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I tried all the characters and they seemed pretty different in power level. With the first one I blitzed trough everything and I don't think I even got hit once. She leveled up super fast and became overpowered very quickly. The bomb girl and the healer had interesting attacks but they were also a lot more difficult to use and get kills with consistently. There's also a bug where you attack when you pick a level up and that doesn't matter for most of them but its pretty annoying for the last character because it switches between heal and damage. Oh and occasionally I would start the game without a character, not sure what caused that. 

The core gameplay is fun and I like that there are hordes of enemies but the progression was a little weird, at some point in the midgame there weren't a whole lot of them on the screen but then before the boss spawned there were suddenly dozens of them everywhere. The level also gets a little empty after you destroy the barrels, I would like to see some different terrain features or obstacles. Oh yeah and it took me some time to actually find the boss, I know he spawns in the middle but its hard to tell where you are exactly.

I didn't look at the masteries very much, they seemed a little buggy. I couldn't exit the menu once and had to reset.

Other than that, it's pretty fun to play, good work

- When you  start the game without a character, it's because a variable responsible of the character selection reset to zero and the code doesn't know which character to choose, so the map load empty. 

- The attack while the game paused, it's because the codes is still running, I will make sure to pause it while on the selection screen.

- The masterry one, it's because of the text, it was blocking the buttons from being selected.

Thank you for playing the demo, the bugs you mentioned are being fixed right now.