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Seeing that clickteam fusion logo was a huge blast from the past, glad to see people are still using it. I'm not exactly shy about shitting on "indie pixel platformers", but when I use that term I'm definitely not referring to games like this.

First off, I really love the graphics. I'm a huge suck for graphics from the MSX1 and Speccy era, and you pretty much nailed the look. All of the sprites are incredibly charming and I loved how you treated certain enemies and such as background tiles, like where they have no transparency or move in an 8x8 grid. The enemy designs are a little bit random but that just makes it feel more European, like Jet Set Willy or something (which I like).

I also love that the game doesn't give you a map. I'd say it'd be fun to make your own but so far I don't really feel the need to, every screen feels unique. It's not like Metroid where you'll go up identical corridors, each screen has something distinct that reminds you of where you are in the game world (again, like older Speccy platformers). I also love that there's various secrets you might miss if you're not paying attention, like the health upgrade near the start of the game.

All of the sound feels authentic except for the song that plays during gameplay. I understand how hard it is to stay faithful with every aspect of a game when you're replicating a style so I won't fault it much for that.

I still have a ways to go playing the demo but I'm really enjoying it so far. Quick question though, what's up with the blue wall behind the keyed door where you fight the guy with the big sword. Are you supposed to get some type of upgrade to progress?

Either way, wonderful work. Keep at it!


Thank you very much for playing and for this comment, I'm glad someone understood what this project is aiming for. The soundtrack still has a lot of placeholders, we had some trouble trying to work with original MSX audio, so currently we are experimenting with different soundchips, to see which one fits better and which we can also work well with.

Every screen being unique was something we put a lot of work into, we wanted to make sure the game world felt compact, without meaningless rooms and too much walking. The game has a grid map system, it's not working yet, but you can even find a hidden map on this demo. It shouldn't be too revealing, but it should also give players some coordination as there will be more areas to explore.

The blue wall is because some rooms are not finished yet, we couldn't finish the first area in time for this demo day, so some rooms are locked by these walls. For the next demo day the first area should be done, with another miniboss to kill and more items to find