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Cool games! Loved how you used limitation to create interesting movement mechanic. The idea that u can capture objects with bubbles and then use them (boosts) elevates gameplay to a new level. Game has very fun theme and I can appreciate that mechanics and theme are strongly connected and serve each other. Art and music are simple and good, perfect for the game jam. Now I wanna criticise game a bit. Overall I find level design good but some things dont exactly fit like thin blocks which look kinda strange. Also game has a timer and encourages speedrunning but in some places it loses momentum which brakes pacing. Mentioned examples showed in the video below. These are more nit-picks, overtoad great game!

P.s. to fix jittering of the frog you can change position of the camera in FixedUpdate()

thanks for the feedback!!! I really appreciate that you even took the time to include a video. On that note, it looks like you broke my levels LOL. 

In the first clip, you aren't supposed to make it through the top gap. You are supposed to capture the top bubble and then swing through the bottom gap.
And in the second clip, you're not supposed to be able to pass through that thin wall (bad programming on my part), you're supposed to shoot the bubble through the gap and then swing underneath.

P.S. I loved your game btw