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A simple suggestion for flying monstergirls - make the bonus either be active/inactive or scale depending on their encumbrance - based on their size and strength, and weight of equipment carried. Light armor = biggest speed bonus.

Also, I did some cleaning on the items, went trough the entire list to give them proper weights. Also added a few new items while I was at it. Will make the files availalbe later, feel free to use them

That’s a great suggestion, my biggest hinderance would be the randomly attributed weights the game currently has. With a better and more logical weight distribution, I could definitely see that as a valid option!

I’ll look over the file when it’s posted and definitely credit you with the addition if you are okay with me implementing it. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Sure. You're free to use anything I make any way you like. The files are posted BTW

Thanks, I really appreciate it! I’ll look into incorporating them (with credit, of course!)