v.07: Hidden Pregnancies, Crouching Dragonkin
Known Issues
The pregnancy text for swollen breasts triggers twice. The effect doesn't seem to, just the text. Can't figure out why yet.
General Changes
Split Movement Changes into a separate getMovement function to have dailyNPC call it.
Renamed getMovement into getMovementText for the old movement descriptors
Restored the 5.25 Mansion Screen (I hadn't realized it'd changed and it was using the old still in the mod)
Total Conversation Events
Pregnancy Reveal, Pregnancy Wanted/Unwanted, Lactation Reveal
Consent Expanded
Removed the Consent Check for any unique characters (temporarily) to eliminate quest immersion breaking blocks
Size Matters
Changed the Movement Weight Calculation
Changed the Swollen Calculation.
Updated Capacity formula for Swelling. Base Modifer (default 5, edittable in Expansion.Settings.baseholdcapacity if you want more/less) +/- hole size +/- 3 based on their current Lust (100 lust is 3, 0 is -3). Should proc less, you can make it even less or turn it off via the settings.
Carry Capacity for Titweight now is Strength + (Endurance+2) - (Titsize-3) meaning below average make it easier to carry
Carry Capacity for Swollen is Strength + (Endurance+2) + (Height+1) vs Swollen
Pregnancy Expanded
Note: Pregnancies with short durations (ie: 3 days or shorter) are very unlikely to have time to trigger the "Pregnancy Reveal", "Lactation Reveal", and "Wanted Pregnancy Reveal". If you want to maintain wanted pregnancies, ask prior to impregnation.
Set up the Pregnancy Reveal conversation (works just like the Lactation Reveal).
"Plump Belly" doesn't mention Baby/Fetus/Uterus until discovered
PregMetrics only shows when the pregnancy is discovered (or on Dimensional Crystal level 3)
Dimensional Crystal has been expanded to level 3, which prevents pregnancies from being hidden from you.
NPCs Expanded
NPCs have reputations now that track. This should prevent rescued from becoming criminals as regularly.
Changed the npclastlocation to offscreennpcs with new features such as action, reputation, and status to ideally build more functionality in the future with the system
Fixed baddiedeath to erase all instances
Lowered the chance increase to 1-3% per call and added a reputation system to call Citizens and Criminals separately
Heavily altered the Offscreen NPC action system. Provided for a reputation system, travel system, and basic needs systems.
Ideally you should see NPCs in various areas depending on their current needs/activities.
Action Breakdowns
Defeated, Raped, and Childbirth all will place the NPC into Recovery with a -10% chance to find them. They have a chance to recover each turn based on the setting in npcreactions in expansions.gd
Slaves may also Shop for food, Rape
Towns Expanded
Added Town Report/Get Town News to each city. Its just a framework to build on.
Added Execution Scene to Wimborn. You can use your reputation and/or gold with the town to buy criminals scheduled to be executed, encourage harsher punishments to gain reputation with the bloodthirsty crowd, or merely watch.
Updated Town Guards to check for new actions and append to execution arrays
Corrected a few Spelling issues
Findbaddie changed to findnpc
Corrected all getitemfromarrays
Corrected all unclamped items in newsexsystem with new function
Corrected unclamped SetFetishes
Found and converted more IDs in setFamily to strings
Corrected the daysumilked issue
Corrected the resource instead of resources issues
Corrected expansion.quirk issue in statstab
Added Type Replacer for person.restrained
Corrected farmmanager.jobskills.farmmanager == null error
Fixed Captured variable to captured = 0
Excluded player from the secondary daily Strip/Dress check
Fixed a couple "givers/takers" flipped around for orgasms