-Spacebar opening the pause menu is bizarre(only seems to be like this in the intro?).
-I like how if you get close to a wall the character will push aside his gun... however, if you get too close he gets suicidal, lol. I assume it's an IK without a limit or something. This picture was taken under the ladder.
-It would be fun if I could pick up the fire extinguishers, so I can toss them in combat and shoot it for a portable bomb. Though it's also fine as just an environmental element.
-When walking into the room with the locked suitcase, the grub seems to see you really quick and will activate the music. And for me at least, I was confused because I saw nothing for some 10 seconds, turned out he was stuck on the curtain wall and he instantly hurt me when I rounded the corner.
-Can't shoot the camera watching me in the lobby... sad.
-Zombies with guns is a little silly, but in a good way. Disappointing that I can't rob the corpse of its ammo though.
-Sometimes, walking through a room transition will flash the pause screen. Not sure why, but it tends to go away after happening once.
-Suddenly spacebar opened the pause menu again and I accidentally quit to menu...
-One time, opening a door, it pushed my character with it which was odd.
-Gun fight for the checkpoint card was fairly fun, though it feels kind of counter to the horror theme of the game.
-Beat it, had a good time. Not much to say I think. One thing is that putting a red line on the revolver is strange, I'd rather have aim down sights for that.