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Crown, you've shown why it's a waste to talk with you. You're an angry little man who can't help but insult others. That's all you have. Maybe one day you will grow up 

No, i actually showed it isn't waste to talk with me, but you definitely showed why it is waste to talk with you. After i explained everything to you without insulting you, you ignored everything and just repeated the same exact thing you repeat when you can't say anything to defend yourself. Just proved that you will remain the same stupid kid that don't have respect for others, and can't even admit he is wrong or at least have any adult conversation, although after what i see from you, i doubt you can have adult conversation at all. Once again will repeat it, i went there and tried to support a fellow modder that spent hours of making his mod... I tried my best on previous conversations with you to explain you that you are in fact braking TOS and with the answer i gave you now i furthermore explained every point to you, so you can understand it. If you want to make mods, go learn and make them from scratch like everyone else does. Or, just ask for permissions if you plan to release edit of someone else's mod. It is pretty simple and it won't cost you anything, most of the modders will give you permissions without issues. For example i gave permissions to everyone to convert and release my FS19 mods, no big deal and people still message me everytime they want to release them, it just shows that people have respect of each other.. It doesn't cost them anything and it doesn't tale away their joy if they simply ask the original creator.

You proved that you are just another kid that will trash talk to modders when they do something he doesn't like (in this case selling and violating the TOS), but when you have interests, you will brake the same TOS and play dumb saying nonsense stuff like your last comment. Who you gonna fool? People can read, i literally explained everything... I wasn't angry, neither am i now... I didn't insult you.. But i guess thats all you have... Pointless nonsense just so  you can get approval from your master AJ and his fellow dumb kids. It is sad and pathetic that this community came to this, people to do everything for clout and attention... You are sad little kid... I would repeat the same thing you said about the growing, but i don't really care if you grow up or not, you are just another stupid stranger on the internet..


I didnt go over your response because by the time you got to your point, you had already ranted and raved and committed one logical fallacy after another. Even when you got to the TOS bit, the first point you were so far off that it was clear you werent paying attention. You pointed at 7.1 saying that the creator retains rights. Never said they didnt. But you ignored the second part that stated the user grants Giants usage rights, and then they explain elsewhere what those rights are, and how they extend those rights to their users. So if you cant even look at the entire sentence, how can anyone trust you? 

Also, youre gaslighting here. You clearly have been insulting and demeaning me. That's your mo. You do it to anyone who disagrees with you. To claim you're not is ridiculous. As for the rest of what you said, I didn't bother to read it. When your only real argument is insults and negativity, then there can't be an adult conversation. 


Yep, we can now also conclude that you can't read too. No point arguing with arrogant kids that don't have the balls to admit they are wrong... You are lost cause.. Again, when modders stop releasing mods because of people like you, will see then whose mods you gonna use to edit  and release without any permissions.

So no rebuttal, just your usual insults. Got it. You keep calling everyone kids who don't agree with you, yet you can't even act like an adult. You act more like a school yard bully. But what ever works for you my guy. 

(1 edit) (+1)

You get called "kid" because you act like one, sorry if that's insult to you.. grow up, start acting like an adult and people won't call you "kid".. 


At the end of the day, you can keep repeating the same stuff over and over again thinking that people will believe you or something, i don't really know, but the facts are that i proved you wrong in every aspect of this conversation and you don't know how to defend yourself, but at the same time, you don't have the balls to be an actual adult and admit you were in the wrong... I see that the whole conversation with you was completely pointless, because you don't even bother to read what i reply to you (while keep saying that you want an adult conversation) and you apparently aren't grown enough to realize your mistakes and fix them... I won't bother with you anymore, you proved that you are just another arrogant person that doesn't bring any value to this community... Just a pathetic guy following his leader in order to receive attention and approval just so he can feel better.