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Hey, it's nice to see an RTS for once (and one that isn't just trying to copy sc2) I'll be a bit more critical because I'm more invested in this genre:

The engine is solid, the only issues I had were that units feel like they slide (they don't start moving to where you tell them to instantly which is fine but they do turn instantly which is weird) and sometimes the way that fog of war gets revealed seemed off. Would also be nice to be able to queue unit commands.

The idea of capturing bases that autoproduce units is fine but I didn't like the execution. First of all all the units seem very random and have nothing to do with each other so its difficult to get invested in the different "factions". I don't get how the buildings work, they don't have any tooltips and as far as I could tell they don't cost any resources? Can you just spam buildings forever? After I built them I figured out that they buff your units or something but it's not very clear, and it would be nice to know that before you build them. Personally, I would prefer if there were less different factions but they were more fleshed out with more buildings and unit options.

Units die way too fast so you cant micro them very much. I just waited until I got a bunch of units and sent them all to kill everything. That's kind of boring imo, you want the player to go out on the map early and engage in smaller fights. It also makes unit abilities not very important since a lot of the units are just cannon fodder. Control groups worked fine but they could maybe show the number you assigned them to so you know you made a control group with them. There were no rally points as far as I could tell? I liked that the map expanded and new enemies appeared but without being able to rally units it gets kind of tedious on larger maps.

Some skills like that of the skeleton are way too important and others aren't. If players don't click on enemy units and read them it could be a problem. I only realized what the skeleton did once I trained some myself so they kept respawning in my base and I had to set up towers there. Also the AI doesn't seem to know how to counter the skeleton either.

There was something wrong with my minimap, not sure why. It split into three:

I don't want to come off as too negative, I think you have a solid base for a game but I would like to see some tweaks in the gameplay.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! It’s very valuable to get input from those actually interested in the genre…

>the units seem very random and have nothing to do with each other

Yeah… It was [is] definitely the vision to have a cool individual flavour for each faction. I just lack the resources.

>Can you just spam buildings forever?

Yes. The cost is that normal unit production gets paused while building.

>you want the player to go out on the map early and engage in smaller fights

Invasion Mode is strongly about roaming and controlling the map, right from the start. Conquest is more laid back; you can tryhard if you want and go out early to collect trinkets, to get stronger units faster.

>There was something wrong with my minimap, not sure why. It split into three

The map isometrically wraps around at its borders. So everything is on the square minimap twice. I get many reports of this supposed bug, probably should make it opt-in.

>Would also be nice to be able to queue unit commands.

Shift+Rightclick should work. You got another kind of queue in mind?

>There were no rally points as far as I could tell?

Just select a spawning circle and give it an order; it will be used as rally point / rally command. You can also hit CTRL+Space to select all your spawners, so you can set a rally point for everything at once.

Ty again. Hope I can eventually deliver sth. you might enjoy

That's odd... I'm pretty sure I tried shift + right click and it didn't work but now I tried it again and it did. I wonder if I messed up something or if it was a bug.

I assumed there is no rally because all the other commands are on the menu but that one wasn't. I guess it just replaces the move command atm. Would also be nice to see your current rally point.

I'm sure you will, keep it up