Well, I decided to not restrict the fire rate for now, since firing bullets is alot of fun, the enemy has a bit more health therefore. You are also not quite incorrect with your assumption that the enemy is meele. While it is not and also shoots bullets, it has detection radius in which you need to be in order for it to activate. And currently it doesn’t move yet, even thou i did have it planned.
But it was kind of intended, that you could “snipe” the enemy from far away, if you where able to find the right angle.
The 90 degrees rotation has a big problem if you use 3d audio, which is, when you are diagonal to a sound source and you turn by 90 degrees, it will jump from one ear to the other, which is very odd, and it doesn’t really reflect how humans move (or at least head movement). I believe this is a concept that makes only much sense visually. I played another little jam game which did that, and this was exactly what i found very odd. You can check it out in case you’re interested, it’s another little jam game: The Audionaut
The way I imagined players navigating was by centering the sound of your destination in the stereo field and then walking towards that. Especially also because it is also where you’re aiming at.
I find it interesting that you would prefer it all to be squares, can you explain why? What do you think, makes squares so much better?