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In My Fantasy... (OST Composing Jam #7)View project page

Submitted by Nick Schuitemaker — 8 hours, 32 minutes before the deadline
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In My Fantasy... (OST Composing Jam #7)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4083.2693.563

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

“Life is hard when you’re young and unpopular. But when real life gets tough, there is always somewhere else to go…
(1) In my fantasy, I can explore distant worlds. I can explore magical forests, deserted deserts, and chilly icecaps, in a heartbeat.
(2) In my fantasy, I can become the hero. I can fight off endless waves of villains and receive appreciation for my deed.
(3) In my fantasy, I can meet my true love. I can find someone who likes me for who I am and who can sweep me off my feet.
(4) …But when the bell rings and my next class is up, reality sadly kicks in. In my fantasy I can be whoever I want, but in reality… I am alone, indeed.”

The first three songs (in fantasy land) uses the Pan Flute as main instrument and uses a 9/8 time signature. The last song (in reality land) uses a Bandoneon and a simple 4/4 time signature to contrast with the other songs. All songs also contain a similar theme, although hard to notice: at (1) 2:01; (2) 0:59; (3) 0:55; (4) 0:30.

Soundfonts and Programs:
I used the soundfonts MuseScore4; MuseScore3; Masterpiece (Pan Flute, Bird, Sitar, Tuba); Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra (Oboe); Fuelles (Bandoneon); and FxKit (fighting sounds). I also used Audacity for combining the sounds.


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
My story is about a kid trying to hide away in his fantasies. In doing so, he is trying to live "inside his own world" (his fantasies) rather than the real world.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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I can explore distant worlds reminded me (a bit) of Stardew Valley and it sounds like the beginning of a great adventure

I loved the humorous touch of I can become a hero

I can meet my true love was lovely, I really liked how you combined the melodies.

and Until the bell rings...hahaha...what a cool ending! Really nice concept!!

Great soundtrack!


Thanks a lot, really appreciate it :D


I liked your work!! Very good!! I liked the use of sfx as part of the soundtrack. Congratulations on your work!!


Thank you :)


the use of sfx in "i can be the hero" was so clever! 

My favorite of your entries :D

Good job ^_^


Thank you :)


Really love the blend of instruments you used on these, brings me the same fun vibes that a lot of ps1 games had (also getting some ff9 vibes 😄).  Good stuff!


Thanks a lot :D


The tracks have quite an impressive diverse stylistic choices that are super well blended. That was super enjoyable thank you!!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Glad you like it, and thanks for listening :D

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

..I can explore distant worlds - AAAAAAH I LOVE THE MELODY ON THIS FLUTE. (And the percussion complements the track well!) When the guitar is added from 0:40, the track starts to remind me... a more airy Slime Rancher soundtrack, heh)

..I can become the hero - Hehe, IT'S TIME FOR BATTLES! (These SFX with fight sounds are great. "OH AH EH AAAH")

...I can meet my true love - Does it sound cute, playful and... epic? When the drums appear at the end, the track sounds heroic! As if the hero, inside his fantasy, is saving / meets his love

Until the bell rings - Why does this topic sound like the main character is studying in Armenia... I'm getting weird theories...

You've got an interesting soundtrack, which contains orchestral instruments, flutes, a little chiptune (Or what is it?) and also the cute and...



Thank you so much :D. I love your deep explanation.

I am glad you like the flute-melody in song 1, SFX sounds in song 2, and drum in song 3 - I especially wasn't sure about the SFX and the drum sound! And there is no chiptune in my songs, but you can see for yourself which instruments I use in my music-sheets.

Thanks again, I really appreciate it :)


This was such a fun short story! I actually laughed out loud at the beginning of “Until the bell rings”! Great job and awesome compositions!


Thank you! That means a lot to me :)


Hey I recognize this person!

I really liked the pan flute a lot and I thought all the sound effects in the second song were really goofy!

I also smiled at the cartoony prison like song at the end!


Hey I recognize you too! We go quite far back :)

Thank you! I went a bit wild this time, trying to get the vibes right, if anything. I am glad you liked it :D


The sound effects in "I can become the hero" are quite strange, but they do suit the imagination of a young child. Overall, this soundtrack fits with your chosen story very well.


Thank you :). I get very mixed responses about my use of sound effects, so I don't really know if I did a good job or not. Some say it is "quite strange", "really goofy", or "hilarious". Others say "Haha the sound design", and "love what you have done with the sfx". At least it gets the attention ;)


I can explore distant worlds  - this song makes me feel like I am a satyr walking around in a magical forest. The panflute has been used really well here and it serves the purpose right over here. Also for the rest of the track considering you're using more panflute, this song gets my ears ready for the next songs.

I can become a hero - really love what you have done with the sfx of the people getting hit. Those much sounds xD. I giggled a little bit there. Really felt like a hero and that panflute, man didn't think it could be used in a context like that.

I can meet my true love - made me feel hopeful about finding true love but also made me feel little sad because of all the hinge dates I will have to go on now.

Until the bell rings - made it feel like it was all a dream. All the magical forests and fighting and the princess drama. Waking up with my face in a puddle of my own saliva on the school table as the bell rings, wasn't the best feeling but it was a good dream atleast.

Really like the composition :) Had fun listening to them, this is definitely I would see being used in a indie game that would be made over a weekend. My favorite one was I can explore distant worlds for sure. The compositions were perfectly minimal without superfluous changes or licks or anything I thought. Good job ! Did you play a bit safe by any chance ? ;p I would have loved to head more of I can meet my true love for sure !


Thanks a lot for the long feedback :D

Your explanation is 100% spot-on how I intended it to feel! From the funny fighting sounds to the hopeful love to everything falling apart at the end. Love it!

My songs are often called "minimal", as I cannot deal well with many instruments - my sheets become a chaos really quickly. I did not "play safe" but I do keep my songs a bit short if that is what you mean. This is both such that you don't have to listen and rate as much, and to make it easier on me given the limited time. But I am very happy that you would have liked to hear more :D


Always love me some odd time signatures! Was bobbing my head to "I can explore distant worlds". "I can become the hero" is hilarious. Great submission.


Thank you :D. I can't get myself to stick to classical 4/4, and I noticed that 9/8 is quite easy to listen to (well, sometimes at least). I have tried anything from 9/8 to 5/4 and even 15/8 in the past - I am still in the experimental phase. Thanks again!


Loved these! Made me think of a farming sim game. Good melodies and pleasant atmospheres. Great work!


Thanks a lot :D


I always like your simple instrumentations yet effective and playful songs! The composition is well thought and entertaining :)

When I say simple, it is that the sounds used send me back to childhood games i loved.

Haha the sound design in I can become the hero!

I love the cartoonesque and yet dramatic feel of the Until the ring Bells.

It pictures what I like about your music style !

Good job, keep it up!


I was thinking "hm, I don't know any Peluche" - but when I saw what you have made in the past, I noticed that your beautiful Firefly Town entries were in there! I remember you as 'Tangzie' however, could that be correct? Did you perhaps change username in the past years? Oh, and sorry for the late response. I'm getting used to working fulltime, so I save these things for the weekend.

I'm glad you like my simple instrumentation :). I often get noted for using very few instruments. It is a choice, but also kinda forced - I am unable to deal with many instruments simultaneously yet, as my score would become huge and I'd lose track of everything quite quickly.

Thanks again :)


Yes I did change my username after this first Town Music Jam :)

Glad we can still listen to each others on these jams :) 


…I can explore distant worlds: Wow, I love the transition from jungle to desert to ice themes. The transitions were so seamless. And your choice of instrumentation works so well that it instantly tells me exactly where I am. This track reminds me a lot of the playfulness and theme variations of Click Clock Wood from Banjo Kazooie in the best possible way. Well done with the execution on this fun idea!

…I can become the hero: The fight sounds add so much character to this track and prove how it would be an effective fighting track in a game. The ending win theme is also a great touch! It definitely adds points to my own personal sixth rating category of “Game Readiness”.

…I can meet my true love: The choice of harp and strings for a love waltz is very fitting! The panpipe and harp counterpoint are very nicely done! I wasn’t expecting the drum kit, but it helped give it a more modern setting.

Until the bell rings: After hearing this one, I would be shocked to hear if Banjo Kazooie was not an influence for this OST. I immediately thought of Gruntilda’s lair with the tuba oompah style. This track puts a somber tone to the end of your soundtrack, which is perfect for your description - accurate and as billed!

Overall: It’s great to hear more of your music! With so many submissions, I decided that this time I wanted to start by searching for submissions from my most consistent jam friends! This is a great collection of tracks that cover many of the necessary motifs of a game and you presented them all in a unique way that added way more value than rote loops. I really like the personality you inserted into all the tracks and each stands out with its own merit. Great work and, as always, thank you for sharing!


Thank you as always for the detailed explanation! When I read the theme, I saw the opportunity to make a wild variety of songs, loosely related by all being 'fantasy- or game-aspects,' as I am very font of creating diverse tracks with varying settings. I have tried a lot of new things: stepping away from the usual "rote loops" and towards songs with a start and ending; adding sound effects and reverb; but also trying out MuseScore4 for once! My job gave me a great laptop that I am allowed to use partially for personal projects, which finally allows me to use new software like this. Of course, this was my first attempt at this, so it's not perfect, but I am glad with the initial result, and I am glad that you like it too :D

Surprisingly, I have never heard the Banjo Kazooie soundtrack (except maybe a single song in a random YouTube playlist). I get my inspiration from all over the place. But perhaps I should give it a listen sometime, as it may be quite well-matched with my music-style.

I am also only rating my close friends; I simply don't have the time to do more than that! I already went through all the names and made a list of the friends I found -- you're on top ;)


Hey Nick! Glad to see you've joined this jam too!

As always you've delivered with your entries! Very pleasant to listen too, with plenty of quality. The contrast between the last track and the other ones is hilarious, loved it!

My favorite was the distant worlds one, it really hits the exploration vibe. But the hero one I tought it had a bit of an odd selection of instruments and samples used, and it also didn't give me much of a heroic vibe and more of a bar fight situation.

But overall I really enjoyed your entries, looking foward to see more of your work in other jams!


Thanks a lot! I looked through all the participants and had found your name as well -- you were just a tad bit quicker ;)

I understand how you feel that the second song doesn't quite fit nicely. It is my first time (I believe?) using sound effects and I severely limited myself in the samples I would use. I'm glad you liked the first song though, my sister liked that one the most as well :D

Thanks again. In the next few days, I'll be sure to rate your songs as well!