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I really loved this!! I definitely couldn't complete it, but it's 100% a skill issue on my end haha. I'm too slow for these kind of speedy games but for all the slower exploration parts I was just SO enamored by the nostalgic style of it. I'm not super familiar with RM 2003, so it was neat to see what it does! 

The level with the big creepy eyes and having to hide behind pillars? Just such a cool mechanic and one I wouldn't have thought about, using a parallax (I assume?) like that as a jump scare was so cool!! I ALMOST got to the end of that one but after like 10 or 12 tries I needed a break. I'll try again later but I think I got the gist of what you're going for here. Really cool, cohesive and played really well. I don't even think it's poorly balanced haha, I fully admit I'm bad at the "move quickly in tight spaces" aspect of games. 

Puzzle wise for everything that I saw I always knew what I was supposed to be doing and I liked the hints feature. 


The eyes are actually just a rendered picture, I was trying to go for something barely visible, trying to be creepy in a subtle way, but the limitations of rpgm2003 plus my inexperience with the engine got in the way a bit. I'm glad you liked it though :)

For some short context, this was originally inspired by a specific "entity" in BloodBorne (for lack of a better word, and to avoid spoilers) that freaked me out back in the day. Now that I think about it, this whole segment is quite similar in more ways that one, I hadn't even realized it.

If you are having troubles on that specific area, and at the risk of doing some backseating on my end, there isn't a specific order on how to proceed through the game, so feel free to explore other parts of the world

Thanks for the comment!

(1 edit) (+1)

oh very cool!! I liked the way it felt like it followed the player and made the whole mechanic feel very intuitive. I think I saw a good chunk! Like I also loved the goopy effect in the ice level, when the thing came after you haha. The big eyes was just the level I got stuck on and I feel bad I didn't see the ending / collect all the items haha. I thought you accomplished very cool things with the engine. I hope you do more jams in the future ^_^