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A member registered Dec 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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As other players pointed out, around the 9000 points the game just crash. The game feels fun, it just need more defined "game rules", I only played it once and reach 9731 score but I am not sure what are the lose condition, I saw the health bar but never saw anything dangerous that make it go down.

This is a good prototype and I believe it have really good potential.

Currently I'm working on new enemies and variations for the current ones.  Thank you for playing the game!!! I'm glad you like it.

Yes, that one is the correct link. I watch all the gameplay and I agree on adding more enemies, I will be working on that. About the difficulty of the game, that is a really tricky one to balance, I myself found the game extremely easy, in my eyes it doesn't have too much challenge, but when I see somebody on Youtube play my game, I realize that first time experiences may be really different.

For example, one guy played the game, and lose the round with Luna but then he tried Zelvy and win with the bombs, and the funny part is that he saw Zelvy's second skill (the spinning and throwing  bombs) and he said it's kind of weak because why the player want to throw the bombs away. Meanwhile another person play with Zelvy and figured out that maxim bombs will allow him to "spin to win". 

So my plan is making the first difficulty kind of easy and then the others options will be way harder, so they can have a reason to buy upgrades and rings upgrades which I will add on the EA.

Thank you for playing the demo, was fun hearing all the comments and reactions from the group.

Xp gain is always strong in this games, when I play VS I always pick it. I will experiment a little with an idea I have to see how I can balance it more. Thank you for playing the demo!!!

Thank you, I'm working on more enemies for the game, also... the link of the video is for an old version of the game (0.3 alpha) :D 

Thank you for testing the game!!! and yes, adding critical effects it's something I'm working to do. 

This is the current steam Demo which features:

  • 2 characters with their own skill set (Luna and Zelvy).
  • 16 general skills: 3 physical, 3 fire, 3 Ice, 3 electric and 4 summons.
  • 1 map with 8 enemies and 1 boss.

All feedback is always welcome, but right now I am mostly looking for opinions on the difficulty curve, is the game  too hard or not, do you feel the powers/characters are strong or weak.  

Ok, I beat the level 11, and for me it was a good level, I had to think and try 3 times to beat it, I liked the mechanic of the new yellow toad. Level 11 as for right now, it's a good level difficulty wise. 

Thank you for drawing, I liked it.

And you are right , I will add sound sliders and polish that option menu once and for all.

Hello, I played 8 levels from the test section, the new fairy is very cute, I think she will be my favorite one. Also I found funny that if you poke her too much she explodes. The levels where fun and the more fairies you put, more complex the levels become, which is good, because it force the player too think more.  If is there any specific level you want me to test just tell me and I will do it later. Keep the good work!

I played the game, I found a bug with the fullscreen option in the menu, if you hover your mouse over the letters it will toggle on/off the fullscreen. From the 4 levels, I only beat the tutorial, the physics  in the game goes against what my mind feel "it should be", movement is too floaty and the lack of precision playing it with keyboard made the levels harder for me. For example, I was playing the 4th level, the large climb, those narrow paths are annoying with keyboard, so I started using the stick of the gamepad and it was more fun, but still hard, no room for error. I think you should make more easy levels at the beginning, so the player can familiarize with the physics, mechanics and how to deal with the enemies, speaking of enemies,  I think an in-game tutorial of how to deal with the enemies  would be nice for new players, otherwise they can become frustrated and just drop the game.

Everything else is very nice, UI, aesthetics, music, cute girl.... I like all of that, you really made those appealing, specially for those looking for a retro style game. I see future in this game, but it need more polishing in the gameplay aspect of it. Keep the good work!!!

I made a new character, this time using slow spell to keep distance and dispatch enemies. I remember beating a big knight guarding a chest with that spell. I played until I hit a power spike on the enemies, in the level with chimeras.

Didn't saw any bug... but I find a cheat?, the merchant who give stuff in exchange of silver skulls, can reroll the store by reducing your mana 2 points. Well if you save before that reroll, you can savescum until you obtain something good. Old games worked like that but I don't if want that, so I report it.

The game is fun, I liked the capes and the new models of the enemies. You really nailed the Diablo 1-2 style. If someone miss playing those game they gonna love yours.

Also, nice new enemy, she was powerful and fast  and killed me the first time I met her, and of course.... she steal my heart :3 

I beat the boss, I first tried a character with a sword, and it feel slow, then I tried the one with foam attack/spray, and manage to beat the game, fairly easy. The upgrade don't feel strong, and didn't care too much about them later on because the main attack was strong  enough.

At the end, I choose the green gem.... because I like green....

On the technical stuff, I noticed this is Unity which I use too, and I saw some "jittering" with  your character movement. That's not normal, it should be smooth, and if not that way, then something is wrong. In my experienced it can be some of the following:

- Using the wrong interpolation method in your Rigidbody component 

-Using "transform.position" to move the player instead of using rigidbody's velocity variable.

-Using Update() instead of FixedUpdate()

Also, let the player aim with the mouse.

Version alpha 0.0.8:

New map prototype: you can chose it in the new map menu.

All character have a more info section with descriptions of them and basic stat display.

New weapon: Spiked Balls, they bounce around and deal damage when hitting the ground.

Added a bomb count display to Zelvy, removed the kick, and now the bombs explode in 8 directions.

Luna had a mini rework, now she can use the 3 main elements: fire, ice and electricity, change the spell with the right mouse button.

Game rounds increased to 15 minutes, enemies speed and size can change with the new code I made.

I added Luck, and for now, it does nothing, sorry.

MoonIce now scale with bullet amount.

Bug of Selene that changed her aura while in level up menu has been fixed.

If players goes far from the center of the map, they get teleported back to the center.

Thank you for the feedback, showing the power ups on screen is a planned feature I will implement in the future, about the pointing arrow, I will see how to make it more visible.   I'm glad you liked the gameplay so far.

Thank you for playing the demo, is good to see opinions on the characters gameplay, to be sincere, I'm taking a risk here, other games inspired in the Vampire Survivors have a lot of characters but all are the same at the core, in some cases, just a sprite swap with different stats. Here I'm trying to make characters really different from each other, like a MOBA. I expect players liking one character more than the rest and only playing with the other ones for achievements and unlock stuff. About the cyclops, she is gonna the classic VS style gameplay, and I'm doing it like that because some people want a character that do everything automic without input, and she is perfect for filling that role. About the blonde, I will tweak the effects so people know when she is burning herself.

Thank you for the bug report, I will look on that.

- When you  start the game without a character, it's because a variable responsible of the character selection reset to zero and the code doesn't know which character to choose, so the map load empty. 

- The attack while the game paused, it's because the codes is still running, I will make sure to pause it while on the selection screen.

- The masterry one, it's because of the text, it was blocking the buttons from being selected.

Thank you for playing the demo, the bugs you mentioned are being fixed right now.

Besides the bug of the tutorial level others are mentioning, the game feels sluggish because of the low walking speed, slow reload speed  and the camera movement when walking which make point at the enemies kind of annoying, you have to tweak those things otherwise the game doesn't feel right. I almost 100% sure you're taking inspiration on Hazama Queen, so try to copy that walking speed and camera movement and your game will improve a lot. My favorite weapons are the shotgun and the melee knife, specially the melee knife because oneshotting enemies  it's fun.

First time playing this game, blind experience. I played with the pyro mage, I liked how he cast a rain of fireballs, but after beating a boss I pick up a bunch of rings and start regenerating MP very fast. It was fun but eventually get bored with the cpu, this surely would be more fun with other people, but when I tried to join or host a game, it crash. 

Nice game, aaaaand...  NICE TUTORIAL GOBLIN!!! She was very helpful in the tutorial, her presence help me to have mental focus during her explanations... I understand everything in the first explanation, but just to be sure I replay the tutorial 4 additional times ;)

Thanks for playing the demo. I wasn't aware of the pause menu error, I'll check it and fix it. I'm glad you liked the characters.

Beat the game in Jack difficulty, so far, I didn't find any bugs,  UI is nicely made, gameplay is fine,  but to be honest I not sure if I can give good feedback and the reason it's because this is not really my type of game, only memory of me playing solitaire was many years ago on Windows XP. That said, I would like to point that the game have a very relaxing music, very relaxing... personally I would like something more dynamic, like something you would hear in a old rpg game from the snes era, but again, those are just my personal preferences. Overall, good game.

First time playing this game, and my first round was very fun!!! Your game is very polished UI wise, and the characters are very cute too. I didn't find any bug, I played the PC version. I think you nailed it with that idea of a cube matching the panel  colors. Your game also reminds me of my childhood when I played a lot old games from Nes and Snes. Here is my score:

I don't know if you plan to make a two player mode in the future, but there's is a easy way to make it and will be fun:

Two players start, both with their own  dice/panel set up, but every time a player makes a combo it makes the opponent suffer by spawning more panels in his map, so the players are competing to make combos in order to overwhelm the opponent, like in the game Wario Woods  from Snes.

Nice game, I see a nice future on this project.

First time playing this game, I didn't read the games page so it was a truly blind experience.

I played in regular difficulty, at first I was lost, because I used my weapons and didn't deal too much damage, but then I realise the game was like magicka and start defeating the enemies. The melee weapon felt weaker compared to the gun, with the gun I just go for example: full ice and one shoot the fire drones plus it freeze enemies. A basic tutorial will be helpful, it doesn't matter if it's only text, it will help new player a lot.

This project looks promising so far and the visual effects are nice, no complains in that department, keep the good work.

Her aura changes every time you click  the fire button with your mouse or gamepad, the player can change the modes at will anytime, when the aura is orange, it burns her life and deal a massive fire damage to all enemies inside base on how much life she lost, when the aura is green, she moves faster and health regeneration is doubled.  Using the orange aura all the time in the beginning will mostly make lose, but if the player invest on health regeneration and area increase(bullet size) they can overcome the self inflicted damage and have the aura activated all the time, making it on the most powerfu/brokenl abilities right now in the game.

Thank you for playing the demo, watching the video help me found bugs I didn't saw, but I already know how to fix them:

- When you select a character, there's a INT variable that changes, 1,2,3,4 are for Luna,Zelvy,Iris and Selene, but everytime you go to mastery it resets to 0, which made the not know which character spawn in the map.

-The Ice Aura have a static Bool for check if it was activated before, this is part of the old code when I wanted the player to not spawn many ice auras, I will remove it.

- Enemies disappearing when they are too far from you, this is intended. It optimize the game but also give the opportunity to the player to have a higher score, if the player makes a good build, will defeat many enemies and level up, if the player run away instead of defeating the enemies as the DUNGEON WATCHER he/she is, less XP and less score.

I will balance visual effects and tweak the game progression of the characters, but making broken builds will be part of the game: 

See those games?, I've been playing the games from the same genre (because I myself didn't even play this type of games), and after reading reviews of those games, my conclusion is that people wanna "broke" the game, watch gameplay of Vampire Survivors or Soulstone Survivors and you will see how all the screen covers in projectiles and explosions to the point you don't understand what are you watching, even I get lost many times in VS because I can't see anything, its madness.

I also at the beginning I thought, for example, that too many thunders is bad because they block the screen view and where too shinny. But, in November of last year I uploaded a small demo on Newgrounds (ver 0.0.2) and I remember a comment telling me how fun was too just pick "more thunder" and not shoot a single fireball...

Anyways, the challenge of this type of games is balancing the "power level growth curve", I want the player become a OP menace by the end of the round, but.... not so fast.

Well I gonna start fixing more bugs and prepare to rewrite a good chunk of the code because I learned last week C# events and inheritance, and there's a lot of potential for those, I already have some ideas.

Again, thanks to everybody who played and give opinion on the game, they were very useful.

- New Character available: Selene the Lunar Priest, alternated her aura between burning her live to deal massive dmg or having a massive boost of hp regeneration

- New Power ups: Lunatrium, the spinning ice sword and MoonIce the boomerang projectiles of ice.

- New Stat upgrade: More Experience, I think it's OP right now, is fun you should try it.

- Some Stat upgrade buffed and tweaked.

- Fixed a bug which make an enemy not spawn, now you will see some Metal Slimes

- UI improved with effects and new icons, this includes the title screen, character menu and pause menu.

- New art for icons in the power ups buttons, no more text on them.

- New decorations on the map with lights on the pillars.

- Summoner is harder, HE SPAWN AT THE CENTER OF THE MAP.

- New Music made for the main level, is more dynamic, opinions are welcome.

- The gold you receive at the char menu it's not a bug its intentional so you can buy the characters for testing.

Beside all of this, I improve a lot the code and made a Steam Page, if you wanna see it and give me advice/opinions your welcome.

Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts with the game. I know the chromatic aberration don't fit very well in the game, it's just a placeholder effect for taking damage.  

Thank you for playing the game, it's always helpful see how other interact with what I made. I liked your idea of the bombergirl auto targeting enemies with kick, I will implement it in the future.

" I was also hoping for some more attacks that knock back and push the enemies out of your radius"

Yeah, I will work on that, the problem right now is that the knockback is hard coded, so I have to rewrite some code for that, in fact, I'm doing a big rewrite to implement a great quantity of new stuff for the gameplay in the next update. SFX will be implement too.

Thank you for playing the game, I'm glad you liked the bomber girl.

"it's a bit weird to have manual shooting on some chars and not on others."

I know that, but I decided taking a risk here with Dungeon Watchers, which is making many characters with really different gameplay styles, other survivors games the characters are just different stats, here the witch have an elemental magic affinity, the bomber elf unleash mayhem with explosions, the cyclops deploy an army of robots (which make here like a summoner type character) and the upcoming priest character will have a mechanic related to sacrificing her life in order to deal damage. My vision is making characters with their own perks and player have to find and discover how to make a build with them. Similar to picking a character on a MOBA. Anyways, I think I will be able to make the witch have an auto fire mode, but not all character in the future will be like that. 

Thank you for testing my demo.

Thank you for testing the demo, what you say about the eyeball enemies is true, I have plans to make it more obvious in the screen, I think I will make a shader for that. Anyways, I will fix it for the next update.

I played this game for around one hour until I meet the medic with white hair and I must say there's quality in this project. The drawings are  beautiful and very well made, the music is good and fit with the rpg combat, UI is clean, characters have charisma. It looks like there too much content in the demo so I stopped because I will  take my time with it later, but so far it give me a really good impression. 

Also, I like monster girls so I drew Mono:

Keep the good work!!!

Cute game, made a drawing of nodev tan, she is a brat making sure people never finish a game and curse them with eternal procrastination. 

This time I played the hard mode and beat the game with this record, I felt the controls more responsive than previous DD. I'm not sure if you changed something or my mind simply adapted to the controls.  I notice something the levels where mirrored, confusing at first but my mind rapidly adapted to those. 

I liked the costumes, the sexy pics pics between each level aaaaand... of course I liked the cheat code, nice one. Character is cute, so I drew her. Keep the good work.

"the music does not loop properly" 

I will check what happened  in the code.

"getting hit should give some sound feedback."

I know, there's many sfx I still have to implement in the future. Future update will fix that.

Thank you for playing the game, it's good to know many people is having some fun with it, even at this alpha state.

I know there's many visual bugs, I will work on that for the next update. The summoner will be increase on difficulty too, right now is there just for testing the his code, but I will make him cast spells at the player and summon more dangerous monster, not only devil balls.

"There's a skill with regen icon and ice aura description."

I will check that and fixed it.

Thanks for playing the demo, I will sure to make a Summonner that build shame players the next update.

"Why set a limit for the amount of airbombs? "

I did it for balancing, because I thought that some players will just pick up that skill all the time and have an army of 10 air bombs, they can feel the game is too easy, but I was thinking about how make it without limit and maybe I will configure the "droprate" to decrease the more levels the player have in that particular skill.

Thank you for playing my game, I'm happy you liked the new character. I will consider the idea about the turrets.

Thank you for your observations, the gem drop rate is  made by chance, it's not fixed, so probably was bad luck, I will look on that and see if I can do something about it.

I will update the waves of enemies in the next update, I will check my code on the 4min section, I'm glad you liked the game so far, thank you for playing my game.