Holy soundtrack, Batman!! This was quite the listen. When I saw there were 9 tracks I worried a bit about quantity over quality but that certainly isn’t the case here. This is truly an expertly crafted OST and you should be really proud!
I love the early-2000s synthwave feel throughout, it’s really giving me 3D Metroid vibes. I think you really captured the sci-fi feeling you were going for in the description which, truthfully, read as complete, rambling nonsense to me, but that made me love it even more! Even the words you wrote add to this feeling of being “inside [someone’s] world” and honestly, why should it make sense to an outsider? It’s your world, after all!
Although each track is long, the trancey nature of your composition acts to tone that down a bit. My one critique would have to be that a couple of the tracks maybe did in fact have too much different material which made me wonder how that would translate to a specific level or area. I think you could have developed some of it a bit more as opposed to creating a new section to follow what came before.
Overall, this was a suuuper well-produced and professional soundtrack. Your choice of instruments and your treatment of them was superb. AMAZING work, truly 💖💖💖