Thank you as always for the detailed explanation! When I read the theme, I saw the opportunity to make a wild variety of songs, loosely related by all being 'fantasy- or game-aspects,' as I am very font of creating diverse tracks with varying settings. I have tried a lot of new things: stepping away from the usual "rote loops" and towards songs with a start and ending; adding sound effects and reverb; but also trying out MuseScore4 for once! My job gave me a great laptop that I am allowed to use partially for personal projects, which finally allows me to use new software like this. Of course, this was my first attempt at this, so it's not perfect, but I am glad with the initial result, and I am glad that you like it too :D
Surprisingly, I have never heard the Banjo Kazooie soundtrack (except maybe a single song in a random YouTube playlist). I get my inspiration from all over the place. But perhaps I should give it a listen sometime, as it may be quite well-matched with my music-style.
I am also only rating my close friends; I simply don't have the time to do more than that! I already went through all the names and made a list of the friends I found -- you're on top ;)