Nice, I can see some improvements since the last time I played this.
The new linear levels work okay for a first campaign level sort of thing, it still has the problem where enemies are too simple to let the player use the mech properly, the enemy walkers in particular are not a threat in the slightest. It doesn't help that they shoot at you before they can actually see you, hitting the walls or floors in the process.
The sniper sentry things keep tracking you even after their aiming laser stops, which I assume is unintended, but an enemy like that could be the perfect thing to force the player to use fortress mode or the deployable shield.
Visually the massive textures on the giant walls kind of ruin the sense of scale your mech has: it looks big when next to a tree, then it looks minuscule when compared to those gigantic metal plates lining the walls.
Once, in arcade mode, the grenade launcher's projectile moved one of those black mechs instead of exploding on impact.
Also you should get around implementing proper preloading: the stutter when something new loads in for the first time is annoying.
I like the storymode dialogues, the various Godot puns got a chuckle out of me, and thanks for referencing tankgame in the tutorial, it put a smile on my face.
Form here if I were you I'd focus on making enemies which are fun to fight, then work on levels to put them in, but regardless it's clear that progress is being made and I'll definitely play a(woken) again next DD