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Nice take on the tower defense genre mixed in with a bit of RTS.

I like the overall concept here, and gameplay wise i really liked the fact that this is a more active game than the classic tower defense formula, the idea of the mouse controlled mech that auto fights whatever’s near it like an RTS unit is also quite a good idea.

My main issue is the camera perspective, while i apreciate the amount of control you give on it to move around and rotate, i feel that this sort of gameplay needs a bit more of a top down camera angle to get a better idea of what’s going on. the floor marker for where you point your mech to is a nice Qol element though as i feel it wopuld be almost impossible to play without it with the current camera angle you chose.

Other than that i still liked it, the in between waves shop is neat, and it’s cool that it starts you with enough to at least buy 1 turret from the get go, with more items available you can have yourselfe quite a game already.

Keep up the good work, you did well ^^


Thank you, glad you enjoyed the game. 

I wanted the player to be able to see the enemies on the horizon as they approached but also not be top-down. I can improve upon the camera and add the ability to go from a over the shoulder to a top down so that players can choose what they want. 

I have a lot of ideas for the game, like extra turrets, more playable classes with different weapons, skills for the player to use, upgrades, etc. 


Sounds great, i think letting the players choose the camera angle could be the best option here :)