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The eyes are actually just a rendered picture, I was trying to go for something barely visible, trying to be creepy in a subtle way, but the limitations of rpgm2003 plus my inexperience with the engine got in the way a bit. I'm glad you liked it though :)

For some short context, this was originally inspired by a specific "entity" in BloodBorne (for lack of a better word, and to avoid spoilers) that freaked me out back in the day. Now that I think about it, this whole segment is quite similar in more ways that one, I hadn't even realized it.

If you are having troubles on that specific area, and at the risk of doing some backseating on my end, there isn't a specific order on how to proceed through the game, so feel free to explore other parts of the world

Thanks for the comment!

(1 edit) (+1)

oh very cool!! I liked the way it felt like it followed the player and made the whole mechanic feel very intuitive. I think I saw a good chunk! Like I also loved the goopy effect in the ice level, when the thing came after you haha. The big eyes was just the level I got stuck on and I feel bad I didn't see the ending / collect all the items haha. I thought you accomplished very cool things with the engine. I hope you do more jams in the future ^_^