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A member registered Dec 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts with the game. I know the chromatic aberration don't fit very well in the game, it's just a placeholder effect for taking damage.  

Thank you for playing the game, it's always helpful see how other interact with what I made. I liked your idea of the bombergirl auto targeting enemies with kick, I will implement it in the future.

" I was also hoping for some more attacks that knock back and push the enemies out of your radius"

Yeah, I will work on that, the problem right now is that the knockback is hard coded, so I have to rewrite some code for that, in fact, I'm doing a big rewrite to implement a great quantity of new stuff for the gameplay in the next update. SFX will be implement too.

Thank you for playing the game, I'm glad you liked the bomber girl.

"it's a bit weird to have manual shooting on some chars and not on others."

I know that, but I decided taking a risk here with Dungeon Watchers, which is making many characters with really different gameplay styles, other survivors games the characters are just different stats, here the witch have an elemental magic affinity, the bomber elf unleash mayhem with explosions, the cyclops deploy an army of robots (which make here like a summoner type character) and the upcoming priest character will have a mechanic related to sacrificing her life in order to deal damage. My vision is making characters with their own perks and player have to find and discover how to make a build with them. Similar to picking a character on a MOBA. Anyways, I think I will be able to make the witch have an auto fire mode, but not all character in the future will be like that. 

Thank you for testing my demo.

Thank you for testing the demo, what you say about the eyeball enemies is true, I have plans to make it more obvious in the screen, I think I will make a shader for that. Anyways, I will fix it for the next update.

I played this game for around one hour until I meet the medic with white hair and I must say there's quality in this project. The drawings are  beautiful and very well made, the music is good and fit with the rpg combat, UI is clean, characters have charisma. It looks like there too much content in the demo so I stopped because I will  take my time with it later, but so far it give me a really good impression. 

Also, I like monster girls so I drew Mono:

Keep the good work!!!

Cute game, made a drawing of nodev tan, she is a brat making sure people never finish a game and curse them with eternal procrastination. 

This time I played the hard mode and beat the game with this record, I felt the controls more responsive than previous DD. I'm not sure if you changed something or my mind simply adapted to the controls.  I notice something the levels where mirrored, confusing at first but my mind rapidly adapted to those. 

I liked the costumes, the sexy pics pics between each level aaaaand... of course I liked the cheat code, nice one. Character is cute, so I drew her. Keep the good work.

"the music does not loop properly" 

I will check what happened  in the code.

"getting hit should give some sound feedback."

I know, there's many sfx I still have to implement in the future. Future update will fix that.

Thank you for playing the game, it's good to know many people is having some fun with it, even at this alpha state.

I know there's many visual bugs, I will work on that for the next update. The summoner will be increase on difficulty too, right now is there just for testing the his code, but I will make him cast spells at the player and summon more dangerous monster, not only devil balls.

"There's a skill with regen icon and ice aura description."

I will check that and fixed it.

Thanks for playing the demo, I will sure to make a Summonner that build shame players the next update.

"Why set a limit for the amount of airbombs? "

I did it for balancing, because I thought that some players will just pick up that skill all the time and have an army of 10 air bombs, they can feel the game is too easy, but I was thinking about how make it without limit and maybe I will configure the "droprate" to decrease the more levels the player have in that particular skill.

Thank you for playing my game, I'm happy you liked the new character. I will consider the idea about the turrets.

Thank you for your observations, the gem drop rate is  made by chance, it's not fixed, so probably was bad luck, I will look on that and see if I can do something about it.

I will update the waves of enemies in the next update, I will check my code on the 4min section, I'm glad you liked the game so far, thank you for playing my game.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feed back, I will fix the typos.

About the too many power up on screen, I have played many games of this kind and it's something common in this type of games, but have plans to add some configuration in the graphics menu for player that don't like it (for example a bloom slider or having an option to deactivate the particles effects).

"on level up, a bunch of buttons appear to select a powerup. if your mouse is in the middle of the screen, as the buttons appear you technically "mouse over" all of them , playing their sounds. ideally make the colliders for these buttons inactive while the animation plays, and active once its done. this is a very minor thing."

I didn't know that, I will fix it. Thanks.

The new music is fine on the new levels I played, but the first one it felt off, specially at the beginning of the music, there's this arpeggio at the beginning that makes my mind think I will play an old school shooter instead of Diablo, and I think it's because of the instrument which  sounds like a modern bass to my ears. Diablo 1 -2 Ost is good because the dev use it as tool to set an atmosphere to the game, and for that, there's some instrument one should avoid and other use more often, in fact, we have our mind already conditioned to expect some sounds and instruments. If someone play a desert level in any game, I bet that most people is expecting a music with a sitar and drums. If someone play a level with a cybernetic  theme, I bet most people are expecting some kind of techno music. So, if I am in a  game where I struggle to survive I expect a music that match that feeling, that expectation , and so, it have to be an oppressive music, check for example this song of Diablo:

Hear the ominous drums, the scream of a lady on the background being slaughter, the skeletons, the unsettling chants, this music is not meant to be enjoyed, it's purpose is make the player feel oppressed. Remember, in this kind of games the music is a tool.

 Those are my thoughts on the music, changing the topic, I beat the skeleton pit but I didn't find any new area, is the skeleton pit just an extra are just for the sake of challenge? it took 45 minutes to beat and all thanks to a lightning orb spell that deals 15 dmg... but also damage the player, didn't expect the friendly fire and to be sincere I'm not sure if people will like it, because, why that spell hurt the player when others don't do it? anyways here is the pic  when I clear the pit:

I think I will finish my run here, I think my build is strong enough to make it to the end but if the skeleton pit took me 45min I'm not sure how long will take for me to complete the remaining content. Fun demo.

The game have nice and cute models, and the music is fine, but, there's some aspect that really me annoy me as a player and the first one is that enemies are walls and each collision with them melt the life bar, for example: if I'm scaping from a few enemies but get surrounded by two enemies, I start bouncing between them like pinball, and destroy the health bar. Health regeneration is really low an not worth a level point, because is so low that is negligible. If I spend my levels on health then I have no skills do deal damage and get surrounded again.

Speaking of skills, not having a description and no dmg text pop ups when hitting enemies make me unsure if I really upgrade my skills or not.

About the performance of your game, it's pushing too far the CPU, look at this:

34%  of my CPU just in the Title Screen, and around 44% and 50% when playing. If I have to guess, this is probably caused because your not limiting the framerate of your game. I faced something like this in my first game when I made Fiend Heart. Another thing that make me think is the framerate, is that the CPU is at High usage while the GPU is fine, which means the CPU have a bottleneck, because is trying to deliver as many frame as it can. So you should check that.

In conclusion, I think in order to improve the gameplay you should:

- Remove th e enemy collision with the player, just make the enemies deal damage to the player. If you don't want to remove the collision, at least give  the player some invincibility time for him to react.

- Add pop up damage text when the player's skill hit the enemies.

- Add text description to the skill in the power up selection screen, the player need the information before making a choice, the icons for the buttons are fine.

- Buff the health regeneration skill, it's very weak.

The game have potential, the models are fine and the music too, so I will keep looking forward to your progress in the future.

Is a simple game and can be a good time killer.  It  will be a good game for a phone because you can use the phone gyroscope sensor and it will more fun/interactive that way.

Last time I played this game was on DD54, that time I played a two handed warrior so this time I decided to go full mage with shield. I had a hard time at the beginning because of the low damage and lack of mana. BUT, a monster dropped a ring that give me +2 of mana for every enemy killed and fire ball cost 2 mana, it was at that moment I start cleaning the floor with confidence. Later, a monster dropped a book with spell to summon snakes... and I started to wipe  the floor with the corpses of the monsters on my path. Playing as a mage/summoner is fun and remind of my times playing Diablo 1 - 2. (I think the snakes have a time duration bug, the description says they disappear after 60 seconds, but I don't  see  that happen).

As I progress, in the level with the Sun Cultist, I find a shield with green letters, it needed 17 int and give more int when equipped, it also take 15% of the damage to my mana pool, which combined with some gloves I picked up, it give me 19% total.  The build is doing good so far, I reached the skeleton pit and I decided to stop because I realized I have like 3 hours playing, which is good, because it means your game in this current state is fun.

I liked the chest and barrel mimics, I don't remember if they existed in the last build I played on DD54.

I realized that change the music for the first level, in fact I checked the build of DD54 I still have on my pc and I prefer that one because it feels more ominous and Diablo like... at least on my personal opinion, but either way, the current one it's not bad.

Also, Kira looks kinda of smug  with that smile in the portrait.... it's cute don't removed it.

Well, I have nothin really to add, this play like the first super mario bros and I have no complain. I must say, you make me laugh with that ending. Well done.

The only game I remember playing in my life with a first person mecha was Lost Planet 3. So far I like where this game is going. Some technical issues I had was that the game freeze when shooting but after a couple of shoot the game ran fine... maybe loading a shader? I'm not sure because I know nothing about Godot, but normally is stuff like that. 

I played arcade mode and reach a score of 58 kills. I know I can hover around and stuff, but I just activated fortress mode and hunt robots from a corner.

Also the protagonist, she is cute so I drew her. Mecha + Cute Girls = good, that's my brain work. Keep the good work.

Well, its playing fine the game but something I don't like is that headshot don't do a critical hit. The enemy's AI need more work, all enemies are very dumb specially in how they react to the player, for example when I fight the mecha I just run around  it while I was punched it to death.

Speaking of melee combat, I feel the damage inconsistent, sometimes I one hit a soldier an other time he need 3 hits to die. I think the speed of the character is affecting the damage, most of the time when I run and punch a soldier, he dies from one hit, I'm no sure if this is intended.  Also, I don't think there's need for melees combat be separate from weapons, it should have it's own button, for example, in a WASD setup it can be the F.

The graphics are fine because it have a retro fell of a 2000 game, that say the rock part in the first level feel too dark for me, maybe lighten  it up  a little bit.

The game have potential but need more polish, maybe check out Far Cry Blood Dragon, I think it can give you a nice inspiration if still hasn't played yet. 

I also liked the MC, so I made a little drawing of her. Looking forward to see your progress in the future. 

Well, it's a survivor like game, from what I can see in this demo you play as a robot and each time the player level up, will build structures for get upgrade.  The core gameplay is working fine for what I manage to play. The art style make me feel like playing an old game from windows 98,  I like it.

But sometime will point out is that the power up don't have explanation, +1 energy and +1 utility, I don't know what they do. 

Another point is that having too many enemies make the game drop the fps by a lot, the screenshoot bellow was running at like 15 - 20 fps, it feel like playing in slow motion.  You should check the code and see what's happening over there.

I have stuff to add like more graphics options and sounds, when I work on those menus I will add windows mode too.

Sorry for having to lock priest but I'm still working on her and her current state is unplayable, right now I will have to rework some code in order to implement her gameplay, for the next update.

I'm glad you liked the game so far, thank you for playing it.

Sorry for having the blonde girl blocked, but right now she is not complete, I have to rework some of the code in order to allow her playstyle.  Next will have her for sure because I'm work harder this next weeks for a page/demo on steam. I'm glad you liked the game so far.

Nice game so far, manage to be number 8 in a battle of 32 cars.  The game run at 60 fps, but when there is too many cars on screen it drop to 40 - 45 fps, which is expected. This feel like a Hot Wheels free for all and I liked it. 

Bug fixes:

- Shy Ghosts had a bug with Zelvy the bomber elf, the didn't get shy when they are supposed to. Now it's fixed.

- Sometimes, when picking too many experience, some exp points where lost when leveling up, that should no longer happen.

New Character:

- Iris, the cyclops doctor: This character will use robots to deal dmg to the enemies around.

New Skill Powers:

- Fire Orbs: Damaging fire orbs float around the player up to a max of 4.

- Aerial Bombs (unique skill for Iris): Summon a guardian bomb which auto aim near enemies.

- Spider Bombs (Skill): Deploy spider bombs which follow enemies until close enough to explode.

Gameplay changes:

- Amount needed for level changed.

- Enemy spawn rate modified, should be more challenging than previous versions.

- They are now gems with other colors: yellow and red. They give more experience.

Changes on UI:

- New small redesign for the pause menu.

- Player select menu have now a music.

- Pause menu now show the data of most characters stats (will be improved in the future).

- Power up selection have now some SFX.

- Some power ups now have a unique icon redesign , in the future all icons will have they own design.

Additional note:

- Next version will have a heavy rework, because I will rewrite a big chunk of code to implement new features I have in mind.

Maybe I will think of another second ability for the bomber girl, the kick don't feel powerful or useful and many people just  ignored it.  Also, thank you for finding the error in the menu, I will fix it and thank you for playing the game.

In the next update I will put an arrow for the summoner, many people say they have trouble finding him so it will be an improvement to game. Glad your liking the game so far.

I played in cultist difficulty, I was defeated when I take a plunge in a hole full of enemies, I like the difficulty and how fast paced the combat is, but returning to the beginning  of the level was a turn off, I think it should have a  checkpoint system. Also the kick is very weak, not worth it, melee should be  a high risk/high reward, specially when enemies are able to melt your life in seconds.

Looks promising, keep the good work.

I play all levels, it's a fun simple game, maybe make the final levels harder, other than that I have no complains. 

I like you recommendations, and I will considered them in the future, like the bombs changing appearance and the arrow pointing to the summoner. Thank you for playing my game.

I will fix that glicht for sure, it was something I forgot to fix on her code. Thank you playing. 

The summoner will be more complex in the future and they will come in different "flavors", I have plan of making some of them cast spells. Glad you liked the bomber girl. Thank you for sharing your experience of playing the game.

SFX is something I didn't focus to much in development because my focus right now is just gameplay stuff. But I must say there is already a sound manager I made in place, that's why there's music and a small sound when you pick gems. If  I have finished the others character for the next update, I will add some SFX to the demo next time. Thank you for testing my game.

Difficulty will increase in the future for sure, but I wanna do it bit by bit to make sure I don't screw the balancing from one update to another. Thank you for playing.

I didn't know the alt tap thing, I will try to fix it. Thank you for playing the demo.

Thank you for your feedback, I will keep in mind the points about the ghost girl and the summoner.

Thank you for your extensive review, it was interesting to read the perceptive of someone who hasn't played Vampire Survivors, I know the game need many QoL but I will keep working and adding them as I go further on development. For example, I saw many people having problems finding the summoner, so I will fix  that for the next update. 

 I played this game on hard, I beat the two levels  mostly avoiding the enemies. You put some snails when I have to make jumps to the other platform,  I let myself get hit by the snail and while invulnerable I made the jump. Those snails are really a pain with their health and vulnerability window .

The art style is cute, the combat is hard against the enemies in general because it stop the player's movement,  also I feel like enemies have too much life, it will be more fun is they need only one or two hits to be defeated. The double tap for running is very strict, maybe make it more easy by increasing  it.

I would say it have that retro difficulty from the Nes era for sure, but combat is not rewarding, I mean, attacking enemies will mostly get you hit because they have to much life and you can't move. Lowering the health will make it a reasonable strategy try to attack enemies  instead of just avoiding them and running away from them.

Keep up the good work.