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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Un des combats de l'escape game:

-You can propose it, but I won't do it. As the rightmost enemy is the one selected by default, I want the "first" monster of the pack (usually the stronger one) to be selected by default, just so the player has to think about their target more. 🧚
-I will add an earlier place to reset skills points in a coming update.

(1 edit)

So I tested the game, in my "don't capture any digimon" run. I reached the space sector and played a little there.

Some random thoughts so I can say I did my job 🧚:

-I missed the treasure chest with the propaganda AI. If i wasn't a fairy dev who could easily get it back in an hacky way, I would hope there are other ways to get them.
-The more I play this new version, the more I have the impression of playing a persona game trying to guess the weakness of each opposing enemy.
-Storm of feeling doesn't seem to have the same element as Anemos despite the common icons.
-There is no space between Crypto and the amount of money won at the end of the battle, and that troubles me.
-Space-Flora looks silly on the battleback2 picture.

I have quite a lot to say about this short game.

What I liked about the game:
-The game's setting
-The simple story who goes straight to the point
-The character(s?)
-The skip function as I forgot to take a screenshot the first time...

What I think could be improved:
-More content. Currently the game feel like it is missing multiple hours of playtime to build upon its universe, its combat system and the people living in that world. I was disappointed when I saw the end screen.
-The AI generated musics were actually nice to listen to, but they don't have any loop, which cause the game to be in silence mode after a while. I would suggest finding some nice futuristic stock music to replace them.
-The font used makes it very difficult to make the difference between 2, 5 and 8, which is problematic in particular for the idle phase.
-The AI generated backgrounds don't feel too out of place compared with the rest of the game in pixel art, but they would definitively shine more if they were pixel art themself.

Dev questions:
1) I didn't have the impression the game changed at all between the different stages. It was "1 cutscene, 2 get new powerful ability, 3 battle" all along.
2) All the special effects in battle seemed quite strong, to not say too strong.
3) I don't anything against the concept of having a different gameplay for the upgrades. However I feel the current system is way too simple
4) See above. 🧚

I wanted to play a fourth game for this jam and the wheel landed on you, so congratulations!

(Feedback fairyloading)

-Actually, most enemy groups are like this, with one or two main monsters, with more coming depending of the player's level and knowledge of the monster in an area. So they fit in the centre so the other ones can have some space.

-Monsters with a short description usually have a very simple pattern (like the smile who can either attack or cast flame). But it is true that the frog could get some extra love, as she has two nasty unique techs.
-I have already planned to have guilds where you can reset your skill points in the next city, but it seems to be a bit late. Would you appreciate having such a building earlier, like for example in Alzano?
-I love typos, typos are my favourite.

Thank you for your continued support. 🧚

-That student wants to speak to Edwin in particular, like his dialogue when Angel is alone suggests.
-100% true, it is just the best Scan animation I ever found.
-It is actually an interesting point; do you think skills that target the user should have a selection at all?
-That's the intended behaviour that almost all rpg use, otherwise it would be a lot of extra code to take into account all party sizes for something not that important.
-I use bigger font size when the character is shouting and smaller font size when a character is whispering. It could be made more clear?

This minigame is inspired a lot by a mini-game in Final Fantasy 8 so I didn't exactly invented it. However, as I coded it all by myself, I also added some unique mechanics so it doesn't feel too much like the original.

Thank you a lot for your suggestions in any case. 🧚

-I just give a more reactive interface to an unlucky guinea pig, who hated it. Turns out it messed up with the regular keyboard/controller controls. I will have to be extra careful with this one.
-Idle animations are not unheard of in 2d RPG, but they're more like extra touches than actually useful for gameplay. Usually the player is simply at the centre of the screen, and if not, one can just move to see where the player character is. I will still keep the idea as it would indeed be a nice touch to add at some point.

(1 edit)

Mog's plugins are nice, they are meant to be used. ^^
I will try to test the game a bit more before the end of the jam so I can see all the progress on your third point. 🧚

Thanks for your initial thoughts! 🧚

-It isn't that complicated to make the highlight on hover, however such addition would make the selection being changed each time you hover a new possible thing you can click on, so I fear it would be more distracting than helpful.
-You are proposing to add this functionality as an option to the option menu so only those who want it have it?
-Thank you a lot for your suggestions to improve on the dialogues!
-Noted, I will see what I can do
-When you say 'the characters', you mean the player character or all character in general?
-I tried finding a better text colour since last time but I didn't find anything better in the palette , I should probably try to look for another background picture

It certainly should be a terrain. A bunch of effects that would suggest trickery or randomness would work, my first idea was "when a building is placed nearby, give -3 if it has an uneven number or +1 if it is even)"

Maybe a fairy forest?

I think you could say "When a building is placed nearby , transform a random other card of your hand into a copy of the leftmost card of your hand". That would make the terrain effect clear before trying it out.
If the player has no card left to play, the game should probably just end with a defeat.

Don't forget the fairy. ^^

I'm judging this as a twitch minigame, otherwise it would make little sense. Minesweeper is one of the easier games to play on a computer...

What I liked about this game:
-There is ZQSD support!

What I think could be improved upon:
-I don't see the point of not cleaning directly all cases adjacent to a 0 like in regular minesweeper, it is a QOL that would really help streamline the game.
-It would really help to have a way to mark the known mines
-The dig function is sometimes capricious, I had multiple case where I dug another tile than the one I was expecting
-The character has a shadow on the ground, but not on the minefield.

Random thoughts:
-The police and the text colours used in the game's page makes the explanation of the barely readable.

(4 edits)

What I liked about this game:
-The gameplay
-The gameplay
-Ah, and also, the gameplay

What I think could be improved upon:
-This game desperately want more depth. This game can accommodate way more than 41 cards. The same four starting terrains especially are a big limitation to replayability.
-There are no fairies in this game :-(

Dev Feedback Question:
-It was pretty easy for me to understand how the game worked
-I got 145 points on my first try, 147 on my second, then I never lose a game
-The more hard runs where by far the ones with swamp badly placed (like in a corner and next to the jungle), and the ones with no early obelisk/longhouse
-No problem with that

Random thoughts:
-Most of my games where easily won by abusing the combo between the swamp and the obelisk/longhouse.
-I think a bit more could be done to make level 3 storms feel worse than the level 2 and 1 ones
-The grassland explanation wasn't pretty clear to me
-Seems like you can win if you play the nuke plant on your last turn
-What happens if you have no more building to play, but haven't completed any of the finish conditions (if you duplicated clocks to have no time issue and duplicated castles to give yourself enough space)?
-I see what you are trying to do with the pagoda, but it is quite hard to get good value out of it

As a bonus, another win end screen:

I already played this game not very long ago. Since saves are said to be non-compatible, I restarted a game until I got a good feeling of the recent changes listed in the devlog.

I think most if not all the remarks I had during the last feedbackquest are still relevant (except for the bugs I saw were patched), so I won't repeat them here.

What I linked about this game:
-It is still Starlight destiny and there are still fairies there
-It seems like someone found out Moghunter's library and saw the battlehud and battle transition plugins

What I think could be improved upon:
-The ally selection window still use the old UI and doesn't look good compared with the new one
-The newly added screen sprites n the maps look very weird animated as they are right now, I suspect you messed somehing up
-The magic command looks more like a limit break command, I wouldn't be surprised that it would confuse some players

Random thoughts:
-Giving Space-Angel 15 TP each time Space-Flora is hit is quite cute, but it is also a massive buff to Space-Angel who usually struggles to get enough TP to use her skill. I hope you know what you are doing
-I would have centred a little better the command selection picture

Got 690 points, but then the game brought me back to the title screen, with both options and quit not working.

Seems like you will have to have at Moghunter's documentation a little bit more...

Infinite clock towers combo is very fun

Discord RPG Maker FR:

Chaîne youtube RPG Maker FR: 

Chaîne Twitch de Dr4G_^:

Chaîne Twitch de Gabhungha:

Yeah, I remember now, I was supposed to write my feedback on this game.

For context, I am too young to have played any of the game's inspirations, so it is my first time playing something like this.

I played this game on three occasions, once with the initial browser build, once with the gba version on an emulator and once on the updated browser build.
The initial browser build was unstable as it was easy to lose the focus of the game. It is how I ended my first playthrough early.
The gba version was functional but was quite slow after having played the quite faster browser build. Also for some reason, something like one input on four wasn't registered at all (maybe an emulator bug?) which made the game feel even slower. Despite having save states, it is not on this version that I finished the game.
The updated browser build worked well. This time I used the ultimate artefact of any Etrian Odyssey game: paper and pencils. With a map,I was easily able to beat the game.

The game has two main gameplays exploration and combat:

Exploration was at first uninviting, as everything seemed the same and I was easily lost. However, after using the legendary map, exploring isn’t actually that hard. Without the anxiety of being lost, it actually gives the opportunity to contemplate the scenery a little more, and notice that rooms are actually less similar than they first appear. There are also secrets hidden (I found a second party member and two medic packs).

There may be a pretty complex battle system out there, but if it is the case, it is very obscure. From my observation, attack does sometimes a few damage, defend may reduce incoming damage, special is similar to attack, run gives roughly 50% chance of escaping. The best way to deal with battles is, well, to run away, as winning doesn't seem to give any advantage. The second best way is to mash the attack button. The current system is quite similar to what you could find in the very early game of a dragon quest, which means it isn’t very engaging. It really needs a boss or something to raise the stakes. 

There are a lot of things that could be added to this game, like sounds to begin with, but given the game is supposed to work on very limited platforms, I don’t know how relevant my suggestions would be.

Feedback fairyloading.

Gave v45 to Mr. Kuro. This time he beat the game.

So I played and won a 6-curses run.
-Curse 1: Doesn't change much, as it is only one shield when there is 20+ enemies in one battle.
-Curse 2: Makes stalling out big threats with cheap creatures way more dangerous.
-Curse 3: Makes shop less interesting to visit. I would say I visited one less shop on average.
-Curse 4: Harder bosses are welcomed.
-Curse 5: Having only one item per crew prevent stacking a bunch of buffs on one powerful creature and makes the game less confusing.
-Curse 6: I didn't let enemies merge very often, so it wasn't at all a big deal.

More random thoughts:

-I tried using the wheel during card choices, it helps but you still don't have a view of the whole battlefield.
-A auto-save feature would be nice to add at some point. (But I'm sure you are already working on it)
-There should definitively be a score multiplier for cursed runs
-The crab is surprisingly better than I imagined
-The waiter and cheap heal in general as well.
-I have yet to find a card that makes me want to play rats.
-Confused and shielded enemies should lose their confused/shield icon after the effect has expired.
-The game managed to drain 80% of the battery of my laptop in 40 minutes, there may be some optimisation needed.

More random new bugs:
-Enemies' UI isn't big enough for enemies with 10/10 or more stats
-The stunned animation seem to be missing when an enemy is stunned more than once.
(3 edits)

I never played a game like this one before; how should I call it? A deckbuilding tower defence game?

What I liked about this game:
-The gameplay
-The gameplay
-The graphics and the musics were nice too.

What I think would improve this game:
-The dev arts make it easy to confuse cards with each other (especially the axolotls), but I'm sure you are already working on that.
-The fact that there is only like 5 different icons for all the card improvements makes it also very easy to confuse them. (I'm also sure you are already working on that.)
-You can not see the situation of the battle when choosing a new crew between 3 (but for some reason, you can still see the map). A simple "see board" button who hides temporarily the card choice would really help making informed decisions.
-After finishing a stage, you have to manually scroll the map to go to the next trial.
-I don't understand why HP are shown twice.

Random thoughts (neither negative nor positive):
-Rat cards seemed weak compared to other cards, until I realise there are rat cards already in the starting deck... (They still seem less good than axolotls)
-I thought the game was quite easy at first, until I took too much confidence and let the final boss defeat me.
-I don't know how one can reliably afford the 6+ cards, unless you find a second rudder.
-I was a bit confused at first that you can not drag and drop the card, but I think the current system works probably better for this game.
-Should try a curse 6 run if I have the time before the end of the jam.
-I guess One Piece was a big inspiration for this game's graphics?
-There isn't much variety for ship cards, you plan to keep only the current three?

(2 edits)

That's definitively weird you can not load any save file.
I added a new build who I hope will fix the issue.

This is the menu bug I was talking about. This element appear briefly after closing the menu.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🧚🧚🧚

Concerning the save/load issue: could you describe me what problem exactly you had? Given the game auto-save itself each time you change map, you wouldn't have been able to progress much if it was just the permission issue.

To follow up on your comments:
-I didn't understand what you meant with "In the initial intro ‘Esc’ should go to a menu. Right now it progresses the dialogue." Do you mean you would have expected to be able to access the main menu during cutscene/dialogues, like in a visual novel?
-On a second playthrough, you can skip most of the intro if you have the achievement you get at the end of the intro (as those achievements are global data). Dialogues can also be skipped using the shift key.
-There is no pause in battle, but the battle won't progress if you don't select an action either, so a pause button would be redundant.
-Seems like you were a bit confused by the change of character. May be their battle portrait should be less dark so one can easily understand they are controlling someone else?
-I will have to try using different text colours
-That student had the wrong trigger for years, and I never noticed it. Thank you for catching that. 🧚
-It is quite common for heroes in RPG to get stuff by just searching through random place (to not say stealing). There are already a few optional quests who give you cash when completed.
-Concerning the battle system I would say (from my biased point of view) that the game is somewhere in the middle in terms of complexity for a JRPG. What elements exactly gave you the impression it was too complex/tedious? The combat tutorials? The starting enemies?

(2 edits)

Here is my more serious review:

For context I'm a quite good slay the spire player, the only reason I didn't grind until ascension 20 is because I got bored after a while.

🧚‍♀️What I liked about this game:

🧚‍♀️What this game would benefit from:
-More stages and more characters, but I'm pretty sure you are already working on them
-Didn't see any fairy in the game, but I may have missed them
-The possibility to visualise which artefact/card you are offered without being forced to choose directly (like if I'm proposed the toxic egg, it would be nice to know if I have any nice skill in my card choice)
-A way to see what the upgrade of a card looks like (for example, seeing the upgrade of a card like poison arrow make it suddenly quite more interesting to pick).
-A reminder at the camp that you have a mystery essence in your deck and you may want to rest rather than upgrade.

-Stable orbit+ either doesn't work properly or doesn't explain well its effects, I only received radiance from it when I actually redirected an attack.

🧚‍♀️Random thought (neither positive nor negative):
-I wish you good luck to balance all of this. I got the tangle yarn on my second run, and let me tell you it is even more ridiculous than the pyramid cube of slay the spire. A lot of gems/relics scream that they want to break the game.
-The huntress' relic seems by far the best, to not say the only sensible choice. You are at the mercy of card draw in this game, even more than in slay the spire due to having 3 different colours of mana/cards. Having a good starting turn is essential. The dwarf's starting relic may be fun for a greedy run. The tactician relic is laughingly bad. No battle is ever going to last 7 turns unless it is a boss battle, and an upgrade at that point of the fight isn't going to change much. I don't know what to think of the priestess' relic, multi-enemies encounters aren't that common.
-The game is already easy for me despite having upgraded no heroes. I hope there will be enough challenge justifying those upgrades.

Too easy. And this first run video will prove it.

(Actual feedback fairyloading)

For context, I'm not a big horror game player, I mostly experience them by watching streamers.

🧚What I liked about this game:
-The graphics
-The BGM
-The horror build-up

🧚What this game needs:
-Content! The game is currently too short, there is a nice build-up but instead of starting the horror party, the "end of the demo" is displayed.
-Better controls, or at least the possibility to remap them. I know RM horror dev don't like giving mouse control to the player (it would be chasing phases too easy, I guess?), but placing the cancel button on Esc is illegal. Anyone playing without a controller would really appreciate some better keyboard controls.
-Better polish (see the bug sections for some samples of things to improve upon)
-There are no fairies in this game :-(.

-There are a lot of tiles I shouldn't be able to walk over, and cupboards who act as invisible walls
-Playing piano in the starting house ignore your volume options
-One of the main character's emotions is misaligned compared to the others
-There is something appearing for a short amount of time at the top left of the screen when closing a menu (may be the health bar?)

🧚Random thoughts (neither positive nor negative):
-The "command remember" and "auto run" options seem quite useless, they could be removed (by the way, the character is quite slow)

(2 edits)

Thank you a lot for reaching the end, it means a lot to the fairy community. 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

To follow up on your comments:
-The repel doesn't prevent you from getting surprised by monsters when your hp drops to 1 in dangerous terrain, no. The smell of your blood becomes stronger than the repel at that point. Initially there were random encounters in that forest, but players just keep ignoring them because it distracts them from the puzzle and the gameplay with just a single Angel isn't that interesting. So I had to find another reason to make the player worry about the poisonous swamps.
-You probably dealt the metal slime a critical hit. They take full damage from physical critical hits, it is their main weakness.

-In the new menu, you would have wanted to be able to go from the "item" section directly to "game end", like in MV default menu? If it is a very good suggestion, I will add that in the next big update.
-Those two combats have in common that you are controlling only a single character who has no way of grinding/rearranging their skills, so the puzzle approach seemed the most appropriate. Don't worry, the next bosses will be more traditional.
-I guess you are thinking of the stacks of gold in the ancient village? They are more there to tell a story about the inhabitant who had to flee the village leaving the little they had than being actually valuable.
-It is. I wanted to reduce the scope a little after the Earth Realm.

-You can also see the pink-haired fairy if you create a new game or if you complete the secret quest of chapter 4 (at the inn of the Sabina region)
-Fabiana won’t be leaving the party anytime soon.

The fairy council had three questions for you:
-Did you have any problem with the puzzle in the depths of the earth dungeon (the one with the jewels you have to place around)? It is a brand new one that replaced the old puzzle which was considered by most players as too difficult, so I would like to have your impressions on it.
-Did you buy the mage apprentice outfit at the casino for 400 casino chips? 🧙‍♀️
-What does your achievements page look like? (It can be easily accessed in the extras)

Again, thank you a lot for going this far. 🧚‍♀️

Seems like I forgot to speak about the hack terminal battles:
-I like the settings of them
-I like the fact that the enemies get stronger as their allies are defeated.
-They are also very big difficulty spikes which wasn't a real problem for me, but I can easily imagine some being blocked by them.
-They can become unwinnable if you kill the enemies in the "wrong order" and end up with a single very tanky enemy who is buffed by most of the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stars buffs at once and has a good aoe physical skill (Angelus Aegis is probably the worst in that regard).
-It isn't exactly obvious which enemy must be killed first, as the buff they give on their death seems to be arbitrary assigned to each enemy. One won't know the correct kill streak unless they try the battle at least once before.

I crafted the lighter, yes.

(2 edits)

So I found the key in the well, what am I supposed to do with it?
No door in the house can be open by it, and I don't see anything else to do.

Thank you fellow fairy for the VOD. 🧚

Thank you for going outside of your comfort zone and giving me your first impressions. 🧚

For context, I already played the first two "chapters" that were available at the last FBQ.
It seemed like they didn't change that much, so I loaded my old save file and continued chapter 3 to see where the adventures of space-Flora, space-Angel, space-Edwin and the new space-Fabiana are going.

🧚What I liked in this game:
-The absurdish writing
-The new bgms
-The fairies are still there!
-There are now treasure chests for the fairies, too!
-The new direction of the combat. In the previous version, combats were slow and grindy with the elements having no noticeable impact and ailments having a key role to victory. However in v42 chapter 3 the battles were way too hard, as enemies were too bulky to use this approach. The additional of bigger elemental weaknesses, new equipments among which the busted healing staff or the ones who give the part a full strength/magic buff, and stat boosting items allow to break the enemies' bulkiness.

🧚What I think could be improved upon:
-The game need more polish (see the bug section)
-The moon, void, sun and plasma sector are either very easy if you have the right magic or extremely tedious if you don't. Given it isn't immediately obvious you need to ask the glasses for that info, it is very likely a player will have to experience at least one tedious version. I did for the moon sector (the fire ring not working against the ice traps let me think that clue was for enemies elemental weaknesses), and let me say you that this experience was horrible. I should the game would benefit a lot from having a more balanced approach (more challenge if you have the good magic, but less tedious if you don't). In the moon sector for example, you could add 'checkpoints' were you would be teleported to instead than at the start.
-The spaceship sprite is in a very different art style than the rest of the game
-The timer for enemy to respawn is still way too short. I could argue than for the enemies of chapter 3, they should not respawn at all if defeated until you change map. There are already enough battles as it is.
-I had to play with a keyboard as selecting enemies with the mouse is nearly impossible.
-It would be nice to see the icon of the lot you get in treasure chests, as sometimes it isn't obvious if it is an item, a weapon or an armour.

🧚Random bugs I noted:
-The fire ring doesn't help you as the moon sector contrary to what the student says you.
-Volley fire hit the party twice for some reason
-The ion ring gives you spark as skill instead of Tonitru
-Space-Fabiana doesn’t enter the party with full life
-Multiple offensive skills like spark or tsunami can be used in the main menu (for no effect)
-Force field can be used outside of battle, allowing the party to start with magic defence buffed at max.
-Ice traps from the moon sector teleport you on a student
-The text of the clue for the genetically modified alien web is cut
-Using the flurry skill (or any other one who hides the interface) to kill an enemy with a death trigger (like during the gates battles) is... interestingly bugged.
-Buff/debuff seem to sometimes fail now?
-Some passabilities in the moon sector seems badly set
-There are some inaccessible building on the space map that have an animation suggesting they can be visited.

🧚Random thoughts (neither negative nor positive):
-There is really a secret Pretty Pyro season 2?
-The final gate boss is really easy as you can either stall the fight by not attacking him (which gives you the time to full buff your party and accumulate a lot TP).
-I tested briefly the start of the game, and it seemed quite easier, which is a guess a good thing I guess, given it was quite grindy before.

(Feedback fairyloading)

I can do the fix myself if it is as easy as giving her the correct class.