I thought you may find this vod interesting: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2194290825
Second and last episode up, Starlight destiny starts after roughly two hours: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2198490513
There was another stream with the new content yesterday.
It is super nice to see where it is going. However enemy groups seemed to be very, very powerful. I made the test with my old save myself to be sure (with my old level 8 team), and even I had big troubles defeating anything who isn't the book encounter. I didn't pick the martial artist yet, as I assume I'm not supposed to know she exist before exploring most of the space map.
More feedback and critique, yay!
Gotta watch the stream in more detail later, but after skimming it a bit seems like yeah the new enemies need some toning down (and/or increase exp gain).
Something that seems like I need to make clearer for the players as well is that now some obstacles can be overcome by equipping Flor with the correct magic item, like that space plant blocking a passage can be burned down by equipping the Ring of Fire. Also in the Sun Sector the whole "increasing brightness then back to start" will be stopped if Flor has the Shadow item, which seems to have happened in the stream once but more by accident. Kinda my fault that there was only one such puzzle at the start of the game where the Aqua Amulet didn't need to be equipped to put out the fire blocking the path.
Also good question on when the martial artist is supposed to be unlocked, my idea was more that the player wouldn't try to explore the space map in one go but end up going into one of the other areas first and unlocking them. This part of the game is meant to a bit more open-ended.
Planning on adding NPCs/data logs around to drop extra hints (also more lore bits) besides nerfing enemies, thank you very much again!