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In v0.7 on new clean install and new save, this bug happened to me  at  the beginning of a battle with bandits.

The next bug happens   sometimes on getting an encounter with bandits  in Wimborn Outskirts.

(1 edit)

The last issue for me is, that people I rescued from bandits sometimes getting cloned. This result in bandit encounters with bystanders in which the same person is a captured victim and a bandit at the same time. On the next day the same person can get captured multiple times by the town guards, resulting in a slave market full of clones, if you grind e.g. Wimborn Outskirts on a day.  The console screenshot shows scripts errors, that happened  by grinding bandits, but they don't necessarily show any script errors for the cloning issue.

This two erros seem to cause the cloning of people. 

I restartet the game, loaded a save,  go to Winborn Outskirts and rescure one victim without any error thrown.

On the  next encounter, this both errors get thrown. Then I win the battle and both bandits, and the one victim are all  clones of the same person I rescued in the encounter before.

Well, all of this is definitely a new one for me! I guess I should have named this one "Attack of the Clones". But hey, if its not breaking then I'm not modding!

I'll look into it, thanks for the reports!