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A member registered Jun 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot man! I also have some other games I made in my profile :)


cool game

Good game! I got pushed and stuck in the floor by the staircase when I made a photo of the roof in the bedroom, Didnt quite understand what happened to me untile I watched other's gameplay


Thank for the feedback! We are now working on the 4 levers part

Good game! Interesting concept ang great visuals! Found a little uncomfortable to press W+S/S+W

Good game! Loved the conscept, very clever use of limitation. Puzzles are not difficult enough to my personal taste but they showcase your mechanics well which is more important :) Also art and sounds are really funny: when firefighter saves a dude it looks like he killed him with his axe xD

Great art!

Cool games! Loved how you used limitation to create interesting movement mechanic. The idea that u can capture objects with bubbles and then use them (boosts) elevates gameplay to a new level. Game has very fun theme and I can appreciate that mechanics and theme are strongly connected and serve each other. Art and music are simple and good, perfect for the game jam. Now I wanna criticise game a bit. Overall I find level design good but some things dont exactly fit like thin blocks which look kinda strange. Also game has a timer and encourages speedrunning but in some places it loses momentum which brakes pacing. Mentioned examples showed in the video below. These are more nit-picks, overtoad great game!

P.s. to fix jittering of the frog you can change position of the camera in FixedUpdate()

Thanks, man! I'll definitely check your game out


(1 edit)

@cole Why are you so agressive!? Chill tf out

(3 edits)

Incredible game. It succeeds in every aspect. Great use of limitation, gorgeus pixel art, good music/sound_design and of course fun gameplay.  Only things I can criticise a little is font (kinda hard to read) and movement (I'm not a fan of momentum based movement because It makes hard to control your character and throw bombs quickly where u want but I get that It's design choice and personal preference). Also I can not mention how polish and juicy this game is, It could be on steam already!

Thank for the feedback! I agree that falling speed is too high, I'm gonna make it slower and constant in the next update. 


This game is gooood in every possible way. I loved the use of limitation. In some games on gamepad especially MMOs the lack of buttons irritates you but here It creates an interesting game design where u have to choose what to do now. Also this game already has a great game loop, visuals and music. It could be already on steam. Only one nitpick: u can cheese the game if you go and constantly shoot in that direction and only rarely clear your back.

Art is so janky in a good way, I love it!

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for a feedback! We'll do more testing in our future projects

(2 edits)

Fun game! It reminded me a lot of precision platformers like Getting Over It and A Difficult Game About Climbing. I wanted to quit SO many times but kept myself pushing because every time I could get to a next checkpoint It felt GOOD as hell. Also found cool tech where u can go through black walls and get a nice boost. But I wonder did I get a bad ending? ;)

Great game! First time I enjoyed figuring oyt the game but ultimately failed :) But second time I found best strategy and beat the game which felt very satisfying. Also clever use of limitation, good work!!!

Thanks, mate <3

Cool game! Liked music and art a lot!!!

Thank you for the kind words and great feedback! In the future projects we'll try to teach players better about our game mechanics

Thanks! My buddy worked like crazy in this Jam


Thanks, man!