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Radar RaidersView game page

Mech tps/fps action for Mech Jam 5
Submitted by PixelMetalWolf — 4 days, 7 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#293.3333.333

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
Video Game

Was your game made solo or in a team?

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
Orbitron font, Mech Jam 5's logo, the rest are done solo

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?
Signal Failiure

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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Nicely done! Just like last year I'm a big fan of how you've made the game feel like a relatively complete experience with a lot of content considering the jam time. 

I played through all levels with different loadouts. I think that the main thing that would improve the experience for me would be better weapon balancing and making it generally harder, but I'm guessing that this has to do with the limited time available. 

The varied win conditions are a nice touch and my favorite part of it has got to be the chunky pixel aesthetic! Fun game! 


Thanks PoodlePilot !

Thats sort of the “hole” i dug myself into :p i want to have my jam entries not feel unfinished even if they end up very short but it is quite a challenge to manage doing so on time O_o so i’m happy if i make it and i’m glad you appreciate the effort ^^

Yup didn’t get the time to properly balance things so the game ended up maybe a bit too easy in the end. I decided to have a different approach to loadouts this year to give players more choice, instead o having a starter loadout per character, i made a selection of a few starter weapons(cause last year some starter loadouts were too OP XD) and have some of the heavier stuff only as pickups in levels and hid a bunch around.

This was a bit of a gamble but i’m happy it turned out working cause i thought having missions be a bit more different than just a map change would spice things up a bit more ^^

Haha well you can never have too many chunky pixels :)


Nice work! Good visuals overall! The game's aesthetic made it feel like an old game you'd find on a super nintendo. If you threw in a CRT filter, it would have sold the look completely! Only feedback I can think of is that the audio is way too loud by default and the enemies barely scratch you when you get hit, making all of the slower more armored characters feel superfluous. 


Thanks ! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my game ^^

The sort of approach i have for most of my sci fi games with the multiple characters is kind of like “What if Starfox but grittier sci-fi on Psx or Saturn” so in a way i see where you got the Snes vibe from XD

I’m personally not a big fan of CRT filters in modern retro games but if i could this would be a good option to add, though i have no idea how to make such a filter in Godot (probably shaders but my knowlege on that front is still quite limited)

Yeah i didn’t have much time for balance so all the enemies and weapons deal very low test damage :/ and the sound i didn’t properly adjusted for the same time reasons, but like i said i didn’t expect it to turn out THAT loud in the end O_o


I always enjoy playing these low poly shooters! The gameplay was solid and responsive with good level design to support it. The movement speed was a bit slow, though others have ready pointed that out. Overall, the shooting felt good and offered some surprising weapon variety, which is a hallmark of those low poly shooters it harkens back to.


Thanks CrimsonBulb !

Glad you’ve enjoyed the game, and the level design as well, i did the best i could with the time i had XD

Yeah i should have aimed for a bit higher speeds for all the mechs, cause the slower ones ended up reaaaaaaally slow O_o

I wanted to have at least as much variety as my previous entry, possibly more but time got short, still managed to get a bunch done, just sad i couldn’t manage to pull off the beam weapon in time to have it improved compared to last year’s janky mess :p


Impressive amount of scope delivered for the jam. Character and level select, very well done. Between the multiple levels and the low poly aesthetic, feels a bit reminiscent of Goldeneye 64.

Lots of similar feedback as what was already said below

  • Music hit me hard and quickly dropped my volume. 
  • Level 3 felt a bit long by that point, after playing 1 and 2. The slow mech speed felt perfect up until then. 
  • Rocket launcher is a straight downgrade, as the DPS for all three weapons feel the same, but the rocket launcher has no automatic, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
  • I really like the level designs, my only nitpick is not my favorite choice of colors, especially the very prominent repetitive light gray for the buildings. 
  • The objectives are a really nice touch, would be interesting to see how levels develop with a bigger scope project. Again, Goldeneye 64 comes to mind

Fun short experience, especially levels 1 and 2


Thanks for your feedback Gloriousclover, glad you’ve enjoyed the game despite the many issues.

Yup can’t argue with the sound issue didn’t take time to properly balance it or make a menu to adjust it, didn’t expected it to be as loud as it ended up though.

I wanted level 3 to be a bit larger but ended up a bit too large for its own good can’t argue with that especially if you chose one of the slow mechs :(

Weapons in general aren’t balanced at all cause i ran out of time so i left everyting doing the same amount of damage thus some of the supposedly stronger weapons being underwhelming, also the RL is auto but it fires slower, the fact you can spam it is cause i didn’t put an input check to prevent spam clicking again poor time management on my part :p for the same reason there’s also a weapon in the game that’s semi cut as of now.

Yeah i didn’t know which colors i wanted to make for buildings so they ended up mostly gray with some color notes here and there, i also tried something a bit experimental on that front which sort of put a bit of limitations on the environement textures, i tried having all map assets use the same texturesheet to hopefully improve performance, cause my previous Mech jam entry had a bunch of performance issues.

This wasn’t one of the references i had in mind when making this but glad it made you think of goldeneye XD

Though i’m not sure i could acheive making a difficulty variant dependent objectives system like they did.


Colors are pretty good given what it is, especially when solo-deving haha. Art direction becomes another hat ;)

And yeah, Goldeneye for sure. The mission briefing, the multiple objectives, the first level despite being small still gave me a sense of exploration. You did a good job with the number of assets you had to make it actually feel like some kind of small town. The trucks are probably my favorite, reminds you how big you are and that people might live there.

I played everything in FPS only btw. Felt more immersive for me.


Movement feels a little slow to me but that's probably just because I prefer fast moving mecha like in armored core. It really conveys the feel of being in a mech though! I don't know how to describe it but the audio is really rough, like the audio quality or something. The red laser weapon in particular is egregious. I like that the game gives you a choice of third person or first person! Mouse sensitivity felt a little low to me however.


Thanks for giving my game a shot !

Yup sound eneded up a bit more rougher than i expected outside of not haviong much time to adjust the volume properly, i know i’m still not that great at making higher quality sfx which is probably why they are as compressed and bad as they ended up here sorry about the inconvenience if i get time post jam i’ll try to change some of these to be less annoying to the ears :(

I thought this was the best approach personally so players could choose their prefered perspective, the mouse sensitivity issue is due to time, i hard coded it for the jam but again if i get time post jam i can probably add a setting so that it can be customized to (hopefully) get a better experience ^^


Audio is a bit loud, but otherwise I like the weightiness of it. Really feels like you're in a mech!


Thanks for your feedback, glad you liked the game despite the issues !

I didn’t have much time to finetune a lot of things and sound was among those and i wasn’t sure a patch was allowed during voting just to change the volume, so i’m sorry about the inconvenience :( though i didn’t expect it would be that loud compared to when i ran it in the editor.

I wanted to have a better gamefeel this time around compared to my previous Mech game so i spent a bit more time making animations to help sell the weight of the mechs even if they’re not super giant EVA scaled ones :p


The complete package !!!!!!!!!!!

I had great fun, it emulates the feeling of PS1/Saturn mecha games perfectly, will come back to it :)

Small gameplay/atmosphere feedbacks:

- the little rotation on the camera when you walk got me a bit seasick, especially in the tps view.

- (personal taste) I do like heavier mechs with speedup, dash mechanic, I think it could suit your game well ! Dashing in and out of cover to take out bugs.

Overall quite impressive ^^ What is the engine if I might ask?


Thanks for trying my game out, i’m glad you liked it ^^

Yeah i was hoping the movement sway wouldn’t trigger any motion sickness cause i made it very light just to spice up the animation, but i should have considered making it optional in case it did, my bad sorry :(

Dashing could be an option i’ll see if i get some post jam time to try implementing one if i know how without breaking my movement code XD

And to awnser your question i made the game in Godot engine :)


Interesting take on the jam


Thanks for playing


Really loved your game ! Myself being into low poly aesthetic, you did a fantastic job with your artistic direction !! Really reminds me of the N64 /PS1/PSX era, and boy do I love those games.

The replayability is also incredible for a jam game, kinda jealous x)

And I'm happy to see that you made a TPS/ FPS camera change in your game ! I also made such a thing in my previous game released shortly before the jam, where you had to change between TPS and FPS to shoot the flying enemies, so I'm really happy to see this idea executed in a different way !!

Again, really impressive work, you gained a follower for your future games !


Thanks a lot for your comment :D

and i’m really glad you like the art direction i went for ^^ i’ve always liked how grungy some of the games from this era looked so i tried my best to capture that.

very nice of you to think so especially since i only managed to cram in 3 missions because time constraints, so no need to be jealous XD

Yeah i kinda wanted to have the player be able to see what the pilots would see from the cockpit as well if they wanted so i implemented both views like i did in my previous mech game only this time i did it a bit better (hopefully) so no more clipping guns when hugging walls in FPS view :p the only gameplay thing related to the fps cam in my case is that the scoped weapons display their screens only in that view (so a bit more basic compared to what you did for your previous game i’m sure ^^ but it gets the job done)

Thanks again for the follow,i don’t make games all that often but hopefully you’ll see something you like from time to time :)


Fun mech shooter. Weapons were fun to shoot and kill bugs with. Bugs reminded me a little of Starship Troopers. I think the damages can be tweaked a bit, LMG seemed more powerful than the Rocket Launcher. Couldn't beat the first mission my first or second try because I didn't know what was a hive. I think either making the bugs a vastly different color might help with that or having a legend or little picture of the target in the briefing. 


Thanks for your feedback ^^

Yup the bugs are totally inspired by the Starship Troopers arachnids as i wanted them to be both not too disgustingly bug - like, and also low poly enough to not impact performance in case i added a lot to the levels(played it a bit too safe for performance’s sake and ended up not having too much of them per level :/)

My times playing a bit of Helldivers and Borderlands with a friend lately also might not have helped influence that XD

Didn’t have much time to properly balance the weapons out so that’s the main reason why it’s like this here. The hives problem comes from a bit of an oversight on my part, where i thought they were cleat enough as they were the same color as some bugs and that greenish color felt like it popped enough from the background when i tested it, but not the case, so that’s an issue i’ll have to figure out the best way to solve.

Though i’m taking note, i like your approach of having them shown in a breifing screen to help identify them better.

Thanks for the suggestion :)


Great job again, PixelMetalWolf! It's super impressive that you were able to do this by yourself, you put a lot of effort into this! I like the inclusion of missions this time around, it helps keep the player engaged and motivated.  I also like the almost Metal Gear Solid-like HUD you used, it's really fun to look at!

Something I would say about this would be the difficulty. This game felt almost too easy, since enemies were too slow to pose a real threat, and the map layout made sure you could either get to a high point and aim down at them or hide behind a building and easily prepare a counterattack. I tended to pick the quicker characters (100 HP with Fast movement), but I never felt like losing health was ever a worry. 

Even still, this was another fun mech shooter game, it was a lot of fun to play, and I can see all the effort you put into it. Great job!


Thanks ! Happy that you’ve liked the efforts ^^

Yeah i felt that different types of objectives to mix and match to make missions would be more fun and engaging compared to only destroying targets so i tried a bunch of stuff and i was happy it worked out ok without (too much)jank :p

I wanted something a bit more designed without feeling too complex and too boxy so that’s how it turned out, though you’re right about the inspiration as i did take a few notes from MGS on that front XD

This i’d say is the result of both, my tendency to try not making games too difficult, and my still enormous lack of knowlege on how to make more complex 3D AI (cause even the bese pathfinding stuff in Godot still puzzles me on some aspects), so hopefully i’ll be able to get there and make more interesting enemy types but i’ll admit it’s not my strong point :/

And yup i noticed from feedback so far that the fast / lightly armored characters tend to be the most popular :)


Very cool game! Love the look and variety of mechs and weapons. Fantastic work


Thanks for playing ! I always try to have a somewhat sizable cast, and as many different weapons as i can for my games, so i’m glad you’ve liked the variety :D


As always with your entries PixelMetalWolf I had a ton of fun with this. Love the overpowered rocket launcher! Would definitely play more missions.


Thanks a lot Dungeon ! Really happy that you liked my entry, always a blast to participate in Mech jam ^^

Didn’t catch the stream but i saw the Vod, sorry about the sound issues, i didn’t manage to take enough time to check the sound balance of everything and i didn’t expect it to be so loud :(

Yeah the rocket launcher is a bit Op :p i didn’t have time to implement a firerate cap either so most slow firing weapons you can just fire as fast as you can spamclick.

Would have loved to make more missions but again couldn’t quite manage to do so due to time, hopefully the 3 available were fun enough.

Have a good one :)


Audio was quite loud and distorted - but otherwise some solid stuff here and plays pretty well.  I like the texture work and aesthetic overall, felt like a solid amount of assets for being made completely solo.  Multiple characters was a nice touch and the UI/HUD was cool.


Same as i said below for the music, still sorry for the inconvenience :(

Glad you liked the other aspects though ^^


Music and SFX felt a bit too distorted but I guess that was meant to be a part of the aesthetic. Overall was fun to play!


The thing is i wanted to have a bit of a metal sounding tone for the ost, sadly i used some of the default guitars in Lmms and they don’t sound all that great :/ so that’s why the music is so saturated.

So in a way it is part of the aesthetic, but i wish i did it better :p

Glad you liked the game despite this inconvenience still, thanks for your comment ^^


Little loud on the audio, but I dig the low poly aspect of the game


Yeah i didn’t have much time for polish so i didn’t check the sound balance and now ‘im not sure i can adjust this while the voting is going so i’ll have to adjust this later sorry :(

glad you liked the aesthetic though, thanks for playing :) !


Impressive for a solo submission! Had fun playing this! thank you.


No, thank you for trying my game out and your kind words :)


This was a fun shoot em up. Its not too hard for someone like me who's not a big shooter fan so it didn't detract me from the experience too long. The thing that bugged me here is that some of the targets tend to not be very clear. Because they blend with the spider-esque enemies. I will admit that I didn't really read the mission briefing with full clarity so I wasn't able to pick up the signal failure theme until I realize I have to recover signals as an objective.

The 3 missions provided are a decent package on offer for what it is and the 3d polygon like designs really pop, making them quite unique. Aesthetically and the character menu select screen reminds me of an old racing game Twisted Metal. But more geared for the furry mech audience.

I basically picked one character (the speedy low health type) for the whole thing though, I didn't exactly have the luxury of trying everyone out. 

Its interesting how the mech pilots are furries and their mechs reflect that anthro like design. Good job.


Thanks glad you’ve liked it :)

I tend to make games on the easier side difficulty wise so that anyone can enjoy the experience without too much of a hassle.

The objectives system was finished a bit last minute so i didn’t manage to have all of them as polished as i expected, the target ones ended up on the short end of the stick for this since i wasn’t sure how the game was gonna go performance wise (thanks to last year’s entry having wild optimization issues) i decided to not go too crazy with models and build them from what was already implemented and just re-used the material the enemies use, and chose the green one so it wouldn’t blend too much with the background, turns out this wasn’t enough, i’ll admit XD

yeah i wanted to have somewhat detailed textures to complement the very blocky models to get that more crispy psx look, plus my usual sci fi style where i want to convey a very grungey “lived in” feel to the mechs/ships/buildings etc.. Thats kind of my overall aesthetic for every sci fi stuff i’ve done and i consider it part of a same larger universe. Same goes for the presence of antho characters :3

And no problem, i perfectly understand not having the time to try everything out, i just wanted to have a bit of variety so that people could pick a favorite and just go play the game how they liked it :)