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might put that it's a collection of minigames on the itch page 

fishing game
-a bit slow paced but I guess it IS fishing 
-goofy, well done

jrpg battle
-also goofy, good job

wizard dance
-I'm either ass or these are hard af
-definitely prefer the asjk layout 
-it'd be nice if the columns were all next to each other and the falling notes were smaller and spaced a bit further apart from each other (just for timing) 

Dragon game
-wish I could shoot diagonally or with arrow keys
-going through the rocks without getting hit is kinda tight
-damage boost for egg every time

shooting gallery
-'watch where you aim' very funny

Letter Editing
-every day that goes by where im not dyslexic I know is a blessed day
-only did the first level, sorry

Imp game
-I have to wonder if it's insanely fast on purpose or if speed is tied to frame rate, with how things are going I just don't know (ouo)

Tower Defense
-I love tower defense, could play 200 levels of this no joke

Shoot Em Up
-shield too small

best wishes

- I agree with you about the spacing of the notes in the WD mode. I have a 27" monitor, and I found myself having to constantly move my neck to fully see all of them. I've also gotten some similar feedback from others about the difficulty. I'll fiddle around with the numbers and hopefully make it more doable. 

- Diagonal shooting for the dragon might be a good idea. I'll also adjust the placements of the rocks (and their hitboxes).

- Oh man, I didn't even think about players with dyslexia. I myself am not dyslexic, but I've read that font and text color can sometimes help make it easier to read. I might have to think about that some more.

- The imp is definitely too fast right now, and I have some ideas about how to slow it down without ruining the fun. Maybe by next DD I'll have them implemented. 

- Thanks! I was kinda worried the TD levels might be too short. 

- When you say the shield is too small, so you mean when using it to deflect bullets? The idea was that you'd have to be right in front of a bullet in order to deflect it.

Thank you for the feedback!


I also don't have dyslexia, but I was struggling a bit letter editing level and I didn't want to spend too much time on it

For the shield I tried using it while moving and I think I was running into bullets on my top/bottom.
Then if I tried using it without moving I'd block 1 or 2 bullets in the burst being fired at me, but then get hit by the 3rd
So I stopped using it and just focused on dodging

The TD levels could be a bit longer, but I guess that goes against the theme you're going for, which means you'd probably have to keep adding new stuff to keep it interesting. I'm a sucker for them in general, so while I like them, I might be a bias'd opinion

'Difficulty' was kinda a hard thing for me to judge with a lot of these mini-games. In a lot of places the humor is very clear so when a level was super hard (to get a perfect score or to clear in general) I wasn't sure if it was intentionally difficult for the humor, or just to keep things interesting, or just being early in development. (it'd probably be more clear with more stages)

That all said, your game reminds me a lot of Warioware (with all the quick minigames) which can still be fun when things move slower and the games are a bit easier. So I think you could get away with slowing stuff down without losing the fun.

Of course idk what your plans are, if you add difficulty settings or stages that ramp up in difficulty as they go on it might not matter

Like the music you picked btw, it's a good fit

Good luck with it!