Looking good! I like the beginning dream sequence! The handheld game worked really well!
- During the dream sequence, I pulled out the POG and then jumped on it. I did it before the Golden Slammer appeared. Not necessarily a bad thing, just letting you know what i did.
- I completed Thomas' job, then tried to equip my helmet, skateboard, slap bracelet, and helmet. They didn't show up on my character, I tried toggling the menu a accessories a few times, but they still wouldn't show up. I still got the points for wearing them and completed the fashion mission... When I started the mowing mission all of my gear showed up as equipped.
- After completing all missions, I spent all of my money and then started skateboarding on the road. I noticed my helmet and vest in the middle of the road. Not sure if they were there the whole time or didn't show up until I got on the skateboard. I ran the stuff over which put me at a 45 degree angle, and made it hard to move around. I got off the skateboard and everything worked fine.
- I was able to recreate the pog multiplying on screen. This time it was a holographic, skull, blade. I just opened my inventory and ran my mouse over all of the pogs to see if it would happen.