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One slave in the umbra slaver pool seems to be buggy, the script error happens on visiting the slave market, the red one error happens, if I try to click on the buggy slave.

It was an issue with the atypical origin. Should be resolved in v.07.1

Hint for a quickfix for the impatient ones? I'm looking at the code but can't see what's wrong...

        newbutton.get_node("grade").texture = globals.gradeimages[]    <--  implies there' a missing image?

globals has the atypical in it's origins

var originsarray = ['slave','poor','commoner','rich','atypical','noble']

I believe the fix is to add the atypical to the “var gradeimages” in globals. Copy something like the commoner image and change the name to atypical on the copy, just put it after that one