Nice, now see if you can do it for happiness. (I actually don't know if that's even feasible, as I am unclear as to how exactly the happiness mechanic works.)
Recent community posts
My point is basically, it would likely depend on how many people would use the feature, it is worth the technical debt it may incur? By that I mean, potentially making it more difficult to add new features without a potential rewrite of the whole system. I don't know, but I could likely see the dev not doing it because of that.
Haven't played the game yet, but these updates seem incredibly frequent. Maybe you could get more done if you made them less frequent like once every 2 weeks or once a month or something? Instead of spending some time to upload, iterate version numbers, write change log, and figure out what you're going to do for the next version, maybe you could spend more time compressing a lot of these updates into one big package and working on even more features between them from potentially getting more time to work on them. It is impressive to have an update every 5 days, and if that works it works, but it just seems like quite a like constantly rolling release or something. It doesn't really seem like you're getting a lot done between updates, some change logs are a single line long in description.
It could be potentially exponentially more work to add such a feature in, versus how many people want it (and some people would want it disabled, which means that whether it was enabled or disabled would need to be accounted for at the end of every relevant scene, which to be honest would probably not be too hard to do but would likely take a long time. Then based on how the model works, they would need to change based on whether or not they're pregnant, and they would also need to add that for every existing model and outfit, which sounds like a lot of work and sounds like it would take exponentially more time for each outfit that existed in the game) And then if there are any errors that arrise between scripts and rendering, those would then need to be fixed, and every relevant animation would need to be checked to ensure it isn't broken by the model change. Every relevant scripted scene may also need to logically change with potentially different models exclusively for that scene. I wonder whether the dev would do it based on that alone.
It could made into a bullet point list, but I think the question would come down to how many people would really want it for whether the development time for it is worth it, and not better spent on another area. There's also the thing where it's potentially going through this whole process again each and every time a new romance character is added. And whether most people would turn it off, why even implement it?
Ah yeah, that is a bit frustrating. I suppose I can give a hint for Mary (because that's the only story I've finished so far), she likes video games, which you quickly learn. The arcade sells items.
You can also infer that she likes games from knowing she's a pastry chef (and knowing that the B&B place is a pastry place) and seeing her playing a game there. Or just randomly encountering her there in the evenings playing her game console.
I think it's a thing with different countries currency being worth substantially less, so, correct me if I'm wrong, but like $5 USD can be more than some people make in a year. And without a way to change the price based on region, they just can't afford it.
Maybe something to look into when you bring it to Steam.
Yeah, quite a few features that Papers Please had would make it better, like citations and cross-referencing. Being able to actually compare things instead of having to memorize and go between them. Also maybe more NSFW, if this is intended to be an NSFW game. Pretty nice for like a game made in a week though.
Honestly I feel like the citation system, as well as a progressing time scale would probably be better than a big tutorial that potentially tries to show you everything at once. Maybe the manual could be there to tell you what to look for.
Yeah... It takes like 50 runs for anything to start working, and by then all the enemies get one-shot. I didn't really have fun playing this game and the scenes I've seen were... alright... I don't know about this one. The power scale is definitely broken. Like the game is too frustrating for what it is. Or maybe it really just doesn't explain itself well. What are the different uses of the three different units? I have no idea. I guess that one is a standard physical unit, another is ranged, and another is... speed? Okay? And the game expects people to beat these levels under 15 runs... yeah, that's happening.
I noticed a bit of a visual bug in the current public release, it looks like the arch in the dark world is overlapped onto itself.
Something that might've been an interesting easter egg is if the arches were in the same relative position if you put the maps on top of each other.
Also, in the future, it would be nice to have the game upscale in a way that doesn't make the pixel art look fuzzy (I forget the term.)
After completing the current public version, I started assembling a large map of the game's world, and I noticed that the dark world's trees align perfectly with the fairy tree area, as does the shape of the mountain, and the mountain of the northeastern section also aligns fairly well.
I just thought that was interesting, I honestly did not expect it to align to anything.
Did you ever get any feedback, I haven't really played the game or remember hearing about it, but it was in my feed. Hope it goes well. Maybe if you don't get enough feedback, branch out to something entirely new.
EDIT: Oh, you made TOTEM, that's how this got in my feed. Seems like you already did branch out to something entirely new. Maybe another Sci-Fi/Fantasy puzzle game in the future. From what little I've seen you seem to want to make something big besides TOTEM. Hope you are still getting some things you want to try to make.
I think a few of these would be good, like hair length and main menu. I also think maybe some sort of hint system might be nice for certain items. Maybe in the future a replacement of the 'talk' dialog with L.E.M. i believe, with an option to get some more dialog about certain items. Kind of like what's going on in the cockpit, but more interactive.