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Fanart Thread! Sticky

A topic by bitshiftgames created Aug 27, 2023 Views: 5,695 Replies: 26
Viewing posts 1 to 8

Initially I felt making this would be a little egotistical, but people have been incredibly generous, so I'm finally pulling the trigger and pulling the art together in its own dedicated thread. If you'd like to do some, or have, and want to post it, feel free to do so here. This isn't exhaustive either, mostly just what's been posted to these forums.

From Ridodon:

From Asrielsal:

Thanks to everyone who's made stuff, enjoy seeing it!


dont forget the one from MCcrazy as well~


Nice! Good to have this here too.

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Hello there, sorry if it looks shite but 3mb limit is a bit bad, you can find it ton e621 quite easily


Oh ho, haven't seen this one yet! Very nice. And yeah, size is a little limited here since it's just a basic forum. Feel free to link out to higher rez versions as well if you like.


hope you liked it, here's the e6 link since I think furaffinity compresses pics too


Perfect. And absolutely, love how it turned out!


Furfragged got in on the art too, now


Nice! Thanks for the heads up: I knew this was coming, but I don't follow people on X and he didn't post in on FA, so I would have missed this otherwise. Really neat to see.


and some more!

no worries


Weird, this one doesn't work for me but the other one does 


Both still up, but X/Twitter can be odd. May ask for permission to just repost them here eventually.


Made a couple memey pieces


Nice! Your dedication in redrawing this entire thing just for the sake of the meme is admirable. As someone who has done my share of goofy nonsense, I approve!


Found this new fan art


Holy shit. That is...quite a bit more more muscle than I remember Mezz having. Love it though; that's one of the fun parts of fan art, seeing all the different styles. Thanks for posting; like I've said, I'm not on X much.


The truth is that a neurological condition, bad eyesight and lack of extensive practice since I was a young boy have all caused my already non-existent artistic capabilities to atrophy even further. However, since part of my training requires me to learn how to sketch various objects, I very recently started practicing, and I decided to try sketching Mezz. Again, I am fully aware that this is sub-novice level, but I still wanted to share it. Also, I don't have any colouring utensils at this moment, not that it would help.


Aw, love it! Hey, you should see what my stuff looked when I first started trying to draw. It's not ALL about persistence, talent sure helps, but you gain a LOT by just doing, over and over. But I'll say what I always do: making something takes time and effort, and if anyone feels strongly enough about my stuff that it makes them want to make something, I'm honored. Now in terms of development, only you can say whether you want to go after drawing specifically; I recently turned down a nice guitar because I just didn't have the time to get into music. But if you do want to, I'd definitely encourage it. Speaking as someone who's definitely NOT talented, it's a lot of work, it's a struggle, but man is it satisfying when a little something comes together and you go "wow, I drew that?"

May I ask what training? Something to help with the condition?

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I'm in school for digital forensics, and I learned that while there are sometimes technicians who will collect digital media for the examiner, there will also be times where I am required to actually come out and collect the items from a scene. From what I'm learning so far, a lot of agencies and departments require a sketch to be made for each evidence item, alongside photographs, videos, and written documentation. Of course, I haven't even interned, yet, so all my understanding is strictly academic and not necessarily based on how it's actually done.

Oh yeah, practice definitely makes a difference, as I could sketch some decently complex characters back when I did it every week; still not top notch, but I could reasonably sketch characters like Aang, Pain (Deva Path), Cosmo, so on. I definitely did feel proud when I made anything recognizable, and not fevered drawings.


Oooh, so it's part of the forensics stuff, that makes sense. Well excellent, and again, thanks for the piece! Always glad to have new art.


Everyone starts somewhere.  and hey.  A philosophy I have is, if you can recognize who the character is in fanart, then it's good fanart


That means a lot, thank you.

I still think my attempt was pretty low quality, but you're right, the fact it is distinguishable as a specific character and not a random furry rabbit does show I improved in some capacity.


I recently got my tablet, and I attempted some more fanart, specifically of Mahir in a specific scene. As you can see, my lines are still incredibly unstable. Also, yes, Mahir is merely a floating head in this one, as I find bodies and clothing still somewhat difficult to draw.


Oh hey, here I am replying to your other message and you've already started! Nice! Don't worry about the wobbliness, that's something everyone struggles with at first, on any media, and tablets are especially bad because they're like trying to draw on glass. I actually tape a sheet of paper to mine (just painters tape, so it doesn't leave a sticky mess) so I can get some friction. There are also smoothing/stability settings in a lot of software, but beware of cranking those too high: you lose the ability to make fine motions you WANT to make. It's like how people with botox are so tightened up they can't frown anymore. TLDR: a little wobble is due to tablet/software, and you should tweak the settings to try to get rid of that, but the rest is due to hand, and will fade with practice. A good way to test is doing quick, sweeping arc lines or "straight" lines, just a really quick motion across the tablet. If the line is smooth in the art program, all is good. If it's still all over the place, that's jitter, and you should try to adjust settings until that goes away.

I'm sure you'll figure this out on your own too, but if you aren't already, put your lineart on a layer above your colors; that way you can color INTO the lineart, but you'll be beneath it, so you'll get a nice clean meet of line and color without the little gaps, and you won't have to worry about super precise or overrunning your lines. I kinda dig the rough style this one has though. 

And floating heads are great! That's what I started with for a long time. They're simple enough to not be frustrating, but there's enough there to have fun with, and even to practice turning stuff in 3d, getting volume and depth, all kinds of stuff. They're a good starting point.


Did a series of fan cocktails based on the first two games:

Developer (1 edit)

Aw, these are great! I think I remember you saying you were going to work on some cocktails, cool to see they actually came to fruition! I uh...don't drink, hilariously, so I can't really speak to the taste, but I do like the idea. Some other fans will have to weight in on whether they actually like the combos. I do love the presentation though, and wow, Midori comes in a really pretty bottle.

And yeah, in-setting MOST places wouldn't be this fancy, but the host club would absolutely serve this kind of stuff (Am I contradicting what I said earlier?) the hyenas are good for it. If they haven't lost it all gambling. Mezz gets blitzed quickly, but that's only partially because it's strong and partially because he's a light weight (I mean he's only what, four feet tall?)


Thanks, I mostly tried to work with what I had or could get easily. Midori is perfect for getting that neon green color into drinks, bottle is cool but previous years it came in a frosted glass bottle that looked better.  If you can get your hands on a melon ramune at an Asian market it would be close to an NA Midori. 

Your explanation fits my headcannon for Mezz, mix of being a lightweight and bootleg alcohol being rocket fuel.  Some of the liquors I used come in higher proof so you could get there if you wanted (navy strength gin, bottled in bond rye and applejack, everclear). Also kind of fits the whole theme of how he sees himself vs where his limits actually are.