-Character select is cute. However, it looks like they're in a criminal lineup? Maybe I'm just daft, or that is indeed your intention, but I didn't get the impression these gals were criminals.
-The time it takes to open the pause menu seems longer than it should. I makes me doubt myself and press it again only to close it as it appears.
-Set piece for the beam falling into the blown out doorway thing is neat.
-Nearly thought I was stuck on the first hurdle(W+SPACE) as the propeller girl. I thought that the ordering mattered, so I walked into the wall before pressing space; this isn't enough height to get over it. However, I now know that's more like a standard parcore thing where if you press into the wall while jumping you will climb it. Mostly me I think, because I tend to mess up blank + blank instructions more than I like to admit.
-Meat cleaver is pretty fun, quite the contrast to the water cannon. Though I loathe to admit I walked by it 3 times by mistake, since I thought it was just another random prop laying around.
-The walls at the very bottom, by the exit, aren't wall climbable. Intentional?
Interesting stuff here, but as the last few times I played it's very buggy and debug, and it's hard to look past that. Especially the lack of kill floors near the end, it was mildly infuriating.