Hey so it seems you are very open to feedback so I'm gonna give it a shot after finally evolving Fennekin, sorry if this sounds like I don't love what the game is molding to be. Sorry too for the big pillar of text. Also sorry if I mention a problem that exists in all pokemon games it's been a while since my last playthrough :p
-Although I like how the lab looks with the trees, it takes too much unnecesary time to get there for being your only source of healing at the start of the game. It probably shouldn't matter too much to move the building with the surrounding trees a little more down
-I know you were critiziced about difficulty, but I feel the problems with Sakoyo is her having ghost types (affects the first catchable pokemons that only have tackle) and the thought of her being kinda like the tutorial battle in official games. Her dialogue probably needs more of an emphasis on the levels or training before battling her so it's less confusing
-Talking about difficulty it's kinda bad RN. It's OK for you to start with leftovers (and a powered up Fennekin? I forgot if her stats were higher) but the enemy levels and "rubberband XP" make it so you easily sweep the first 3 trainers you see (where you'll be at lvl7 at the first and lvl9 at the third), making you able to semi-sweep the boss at the start. This low difficulty IMO feels very bad with all the previous things and the team composition help (free move relearn and cheap EV items). Though maybe later game will be harder and I forgot how quick pkmns evolve when they aren't lvl 80 :v
-stat down berries should probably get their "friendship up" effect removed. Because of how cheap they are you will probably be able to just use them to get instantly a friendship evolution for less than $800 later on
-Very very unimportant. You probably should come with a protagonist name instead of taking it from the computer. IK it's innofensive but it still leaves a bad taste in the mouth
Here's some bugs I found:
-There's a way to make Dawn event not happen after reseting the game? IDK what I did but after reloading she was there until I entered the dep. store and I didn't get the gallery photos but she has the post-event dialogue. Sorry if this isn't a save problem but just me not remembering I did the event a second time
-The Boss dialogue after winning (and his reward) play on lose
-Minor thing but when using the pokecenter and moving down when talking to the nurse the camera moved one step down
I like the mistery of current version weirdmons and all that (also many thanks for making right-shift another run button). Characters also seem fun enough to watch outside having no option consequence in conversation (I get why that is) and for having less than 2 months customization is very thanked. Kinda hope this doesn't get abandoned and we can get the story you can tell.
There are a few pokemon selections which feels a little weird but nothing big. TbH is kinda nice to have so many picks at the start, goes well with the team composition help you have so early (and why I hope this game doesn't turn so easy). All I have is 3 questions
-You wrote no swinging or sharing content, maybe it's because IDK those terms well but. Does that mean there won't be multi-dating the girls? Seems a bit weird how that "not planned content" section collides with the description of how girls "fall under your mysterious charming influence".
-Will the lewdmons be dateable? Since apparently they can't talk right now but there's a reason you called them like that. TbH I hope they don't just turn into cosplay humans and keep being furry-like while being able to communicate like a smart human
-Will being a girl change something (scene or dialogue) in the future? completely undertand if it doesn't have an effect, you're the one doing the effort to make the game