-Looks slick, plays smooth
-I don't like the composition of things -- the UI isn't symmetrical and often leaning on one side, this destroys most of the slick aesthectic for me
-I think hovering on "not-available" moves should tell me why they aren't available and probably be different color
-I don't like the shop as-is, can't pin point why, mb it will grow on me eventually, but now it feels like the money is arbitrary and I'd guess a "move-once-but-get-anything" setup would be more engaging -- not having money somehow forbids my Queen path (???)
-It's not obvious to me what cards I will get next and as such am only planning moves with what I have -- not sure how the deck works
-I couldn't attack diagonally with a pawn, don't know why (turns out the enemy was yellow)
It's a solid game. Not my thing, but RNJunkies will love it. The heaviest thing I'd fix is the UI composition.