You're very welcome!
Btw Darling Duality and Yandere Heaven are literally some of the beat visual novels I've ever played :)
Ahhh, now I have many warm fuzzies x3 I’m so glad you liked them! My stupid brain sucks at taking compliments, but I really appreciate your kind words :3
I kinda have weird mixed feelings about my Yandere Heaven fandub project cos according to the analytics on itch, it seems to be my most downloaded/viewed project… On one hand, that’s great! I’m thankful that people are checking it out :D On the other hand, it makes me a tiny bit sad that people are more interested in that than my original projects with original stories/characters xD
xD Oh no >.< I guess the main thing to ask ourselves at the end of the day is, did we have fun making it? And if the answer is yes, nothing else should really matter all that much, haha. I know it still does x3 but it shouldn't take away any of the joy of creating the thing :3
But yeah, the stresses and woes of game dev are endless x3 It's a good job the fun outweighs all of that :D I always tell myself, the day I stop enjoying making games is the day I should quit, but never before then!