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awesome game!! I really liked the rhythm that the cooldown gives the game. A little rest in between each jump section. The flying dash felt really good to control! I used my gamepad as suggested and it really enhanced the controls. Great work!

I loved the homemade whoosh sound effect. The particles were also really cool, especially the red trails that are left behind the little embers. The fire wall on the last level was really cool too, and really was enhanced by the tense music. Up until that point, there didn't feel like much of a rush. But the wall of fire finally gave the music context and it really boosted the mood of the game!

Some critiques I'd have would be that the cooldown sometimes felt a bit arbitrary. I think during the last level with the fire wall, the necessary waiting period would actually feel intense because you HAVE to cooldown to proceed, but you HAVE to move forward before the fire catches you. Perhaps that theme could be more universal to the whole game so it's always presenting the player with that dilemma?

I really dig the concept though and everything was really solid! My gameplay went pretty much perfectly except a few minor clipping through the floor when levels rebooted or changed (which you can easily jump out of so nbd). I had fun :)

Woah thanks for taking time to play and write such a great review <333 Seeing your video, a video of someone playing our game, was truly a gift! You nailed it btw!

We agree, the fire wall would force players to make quick choices. Considering that, having checkpoints would help so it doesn’t end up being too frustrating. We’ll experiment with it. It’s not well used here, but while in burnout state the character is faster. We would like to increase the burnout duration to force our players to decide whether to stop and cool off, or greed and use the extra speed (and eventual extra big dash or infinite dash!). Thanks again for your feedback, deeply appreciated <3