It is a shame. I can understand the reasons for no export, but is disappointing, because FlowScape is such a fantastically easy tool to use to get superb landscapes from. It totally knocks the socks off every other 'proper' 3D modeller I have seen for this task. They are not a patch on FlowScape, and if FlowScape were ever to get export capability, the more traditional modellers would be totally overwhelmed by the competition from FlowScape in this relatively limited (but important, and often overlooked) area of landscape generation. It is possible to do in 5 minutes with FlowScape what it takes 5 hours or more in 'proper' modellers (assuming, of course, that they have the libraries to play with in the first place). The very randomness of the heights, angles, density etc of painting trees & things makes it so much more realistic than plonking a single model at a time in a defined place. Brilliant idea, superbly extended to the other plants & animals. Using physics to drop rocks & branches so they drop in realistically random positions - I have never seen that implemented elsewhere. Genius idea, and almost impossible to replicate in traditional modellers.
Have to confess I cannot really regard FlowScape as a 'toy' or a 'game' , it's just too good at what it does to be dismissed like that. The interface is usable by people unfamiliar with 'proper' modellers, but it comes with so many novel ideas for creating the landscape that traditional modeller's interfaces look archaic & way behind the curve. Being able to export would enable its productivity boost to be enjoyed in other programs.
I didn't start this comment intending to write a paean to FlowScape, but that's what it seems to have turned into.