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A member registered Dec 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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I also don't have dyslexia, but I was struggling a bit letter editing level and I didn't want to spend too much time on it

For the shield I tried using it while moving and I think I was running into bullets on my top/bottom.
Then if I tried using it without moving I'd block 1 or 2 bullets in the burst being fired at me, but then get hit by the 3rd
So I stopped using it and just focused on dodging

The TD levels could be a bit longer, but I guess that goes against the theme you're going for, which means you'd probably have to keep adding new stuff to keep it interesting. I'm a sucker for them in general, so while I like them, I might be a bias'd opinion

'Difficulty' was kinda a hard thing for me to judge with a lot of these mini-games. In a lot of places the humor is very clear so when a level was super hard (to get a perfect score or to clear in general) I wasn't sure if it was intentionally difficult for the humor, or just to keep things interesting, or just being early in development. (it'd probably be more clear with more stages)

That all said, your game reminds me a lot of Warioware (with all the quick minigames) which can still be fun when things move slower and the games are a bit easier. So I think you could get away with slowing stuff down without losing the fun.

Of course idk what your plans are, if you add difficulty settings or stages that ramp up in difficulty as they go on it might not matter

Like the music you picked btw, it's a good fit

Good luck with it!

might put that it's a collection of minigames on the itch page 

fishing game
-a bit slow paced but I guess it IS fishing 
-goofy, well done

jrpg battle
-also goofy, good job

wizard dance
-I'm either ass or these are hard af
-definitely prefer the asjk layout 
-it'd be nice if the columns were all next to each other and the falling notes were smaller and spaced a bit further apart from each other (just for timing) 

Dragon game
-wish I could shoot diagonally or with arrow keys
-going through the rocks without getting hit is kinda tight
-damage boost for egg every time

shooting gallery
-'watch where you aim' very funny

Letter Editing
-every day that goes by where im not dyslexic I know is a blessed day
-only did the first level, sorry

Imp game
-I have to wonder if it's insanely fast on purpose or if speed is tied to frame rate, with how things are going I just don't know (ouo)

Tower Defense
-I love tower defense, could play 200 levels of this no joke

Shoot Em Up
-shield too small

best wishes

launched the game from my downloads folder and had no sound, also the game hung up at character select, so if anyone has those problems, might recommend moving it (to desktop or something)

got up to level 16 after about 3 tries, can definitely see the appeal. Played on keyboard and my wasd fingers were tiring out pretty quick

The game is a bit daunting at first, but it starts to feel a bit like solving a rubix cube (following certain patterns of movement to get the right face in the right spot). If you wanted, you could probably have tutorial stages to teach some of those patterns and it might help people ease into it, oooooor they might just mash through them and not remember any of it, who can say. 

art and menus look and sound great (everyone agrees)

when combo builds up to the explosion it feels like the center should be the tile I'm stepping into instead of my last one. Not saying you should move it (although you could) but you may consider adding an outline of the tiles that are going to be destroyed before stepping off the tile

Good luck!

There's actually premade loadouts you can pickup from the shop for people who don't wanna fill out internals (I assume that's what you mean by prebuilds)
It is kinda buried in the UI tho admittedly

Thanks for playing!

>can't print guns after the tutorial
it's intentional (Nxia loses a lot of her stuff there), but you'll be able to get guns back pretty early by installing a gun printer

>wrong name in the cutscene
Yeah not sure exactly what causes it, but seems to happen when clicking fast. (fix on the to-do) 

Appreciate it!

Thanks and believe me, I know it's gonna be a lot. (-w-)

Story stuff especially was a big ask, but I've become way too attached to let it go, even if the game itself might be more fun without it. 

Fortunately I have a lot of time as long as my physical/mental holds up, and a bit of a safety net if it turns out to be a flop. 

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing! 

I keep re-doing menus, so admittedly controller support hasn't gotten the attention it needs. Glad the internals tutorial was well received, as there will probably be a 2nd one to cover wiring after the first few matches. Cutscenes will definitely be cleaned up a bit before 1.0, still getting the hang of it. '^_^

Edit: not sure what you meant by "16:10"... was there supposed to be an attached video?  

2nd Edit: Oh that's aspect ratio, im dumb

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! 


In tier 1 and up to the Maxotaur fight the game is very melee focused, then it shifts to a bit of a back and forth between melee and ranged combat so the feel definitely changes. Tier 1 feels a little repetitive atm, but I'm thinking of adding different CROWDS with other weapons to maybe mix things up. (or more stage hazards like explosive barrels to kick at enemies) Also considering making the counter on legionnaire a bit faster/more useful.

>garage system is intimidate 

for sure, I looking into ways to introduce it gradually but it's definitely a lot upfront. 


<3 ty! A lot of it probably doesn't make sense, but it means a lot.


All very good points, definitely on the todo.
Fixing the player damage issue might be a matter of managing expectations, since it's hard to raise max_energy early on, most of your investment would be in max_hp so you can keep fighting longer even without healing or paying for full repairs. (I might just make the energy bar a lot smaller)

Thanks again!

Follow up:
-was using mouse and keyboard the whole time
-forgot to use lock on ever, mostly just used punch, roundhouse, sweep and stomp 
-when I tried to Launch Kick or Jump Launch (without lock on) I never managed to land it 

(1 edit)

This is art, I love it. 

(played about 40min)

The good:
-Combat reminds me a lot of Overgrowth, which is fun, and there if you ever need something for reference. (Although the meta of that game felt like throwing weapons and spamming drop kick)
-The way ragdolls react to impacts is really cool. 
-pause menu very cinematic and cool
-Love the way their eyes reflect light in the dark 
-Appreciate the tasteful censorship  
-Being executed by an enemy slapping my ass is very funny 

The less good:

-occasionally I get stuck in a loop of an enemy trying to execute me and me ragdolling over and over, but it could be I just don't know how to get up properly 

Other thoughts: 
-A fun game mode might be one where you have to stay near the orb because the darkness deals damage to you (with roaming orb) 
-the input for stomp was kinda tricky at first and didn't seem like it was landing some of the time, so I kinda preferred using sweep kick on downed enemies (although this did seem less effective at taking them out for good) 

I appreciate what you have here a lot

Naked women punching each other to death in the dark is an emotional journey I hope more can experience. >w<

Wishing you the best of luck!

ah ok, thx for clarifying

Thanks for playing!
I'm glad you did a lot with the building! (most of my testers don't get far with it, even with the cheat buttons)

I agree with all the UI suggestions, it's something I've been struggling to work out. Also been meaning to add an indication for how big a part is before you take it out.

>Wire bridge 
Considering it. ATM the closest thing to a bridge is generators with multiple outputs (like the reactor) since you can run different wire between the outputs. A plus (+) shaped bridge probably wouldn't be too difficult to add, and I could have it only take up the 1x1 center space, but im not sure how helpful it'd be with tighter spaces like the arms. Anything more useful than that is basically multi-colored wire (which im avoiding for now)

>Rightclicking in Wiremode when not over a block shouldn't do anything instead of removing the closest block.
yeah, that's a bug

>Tutorial is nice and clean, but...
Thx, yeah, still WIP. There's some more cutscene-type stuff I wanna add to it and some better looking props. kinda rushed it out last second for DD.

>more Cyborgs down the line
version 1.0 will only have Nxia, but if things go well, I do wanna add other characters who'd have different skill trees to build around (and maybe different layouts)

>Menu and Garage atmosphere ... doesn't translate much elsewhere
I'm planning to add some kind of BGM for the arena/bosses, but haven't figured out if I'm making it or licensing it yet. (might help)

>more Externals than just paint later
Yup! Only have plans for accessories/stickers atm tho. I know people want stuff like hairstyles/outfits but I'll be holding back on that stuff for a while, for various reasons... (scope, story, character identity, etc)

>knocked down by rockets repeatedly 
One of the changes I hadn't committed to yet was if/when enemies attack you while your ragdolling. I should probably commit to something at this point cause yeah, rockets waiting for you to get up is weird and annoying. 

>Red Comet stun locks in melee
the combo-ing is intentional, but I should probably have him back off more after he knocks you down for above reasons

>Cobalt then does basically nothing.  
oh geez, not again... I assume you mean she just stands there until she dies? My boss code is spaghetti, very sorry.

>charged at him with full speed to melee, catapulted myself out of the Arena
yeah, need to tone that down for some stuff (it's probably conserved momentum from the energy blade moveset being really fast)

Thanks again! Especially for the feedback!

I only tried once, I think there was a bit of a gimble lock effect while looking straight up that made it weird (like the camera would rotate unnaturally fast to keep the ground below you)

probably doesn't  matter tho, unless your gonna add a reason to do loops

Fun game! I'm not sure how, but I clipped into a building and was beaten to death...

(playing on controller in the browser)

don't have much to add that other's haven't said... 

  • everything makes sense
  • controls feel good (when I don't try to do a loop-dee-loop
  • swooping feels like maybe I should go faster
  • pumping the flap button while not turning seems the most effective for gaining speed, though it feels mainly forward and not upward at all (which would make a bit more sense and be nice for tighter turns)
  • occasionally the music hitches if I change tabs, then fixes itself after a while

Good luck with the rest of it!

Sure! The way I play has me hiding behind cover a lot and poking my head around the corner to fire all 3 of my shots (since some of them will die to enemy bullets) So items that make that easier would appeal to me. (I'm not so good at bouncing my shots)
Here's some ideas off the top of my head:

  • Bullet Speed increase (passive)
  • Temporary invulnerability/shield so I can charge around a corner safely (active)
  • shield that blocks the first shot that hits you for a few levels (passive or active)
  • staff that shoots a bullet that follows the mouse (active) (strong but requires focus)
  • alt-fire follows the mouse (passive)
  • staff that calls down a meteor at mouse position (active) (maybe too strong)
  • Laser sight that shows how your bullets will bounce (passive) (good for unskilled players, useless for people who are good)
  • shots bounce more than once (passive) (double edged sword)
  • Shield(s) that orbit the player and block enemy shots (passive or active)
  • movement speed (passive) (saw someone wanted this, so might be a good compromise as an item)
  • immunity to traps (passive)
  • teleport to mouse position (active)
  • Nova/Explosion that stuns enemies through walls (active)

Here some less good ones

  • Nova/Explosion on self that knockbacks projectiles like the club but all directions
  • dodge roll (active) (lol)
  • shotgun staff (active)
  • rapid fire staff (active)
  • staff that shoots a bullet that goes through walls (active) (maybe too strong)
  • Energy Band, but instead of becoming exhausted, your shots become slightly inaccurate (for a spray and pray playstyle)
  • Shots curve (passive) (you can curve them around corners or enemy bullets)  
  • normal shots explode (passive)
  • Alt-fire lights the ground on fire for a decent length of time, maybe still destroys missiles that travel over it (passive)

Also something you might consider if you want to push players to bounce their shots more is an enemy with a laser (like the staff) that only fires when it has direct line-of-sight

(1 edit)

played about 40min-hour, got to floor 14 on my 3rd attempt and died to a trap :3

Thought there was no sound at all until I heard exactly one and it scared the shit outta me

Enemy tried to bounce a bullet off the wall behind it, even though I was in line of sight, and killed itself (kinda funny)

Club atm is kinda the worst item, since you can block incoming bullets by spamming your own anyway, maybe if the reflected projectile was super fast/peircing/more damage/AoE or anything it'd be worth it or if enemies had more HP

Laser staff is good, probably the best active item (got a triple kill with it too, which was nice)

Unclear what utility the alt-fire has when everything dies in 1 hit and small projectiles are likely to detonate it early, especially when you can't bounce it (looks cool tho)
edit: just noticed it breaks wood walls
2nd edit: weathering tome actually makes it pretty good for a variety of things, without that I pretty much only break walls with it, or if I'm spamming and ran out of energy, since the cast time makes it's kindof unsafe to use 90% of the time

Void sphere is alright, though most of the time I get hit it's because something surprised me, so I don't have the foresight to use it (might be nice if it popped automatically when you'd get hit) 

In general, I think ACTIVE defensive items are gonna be less appealing than ACTIVE offensive items. (Passive items are always appealing, sad you can only have one) If the game gets significantly more chaotic later on, active defensive items might be better, but you'd want a surplus of charges so could use it once a level between shops at least.

Alternatively, active defense items that let you play more offensively like 5sec invulnerable or something could be nice

Nitpick: be nice to have a way to read info on something after you pick it up (maybe in the pause menu) 

Unclear whether there's any differences between the outfits since the flavor text describes a different person (I assume it's just aesthetic tho)

Final Item Tier list:
S- Laser Staff
A- Weathered Tome, First Aid
B- Energy Bangle, Void Sphere
C- Club

(if there were more I didn't get to them)

Environment and Character look great! I'm impressed by all the detail.

Best of luck to you!

Thanks for playing! 

Sorry, you had a bit of a rough time with it... I haven't been the best about keeping Gamepad up to date with all the changes.

>The tutorial says right trigger does kicks but it doesn't. 
Long story.
Short version: It used to and I forgot I had changed it (I do most of my testing on M&KB) very sorry!

>stuck in the dodge animation  
If it was right before a dialogue box popped up, it's something I've seen before and hadn't gotten to yet. If it was somewhere else, its new. Thanks for letting me know either way

>I thought Y was print guns but I can't do it now. 
There isn't a way to rebind controller controls atm. Once you get out of the tutorial stage you'd need to get and install a "Gun Printer" module to print guns, I'll guess that's probably the issue. (There's admittedly a lot of the game that needs explaining early on which is why fleshing out the tutorials is high on my TODO.)

Thanks Again!

(1 edit)

Played about 30min, got to the boss a few times but couldn't quite get the kill.

Game is very COOL. I want to like it more, but feels a bit backwards.

Bullets feel slow/weak. My gun feels more like a water hose for hovering and casings than a weapon.  I know the spirit of the game is that it's a multi-purpose tool, and a game needs to be balanced, but as a chain gun enjoyer, I feel let down.

Pressing away from a wall to wall jump is something I've never been a fan of personally, feels easy to let go of the wall too early. or like you're glued to it. I'd rather jump away even if I'm holding towards the wall but I guess that'd mess up the parry mechanic.

On that note, parrying projectiles is very satisfying when it works, but since you have to hold away from them, the cross-up when they are above or below you feels hard to deal with and happens a lot because of the verticality of the map.

Can't do anything intentional with Spirit Bullet, more often I plow through platforms I want to grab or dive into the casings. 

I'll admit, I might also just suck at the game, :3 so feel free to tell me my opinion is wrong.

Most of my frustration would probably go away if I didn't need to shoot down and away from enemies constantly for any real upward momentum. If you're considering any sort of additions/changes, I think a character with something like jump jets and a gun with less kick so you can push and shoot upward at the same time would be fun.

Your game's got great potential, good luck!

Thanks for playing!
>want to be more aggressive without being ganked
Agreed, I was gonna do some research into how other games handle that just haven't gotten around to it yet

>level 2 broke at boss
well shit, that's what I get for rushing to get in last minute

>manually wiring things might be too much 
One of the things on my TODO is making a better introduction to the internals stuff (currently walls of text). Might get some changes besides that cause hooking up for late-game stuff like the Energy Blades ability might be too much of a puzzle for people. (Also you kinda end up with not a lot of options besides the single solution)

>being able to see your entire setup in a single view would be better 
other people have asked for this, so I'll probably add it at some point

Thanks again!

Thx for trying! 

If I had to guess, the game failed to build a default save file

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! 

-The some of the choices for the camera and floatyness are an attempt to imitate Kingdom Hearts or Phantasy Star Online 2 to a degree, but I know it's not for everyone and I'm still open to small ways to improve upon it. 

-The Internals menu is definitely a lot for people to take in at once. I'm planning to have an actual tutorial and to gradually introduce the mechanics of it between matches, which will hopefully make it easier for people to get into. 

Thx for taking a crack at it tho!

Thanks for playing! Being the first to fight Cobalt and the feedback!

>Is there any reason you'd ever want to put an eye inside your arm?
Most modules give stats in some form regardless of where they're placed, optics are one of the exceptions

>What's a gun printer supposed to be?
After dropping your guns you can press the same button to 'print' new ones. The character reaches for her stomach to do this and it's essentially how you reload, some enemies will also drop ammo and rocket pickups in the future, but atm those only come from certain events

>Wiring is not intuitive 
I'm planning to have better tutorial segments than the dialogue spam when internals opens up 
some important visuals are missing
I forgot to explain stuff like Metabolizers and the Reactor,
so definitely not your fault and ty for your perseverance. 

You'd only need 1 gun printer to get the ability but if you used the pink or yellow one it would've needed to be wired to a power source (a pink Main Battery or Reactor you upgraded with the cheat menu). In short, a solution would look like this:

(but there's no way to really have known that, very sorry)

 >bullet speed needs to be faster 
bullet speed is a stat you can increase with 'Bullet Accelerators' in the weapons tab, ideally you'd want enough speed to always hit while locked on. Planning to make newly unlocked modules a lot more obvious so it's easier to notice.

 >DDOS MANOS's projectile spam
bullets you can deflect/reflact by blocking, the laser walls you should have enough i-frames to dodge through and the missiles you'd want flares for (or you can shoot them out of the air). Flares are best shot as the missiles start coming out and if it's working right you should only need 1 to distract a barrage and if you need more you can just install more flare launcher modules (since they stack)

>Maxotaur spawn right behind me 
ah right, need to fix that 
>Red Comet got stuck in a corner 
that's new, need to fix that 
>Cobalt can be kited infinitely. At one point her AI broke and she got stuck maintaining a certain distance 
there's been a recent issue with all the enemy ai that this might be related to, thx for letting me know 
>rockets way too strong on bosses

>Loading the last two maps somehow takes up 100% of my CPU and freezes the game for several seconds

>"I became unable to tab out until I restarted the game, and this screen now looks like this:"
Ah, I think match generation didn't know what replace Cobalt with and gave up, will fix

Much Appreciated! ^_^

Very cute and fun!

I keep losing my key tho, first time I must've put it in the sack then dumped it under the chest or behind a wall because I didn't know what I was doing.

The second time I must've dumped it and not noticed (the animation is subtle and as far as I've played there wasn't any sound) 

Oh, as of writing this I took the game out of my downloads folder and re-launched it and now there is sound!


The character interactions remind me a lot of Banjo Kazooie!

I played some more with sound and it didn't take long until I dropped my key and bag through the floor or something in the hallway... they're totally gone.

I think it has a lot of potential and personally I like the limiting factor of the bag and even the scramble of dumping out all your treasure to find the key in the bottom (that might sound like sarcasm but I assure you it's not! ^_^), but atm I keep losing things and having to restart... and it'd be nice to be able to put stuff in it the bag while it's on your back and selectively take things out (even if you can't have it in your hand to use while holding the bag).

-Sometimes my character would shake their head at a lock even thought it was the same color as the key I was holding, sometimes moving would fix it, other times it just wouldn't work and I'd give up.

-There was a time where I was walking and the torch flew out of my hand across the sewer to the chest on the other side, also I'd talk to the chest from anywhere in the room if I wasn't interacting with an item. This happened again with a helmet in the armory.

-a couple chests would let me take stuff out of them before opening them.

-sometimes the interact icon would be enormous

So there's a bit of jank, but I did manage to finish it

I've got high hopes, good luck!

Game is lookin very neat! Always a fan of crisp UI. Played for about 20min on controller.

 -Turning feels a bit stiff in directions other than up (more than usual for a flight sim) but I haven't played many so maybe that's normal. 
-Might wanna disable the character walking around while in the menu or talking, I walked away from the person mid-dialogue and wasn't sure why A didn't let me start, lol 
-There's a bit of drift on the character when not moving the stick, might consider adding/increasing the deadzone 

Good Luck on the game!

Ok yeah this one works


Played through it and only ran into a couple of weird issues, nothing gamebreaking tho

Ball hit the corner and lost all it's speed and fell, leaving me staring at the top:

Also had a line lose all it's colision and become unable to be erased.

Had fun tho, took me back to my Linerider days ^_^

Good Luck with your game!

Seems like you're off to a good start! 

It took a while process what was going on in the scene since it's mostly placeholder tiles but all the interactions made sense.

I haven't played recettear, but I really liked Moonlighter so I might be biased when I say I liked being able to price items when they're placed on display over haggling each individual at the counter. I guess it makes more sense to haggle when buying from people who walk in tho.

Played about 20 minutes with controller, only ran into one problem when the controls locked up (might've been out of stuff to sell, unsure, I just sold a bible at 120% which was the first time I changed the decimal value)

(You should change "pie cookie" to "cookie pie" cause it sounds cuter ;)

Good luck on your game!

(1 edit)

Sorry, I wasn't able to get it to run, 

first I got an error that "ucrtbased.dll' was missing

after a (small) bit of research and attempted fix (which was downloading 'ucrtbased.dll' and putting it in the folder with the game) I still got this error:

(also the issue doesn't seem to be related anti-virus, admin privilages or running from the downloads folder)

Thanks for playing! :D

>How to kill the flying enemies droping bombs
if you jump before kicking, you do an attack that lets you bounce upward off enemies, letting you climb the bombs they drop. (might add using it once to plan for the tutorial)
>Arrows are unreliable 
I'm glad you noticed them at all! They were a bit of an experiment, and only hint at where enemies are currently spawning in. I've been trying to avoid a radar just cause I think people would exclusively stare at it and not look at anything else... 
>sort modules by their abilities 
Ah, it used to be clicking an ability in the skill tree would do that, but I guess I forgot to re-add that after re-doing all the UI. Thanks for bringing it up!

thx again!

Thanks for playing!

Dodging costs 50 BP and atm the starting max is 20, I should probably make it at least 50 to prevent confusion tho
Oh, they do seem to be bugged, fix for that on the way
>multiple upgrades over each other
Ah, knew about that one, but thanks for pointing it out

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, the core seems to have a bit of jank that gets magnified on other hardware, especially melee combat. Physics on things tend to get wacky more often than I'd like. A small struggle of mine has been starting the game with melee only, since it affects first impressions the most, and has probably been the most challenging mechanic to implement (constantly needing improvement).

Haven't given up on improving the core tho!

(also yeah, a lot of the art stuff is placeholder/practice, definitely gonna be doing another pass on it at some point)

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

The combat was a lot more involved than I expected for a game like this (in a good way!). wasn't expecting things like my sword to clink on the wall.

definitely would have died my first attempt at the room with 5 mobs, lol


  • wish I could swap the trigger and bumpers
  • also wish I could equip items anywhere instead of at the chest

might be neat for the crossbow if the loading time was before you fire instead of after so you can swap to shield right away if an enemy charges you, idk up to you

good luck with your game!

I'll take any kind of feedback, but in particular like to hear people's thoughts on the new boss "Red Comet"

bonus points for beating him without energy blades or rockets (which will probably trivialize the fight)

(2 edits)

Very cool! Love a lot of the design choices made.

Last run ended up going a while, but I played about 1h 30min myself (browser version)

Like the main character's aesthetic :3 


  • Had trouble telling the weapons apart for a while
  • The way slow/tanky enemies gravitate to the bottom of the screen is a little frustrating. to the point where the effort made to kite them up so you can stil get their gems after killing them felt like my sole focus for a while
  • seems like weapons have a reload time (which is fine) occasionally they all stopped firing at the same time
  • locking onto enemies offscreen without shooting is nice cause it warns you that something will spawn on top of you but occasionally a slow one would spawn off the bottom of the screen and my weapons would be stuck on it for a few seconds, not firing and useless 
  • bought damage level 4 for 0$ after it was sold out

Stuff that would be nice to have:

  • Statistics for weapon damage at the end of a level (Rockets did 200dmg, Chain gun did 400dmg, etc)
  • it'd change the game a lot but being able to aim the fixed starting guns would be nice (even if it was just a toggle to aim down instead)

My last run went for 

After the 10 minute mark I felt pretty safe, and things started to feel a bit repetitive, something to break up the monotony would be nice to have at this point

At about 30minutes I realized it'd be pretty impossible to die without faceplanting on an enemy, and at 40 minutes I left my character in the center of the screen and only interacted to buy upgrades on level up

I guess the enemies stopped scaling or something because it's hit 80minutes and they dies just as fast as when I left it

was fun playing, good luck with it!

Edit: seems like sold out items are available after finishing a run until you buy something

(1 edit)

Well for action RPG's, there's Nier Automata, Devil May Cry, Phantasy Star Online 2, Kingdom Hearts, Warframe, Mount&Blade, Sekiro, Souls-likes....  
For melee combat I'd say it's the closest to Kingdom Hearts  
In general, I've drawn a lot of inspo from Armored Core and Phantasy Star Online 2

At the moment a few buttons are somewhat redundant: 
>In melee mode, Punch and Kick do the same thing as Fire1 and Fire2
>with guns out, Fire2 just points your weapon at the current target, and zooms while manual aiming

What I'm least satisfied with for M&K is Block being on Ctrl, I suppose I could swap it with Fire2 to get it on the mouse (it's kind of leftover from when manual aim was always on while guns were out)

Thanks for playing! and recording! ^_^

Sorry about the controls, as it turns out that's what I've been working on all last week 
Controller is missing some functionality in the uploaded build, possibly including the button to drop your guns 

next update should have rebindable keys and all the controller buttons working properly

Tutorial definitely on the todo!

Thanks again!

Well done! Glad DDOS was well received!

I'll keep that bit about the energy blades in mind, I think the abilities menu might end up looking more like a branching skill tree since new abilities are gonna require old ones to function.

Thanks for playing! ^_^

(1 edit)

Wow, thanks so much! For the detail and the kind words ^_^ 

>give player credits for the demo to skip the grind 

I almost did! and I certainly might next time!

>"optimize button"

I think that might take a bit of the strategy out of it, but I'm hoping to make a lof of QoL changes to the menus/Ui for that, which may take some of the pain away. 

>cancel options

definitely on the todo, probably as upgrades

>being able to combo dead enemies a bit & being able to continue combos between enemies

I hear ya, unfortunately with the way the targeting system is setup there's a lot of nuance to guessing whether the player wants to change targets or just turn the camera (while softlocked), so I chose to make the target kindof sticky during the combo.  
There's certainly more fine tuning I could do with it though, and I have some ideas ; )

>tweeting & making youtube videos

ha.... I do a little bit now and then, there's a certain point were I think I'll start promoting it a lot more but I haven't hit that quite yet 
I have high hopes tho! 

I'll be taking notes while watching your video ^_^

Thanks again for playing!