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(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

Haven't played the game yet, but these updates seem incredibly frequent. Maybe you could get more done if you made them less frequent like once every 2 weeks or once a month or something? Instead of spending some time to upload, iterate version numbers, write change log, and figure out what you're going to do for the next version, maybe you could spend more time compressing a lot of these updates into one big package and working on even more features between them from potentially getting more time to work on them. It is impressive to have an update every 5 days, and if that works it works, but it just seems like quite a like constantly rolling release or something. It doesn't really seem like you're getting a lot done between updates, some change logs are a single line long in description.


Hello :), yeah, I could, but the algorithm favors small updates and patrons like to see we're constantly working on improving the game.

I hope you enjoy the game if you decide to play it, thanks for your comment.