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(1 edit) (+1)

Got some more practice in, although this one took me a while due to various factors of life. I still haven't graduated beyond headshots, really, but I'm working my way up the comfort ladder. Also, I didn't know if he had piercings on both ears, so I apologize if this is inaccurate.

PS: He's supposed to look uneasy/tense.

EDIT: Damn it, I forgot his freckles; also, I like adding whiskers.

Oh hey, not bad! And no worries, you got it right; I guess there's no "official" pic of the other side since I have him turned in his only art thus far, but that's about what I was thinking for the piercings, yeah. Good dynamic angle too!


Yeah, I wasn't trying to assume, but he kind of struck me as favoring asymmetry for his piercings; that, or he didn't have enough piercings. Personally, I don't like having piercings, but I appreciate interesting placement and design on other people or on fictional characters.