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A member registered Jan 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi, great to see you around again!

Being able to change equipment in combat is something I had considered and indeed even found a plug-in and tested it, although ended up not implementing it on any release. However your suggestion makes sense and I'll try that out for the next version (maybe with a cooldown so it can't be cheesed too much).

As for blasts triggering when interacting with events, I had noticed that problem but couldn't think of a pratical solution. However you bringing that up has actually given me a burst of inspiration and now I see a simple way of implementing it (just make the blasts a common event then use the plug-in that allows binding common events to other keyboard buttons, can't believe I couln't think of that before). That way the blast is no longer connected to the interact button and will not trigger when just chatting with NPCs, opening treasure and stuff.

Thanks a lot for the review!

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Too many battles at start, got it, will cut them down. A bit later on you get the ability to shoot magic blasts that can deal with the map enemies without entering combat, but before that I shouldn't have so many ><.

Thank you very much for your comment!

Thanks for the critique, glad you enjoyed the setting and staff!

For the bat-girls, you're kinda supposed to explore a bit more and you can get another upgrade (by defeating another enemy) that would greatly help beat them, guess I should add a free heal on defeat with the characters hinting to come back after finding said upgrade.

This is quite an interesting take in the dungeoneering genre, making "combat" a direct binary check if you brought the right item to beat the enemy's weakness or not while needing to coordinate different party members.

Kudos for doing a pretty detailed tutorial to help the player learn how the game works!

The art is kinda the weak point here, there's plenty of free assets out there that could make this look quite a bit better, even as placeholders. The music loop also felt pretty short, while there didn't seem to have any combat effects for the actions, although I guess it would be quite a bit of extra work to add that kind of stuff at this early stage.

As per your feedback question, the most frustating point would be that one can't see the whole dungeon plan in one go, needing constant scrolling back and forth to can be frustating

For strategy, well, trying to grab everything, spread out the items among the party to beat each line of obstacles as best as I could.

Pretty nice work all-around, felt quite original and would love to see more like this!

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The base idea is nice, but there's a rough start and feel like it introduces too many spells at once.

IMHO the game should add just something like just 3 spells at start, then slowly add more so the player can memorize them more easily.

It wasn't very evident that I needed to use a specific spell only to actually win, probably there could be some big flashing sign "YOU NEED TO USE THIS SPELL IN SPECIFIC" at the first round ><.

Also I think it's some kind of game dev sin that the same version of an enemy will need different spells to defeat. Like one of the core principles of a game is connecting visual cues, "this wolf-looking enemy was vulnerable to fireball last time I fought them, next time I see one like them I should use fireball again." Enemies that share the same sprite should share the same specific weakness.

Otherwise a good combination of graphics and music with a nice gameplay loop after you actually memorize the spells, see how far you can ge, great job!

Simple "search stuff and put them in place" game but sweet, definitely enjoyed my time with this one.

Particularly liked the spritework detail, diagonal movement and changing after getting the cloak!

One tiny criticism is that the music is good but not sure if it exactly fits the game's theme of survival, had more "let's go in an adventure!" vibes, although the protagonist is always smiling and optimistic.

Another small criticism is that it feels a bit of a wasted opportunity for there not be more "bad ends" for wrong decisions. Like the protagonist often goes "I shouldn't do this right now because I don't have enough energy", but then you could offer the player the option to try anyway and then die due to their poor decision.

Oh, also the game's window has a typo when actually opened:

Besides those nitpicks of mine, all-around nice job!

Had some fun with this one, graphics simple but quite effective, good fast gameplay, several tanks to try out, enemy AI felt nice too.

Says there's upgrading but I couldn't find it? Did I miss the button or not actually implemented yet?

Also as pointed out, some music/SFXs would definitely improve the experience.

What irks me a bit is that it's called "Laser" tanks but they're not really firing laser beams, more like plasma shots ><. Also no story but who needs that when it's tanks blasting each other o'clock yay!

Good work!

Nice geometric puzzle game, with an original touch where you need to "die" to leave bodies behind to create platforms to help get things in positions, this has plenty of potential.

First level could be a bit simpler though. Also spikes should definitely be a different color than regular black platforms to help analyze things.

Good work!

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Nice point and click, kinda dark in a good sense, managed to find all 4 symbols but then couldn't find a way to return to the portal that said I needed all 4 symbols (couldn't backtrack beyond the room with the cube puzzle). The passages between maps could be made a bit clearer.

Quite original puzzles, loved all the playing with words instead of the more typical "use item A on place B", great work!

Pretty nice and enjoyable puzzle game, love the "bad endings" like being reduced to ashes just for touching some fire at the wrong time. Also that sometimes there's more pieces that necessary to complete the puzzle (a level actually just seemed to be about climbing ladders to reach the star and not actually grab anything else). Simple graphics but gets the job done, runs fast.

As HeiItsNate pointed out, also got stuck at the night level with two dogs, soil, water, fire.

Good work!

Now this is a more hopeful game, it's indeed important to spread the message that rampart destruction of natural resources is not the correct answer for the future, and the importance of organizing to achieve goals.

Gameplay-wise it's quite well done, you're introduced to different types of activists and need to try to plan ahead of the government and companies disruption, simple commands, need to keep an eye but didn't feel overwhelmed.

Nitpick, graphics-wise it's probably the weakest part here, not bad per-se, but the 2D map with lots of curves kinda clashes with the activists looking like 3D-cubes with depth. Heck, even the billboards with hearts have a depth effect, when they should look flat 2D. 

Some more catchy music running in the background could help too.

Great work!

Oopss, messed up a bit and Azuli wasn't supposed to join the party that early when starting the game normally. Couldn't replicate the freeze but I'm theorizing that Azuli ended up in a position where she was blocking the rebel's scripted path to reach Flor and that prevented the game from advancing.

Released an hotfix making Flor start solo so things should be working now, re-tested the start a couple of times to make sure, feel free to give it another try!

Also glad to hear you've enjoyed the music and graphics!

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Shooter/tower defense hybrid, nice!

Core gameplay felt fun running around the map shooting chibi monsters while placing towers, cute graphics (really nice protagonist sprite rotating), catchy music, but found what felt like some bugs:

-Not sure if I was really good at dodging but my character's healh never dropped, although towers could be damaged and would go down.

-In the "Help" section it says the Shield icons are supposed to repair stuff but they didn't seem to do anythin, damaged towers HP didn't go back up.

-Eventually when reaching Wave 12 it said it was gonna loop with increased difficulty but then no enemies spawned and it just said the Wave was over and advanced to the next one, kept repeating for several Waves.

Now for a more personal suggestion, some kind of lore fluff would be nice. Doesn't need anything to be super-deep, but even an initial intro screen with "Mighty Bob must stop the evil slime+bat alliance from destroying the ancient crystal artifact" would improve the game further.

Good work!

Nice platformer, although I'm not very good at this kind of game.

-The tutorial should point out more clearly how even a small running start will greatly increase jump distance.

-I think the rolling mechanic gets more in the way than it helps since needing to coordinate jumps with switching world's already felt pretty challenging and the rolling isn't very dynamic since you only need to use it in the tight passages.

-The part where movement keys can change a jump trajectory mid-jump often felt to be working against me, in particular in the sections where we need to jump between walls.

-Very appreciated that there's plenty of checkpoints.

-Pretty good music and graphics, love the different backgrounds in particular!

-Where's the evil AI taunting the player? I'm pretty sure there's some rule that if you're making an evil AI in a game, they must taunt the player now and then somehow.

Good work so far!

First, points for originality, playing as a fish going up a river, pretty nice.

Music choice really good, quite fitting for the game.

A bit too much red though, makes it hard to tell things apart, could use some more color variety IMHO.

Also although the core gameplay was nice, it also felt like it lacked variety after multiple levels. Something like needing to activate triggers, moving obstacles, upgrades, etc. Didn't manage to make it to the end so maybe there's more variety later on? Still some more variety earlier would feel nicer.

Something that annoyed me it's that sometimes you can swim right next to the coast and other times you cannot, making it harder to plan a route when you don't known if you can enter the tiles near the coast or not.

All around had some fun, no big bugs, nice work!

-Good point on missable stuff since often you can't come back, it's something I had been thinking about and I've got a couple of ideas for that: 1)special shops that sells the unique equipment found in the previous areas and/or 2)a special magic side-dungeon that can always be accessed and where you can find the unique stuff you missed (plus re-battle bosses with buffs and whatnot).

-Ooops, good catch, Anemos elemental type wasn't the correct one, fixed, thanks!

-Will add space there.

-Will tweak those battlebacks too.

-Ah, dynamic encounters, nice! May I then suggest that the "first" one to appear is one placed more to the left?

-Guild building to reset skills would be very nice yes, but something like a NPC who resets skills hanging out at the inn would be good enough too (and could be easily copied around each of the early areas).

Hi, great to see you around one more time!

-Yes guilty to using MOG's plugins to help customize things ><.

-Will check the map screen sprites closer and change the magic command icon.

-Although I may've yet not been able to work on all the remarks you gave last time, I did go around adding icons to the chest reward descriptions, changed the spaceship sprites and increased the respawn timers, with the enemies on later levels where you can go between maps, defeated enemies shouldn't respawn at all until you exit and come back (running away will still make them respawn though).

-Azuli gaining 15 TP when Flor is hit is experimental and will be adjusted as I get a better feel how it works out.

-Centering the UI better, got it.

Thank you very much for your continued help!

Haha, yes... Changing the UI itself has been a quite new experience for me.

Hi again! Since it seems like the latest update for Verloren was about the new UIs and writing, I'll be focusing on that this time, loaded some previous saves  and went around talking with NPCs, checking stuff and reading all the menus I could.


-Really liking the new changing portraits in battle!

-Yay can loop around the main menu to reach the right side faster, thanks!

-Sword cursor is nice too.

Random suggestions:

-Several enemy battlers show up at the center of the screen while the party is at the right, leaving the left side of the battle empty which isn't very aesthetically pleasing.

-Most monsters have long bestiary descriptions filling all the space and describing their main attacks, but a few like the frog have just a couple of lines and no mention of their skills.

-Could we have some way to reset the skill points to relearn skills? I find myself facing decision paralysis on what to learn, in particular when this time I completed the valkyrie bracelet quest, but if I had spent all my skill points then the reward wouldn't be doing much. Or is there already a method for that and I missed it?


-Green Bird bestiary entry has "Preperation", shouldn't it be "Preparation"?

Anyway overall more polished than the previous version, very nice work, looking up to what comes next!

Thank you very much, there was quite a lot of useful feedback in there, plus spotted several more bugs to fix!

Bit late reply but thank you once more!

Welp changing names is easy, changing the battle UI and making it different for each character, now that's something I had never tried in RPG Maker and been kinda avoiding, but I guess I should try it out at this point.

You bring a lot of interesting ideas and suggestions on the graphics and base mechanics, definitely will think about, try to implement and test them. For now here's a rough initial draft of the customized battle HUD that changes between characters: 

Thanks once more, that was a big help!

Hi, thanks a lot for your continued critique!

Adding extra equipment slots is something I specifically wanted to avoid so things don't end up with the actors with huge skill lists in battle (nor managing long equipment lists either). I do agree however that it can kinda suck to run into a battle and realize you've got all the wrong skills equipped. An alternative for that would be the ability to change equipment with a cooldown of several turns before the actor can change items again. So that way the player wouldn't need to prepare everything before each battle starts but wouldn't be able to cherry-pick the items/skills every turn either, how does that sound?

Really happy to hear you liked the Azuli updates! And yeah, the basic plan for her is to give her stronger/better skill choices through new items as the game goes on.

Buff stacking keeps being troublsome I see, need to work more on that...

And yeah, this started as a one-off for another jam but then I ended up enjoying to keep working on Starlight Destiny. Agree that the combat could use a bit more shinyness at this point, although I would prefer to not make it too complicated mechanics-wise. Got some half-baked options in my head on how to spiff of combat while keeping things simple, but if you've got an idea already ready, I'm all ears!

Thank you very much for your help again!

Ooohhh, physics game! Calculating multi-body gravity pulls for orbital trajectories! Awesome!

Kudos for original concept, gameplay loop is nice and could offer all kind of interesting challenges, good background music too.

Only real complain is that the planets all kinda looked somewhat samey.

Also, why do the futuristic alien warriors bother adding feathers to their arrows when there's no air to care about aerodynamics?

Nice and very cute game, addicting gameplay loop and original theme, good music too, pretty balance of elements. Except zero story, but then this is the kind of game that doesn't really need story in the first place, just jump to shooting cute stuff with your Cyborg Corgi right away!

Didn't find any bugs, only problem that comes to mind was accidentally clicking on an upgrade right away when the lv. up window comes up, maybe have a "are you sure you want to pick this?" window when selecting an upgrade?

I thank the Fairy Council for the clarifications!

-The jewel puzzle took me a bit to work out at start but then managed to solve it  neatly as soon as I noticed that each room required a different number of gems, and then by the end I had more gems that were required for the last room so I could leave some behind, felt pretty nicely balanced to me.

-Yes, Angel spent most of her time as a pretty soldier of justice during this run. :P


Story: All but the "maniac" difficulty and a hidden one.

Battle: All but the extermination missions and bestiary ones.

Exploration: Only "Pious", guess my Angel ended up quite religious.

Secrets: Only Artist.

Thank you very much for the in-depth review, glad to hear you're enjoying it and that the combat system updates are working better, I've been thinking and working on the numerous details you brought up and released an hotfix dealing with the main bugs! Some clarifications:

-For the sun/moon/void/plasma, I'll need some more time to think how to balance the terrain obstacles better (your suggestion for the moon sounds nice, but need to figure how to implement it in an efficient way code-wise), although I did fix the "warping on top of student" and expanded the NPC advice to point out that fire magic will help deal with the local enemies but not the local terrain.

-Replaced the ship sprites, hopefully new ones will fit better.

-Also increased the respawn timer and enemies in chapter 3 should not respawn if defeated until the player changes maps (or rests at the central space spot).

-The selecting with mouse is something I still need to work on because I'm using a lot of code to change sprite sizes and that seems to conflict with the mouse selection.

-Went around adding icons to the treasure chest item rewards.

-Fixed volley fire and Flurry, the combat animation plugin works in funny ways.

-4th party member now gets a full heal before joining just in case.

-Went around making the battle skills and temporary buff items useable only in actual battle (there's no Force Field skill/item, I assume you meant one that has the shield animation?)

-Suspect the buff/debuff missing was due to some hidden combat code that wasn't working properly, should be fixed now.

-Moon movement should be working more properly now too.

-The inaccessible space buildings should be accessible now, really need to improve mapping skills.

-Oh, nice of you to notice Pretty Pyro's in there, but that's mostly just a cameo (still plan to go back and finish that one, season 2 will be real to complete the cycle!)

-Still need to think of a way of making the gate boss battle more challenging.

-Early game feeling easier is definitely working as intended!

-Speaking of boss battles, the hack terminal ones ended up bugged in that the enemy buffing should've been the same regardless of which order you take them out (also removing weaker buffs when applying the stronger ones). Should be fixed now, but "arbirtrary buff stacking so that final enemy can end up too powerful if you take them out in the wrong order" sounds like something fun that could be implemented for later/extra bosses.

Thanks once more!

Hmm, this was kinda shorter than expected but still a fun bit. Works well, only bug seems to be the text at the start not properly fitting the box size, catchy music.

Following a previous save file,  reached the end of the current version! Terrain work keeps being great and there's plenty of awesome special effects like the animals moving around the forest, very nice balance of plot/combat/puzzles/exploration. Didn't manage to beat the special optional forest battle at the end though, they just kept curbstomping me. ><

Couple things that I'm not sure if a bug or intended:
 -The first time going explore the Dark Forest, we're supposed to have the fancy monster-repellent, but swamp tiles would still trigger encounters which would often one-shot Angel who was usually at 1 HP because of said swamp tiles.
-The metal slimes which usually would reduce physical damage to 1 (and thus take 3 hits to die) would take 3-digit damage from a character attacking them with a scepter and die right away

Now for some more personal comments:
-The new main menu, although nicer-looking, felt a bit worst gameplay-wise because I couldn't go left to loop around to reach the "save" option faster, meaning I needed a lot of presses each time to save the game.
-Some later bosses feel too-limited puzzles in that there seems to only be one correct solution and the game mechanics will prevent any other way of defeating them, like the bronze soldier that starts by casting their mega-reflect that's so hax it's dispel-immune and even Angel is scripted to call them a cheat if she tries to use dispel on them, with the only way to actually defeating them seemingly being tricking them into casting shadow on themselves. Ditto for the mom battle where she opens with her ultimate and the only right move seems to be to defend right away, then needing to spam vampire to keep up with the following damage race. Thankfully death in this game places the player right where they lost ready for another go (also what's up with multiple single parents rising their kids to become combat machines while not properly explaining their origins?). Either way, although it's fine for a boss to have some super-weakness to cheese them, IMHO they should still be defeatable through other means.
-Hidden money  on the dungeons often felt pretty disappointing being just 1 or 2-digits worth of gold.
-The tone shift from "charge into a goddess's realm and challenge her to single combat!" to "go collect some regular berries" felt somewhat abrupt. Like there's even the dangerous monsters roaming around in the same area, shouldn't they be the main priority and collecting berries the sidequest? At least make them fancy magic berries that even gods enjoy?

Some particulair  details I loved:
-Puzzles just popping an help manual if you screwed up with them too many times.
-The lottery prize prediction being real and giving enough gold to basically buy whatever I wanted (also fortune fairy out of nowhere, hope we get to see more of her in the future). Actually got around trying new clothing for Angel!
-Prisioner just walking around unconscious and tied up along the party.
-All the pseudo-italian, nice to see the distant foreign land actually have a more foreign language.
-Fabiana rocks, hope she'll stick around with Angel longer than average!

Keep up the great work!

Great! I tested it just now and changing her class should fix her equipment slots, the stats should be corrected too since they have different progressions between the classes. Just seems like any permanent stat booster that was used on her would be lost when changing classes.

That's definitely a bug from using an old save because she has the "Draconic Envoy" class when it should be Martial Maiden. I recall earlier versions of the game had her character slot use Draconic Envoy class, something I experimented with during the initial game development before the 4th player member actually became playable. I suppose that if you're using an earlier save, she got stuck with the old class too that has those whacky move slots.

You could restart the game from scratch, or if you wait a bit I can upload an hotfix that stealth-changes her class to Martial Maiden when she joins and at the main space healing spot.

(1 edit)

Was having some net problems at the end of the deadline and couldn't upload the version 0.44 before the deadline finished (and seems like I managed to delete version 0.43), that's how that happened, sorry for the trouble!

However the version 0.44 is the one that I intended to submit to this jam, so feel free to try this one out. Unless any new big problems are found, my plan is to take more time for the next update so I can make the next main areas and story segments, otherwise I fear getting stuck making only small changes when the main plot isn't finished yet.

Well, any extra critique is always welcome, no matter how short, thanks!

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Welp managed to get fired by the directors then just drove the company into bankrupcy in my following try :P

This is definitely a more unique and original game, there's quite a lot of dark humor and cute character portraits to cover the part where you're supposed to be playing a ruthless CEO ready to burn down the planet to try to keep profits increasing just one more quarter for the cold and cruel board of directors, this is definitely not something you see everyday. There's quite a lot of lore in here too from the different newspapers to the different director reactions. Also numbers, lots and lots of numbers.

(of all the great jokes, my favorite must be the "no, you can't write down bribes to a director as company expenses")

The tutorial definitely could use some more spreading out, maybe have a "scripted" first quarter where the player is guided more step-by-step over the different sections.

Another not-so-good point is the music that started to feel repetitive shortly.

All in all, definitely original, great to see games exploring new themes, and this one has quite a bit of nice content already for those looking for this kind of experience!

First, Touhou yay!

Second, disclaimer, I didn't manage to get anybody else to play this with and I'm pretty much a casual noob at fighting games. 

Now graphics and sound pretty notch, there's even a trailer and several custom marketing pics. Gameplay felt nice from what could be experienced fighting an opponent that can't fight back, although again I'm a fighting game noob so take that with a grain of salt.

Still it's definitely missing some way for a solo player to play. Not sure how hard it is to make a fighting game AI, but something, anything, would be better than nothing in that department.

Ditto for other characters. From the trailer and pics, there seem to be other character models already done and at least partially animated. Even if they're not as polished or have bugs, it would probably be good to add one or two others to spice things up. Not even need of making a custom moveset, just recycle Reimu's moves with some changed speed/damage values in a pinch. Even big-name fighting franchises like Super Smash Bros do it after all. Point out it's placeholders and eventually every character would get their original moveset, IMHO people checking this out won't mind.

All around, plenty of potential here, great work!

Hi, thanks for the critique and to hear this got your interest!

-Since you mention that you're not a fan of JRPGs, did you per chance not notice that you can try to run away from battles? Just press X at the start of a turn before giving any orders and there should be an Escape option. I'll add that in-game as a quick tutorial.

-Graphics are definitely a work in-progress, but yeah I could and should make the two first characters more visually distinct.

-The game is currently light in lore yes, but I plan to add more talking NPCs/data terminals and also tweak the areas like the shack and run-down-town visuals to feel more sci-fiish with details like holograms and machinery.

-Adding more consumable items early-game sounds like a great idea, will do.

Thank you once more!

Hi, thanks for the in-depth critique and high praise, glad to see you enjoyed this version!

-I'll see about tweaking the timer in the sun sector so it doesn't keep running during dialogues, although I'll note there's a "secret" option that if you equip either the shadow or void magic item, when the timer runs out you'll be able to keep going, it should be hinted by the teacher.

-Speaking of hints, the space boulder event says it's brittle and needs brute force, the intended magic item to equip is the Mighty Amulet, what made you feel like it was the electricity item that was meant to be used (in particular since the electricity item is used to remove another nearby obstacle in the main space map)?

-For the neko vulnerabilities, they're coded to be resistant to Wood (they're actually Wood element themselves and use Wood magic), the student hint is that they're vulnerable to fire, frost (ice), toxins (poison is its own element) and machinery (most basic gun attacks are this).

-The healing items were definitely bugged, will fix them, thank you very much for pointing those out!

-Stat buffing may indeed be too strong, will tone it down a bit. And yes, the boss battle version gets some extra stealth buffs as allies are defeated, probably should make it more visible to make it fairer for the player so they can notice they're stronger than usual.

-I can see the argument that enemies have too much HP, will nerf that too.

Thanks once more, lots of great advice for me to work with!