Thanks for your feedback ^^
Yup the bugs are totally inspired by the Starship Troopers arachnids as i wanted them to be both not too disgustingly bug - like, and also low poly enough to not impact performance in case i added a lot to the levels(played it a bit too safe for performance’s sake and ended up not having too much of them per level :/)
My times playing a bit of Helldivers and Borderlands with a friend lately also might not have helped influence that XD
Didn’t have much time to properly balance the weapons out so that’s the main reason why it’s like this here. The hives problem comes from a bit of an oversight on my part, where i thought they were cleat enough as they were the same color as some bugs and that greenish color felt like it popped enough from the background when i tested it, but not the case, so that’s an issue i’ll have to figure out the best way to solve.
Though i’m taking note, i like your approach of having them shown in a breifing screen to help identify them better.
Thanks for the suggestion :)