist like using the fourth direction too or adding new icons part way through it may be more engaging. Being able to start again from 60 is a double edged sword. On one side it's not that punishing to die, but on the other it makes the challenge feel arbitrary if you can do it piece meal.
-Sprit burn feels too one note. I just save it for when stuck between death and a hard place, and nothing else. If you could cast different flavors, like a guaranteed spawn of weed or oil on burn reroll, it would be more interesting.
-Finished the game, it got a little more engaging towards the end, but not by much. I think in part it was me changing strategy, because instead of mostly going for scrolls, I engaged with the systems to fight enemies while managing health.