Interesting little autoclicker game. Was pretty confusing at first. I only noticed 2 clickable things that did anything impactful and that's the coin upgrade and the engine % clicker. I didn't notice anything with the remaining 3 upgrades. Would like to see a small description pop-up when hovering over the upgrades. Not sure why you have an arrow like indicator over every upgrade button, maybe just have it show when the upgrade is purchasable. I saw some enemy mechs but both player and them were really slow and the first one was obliterated when it wasn't on top of me (seemed a little far away). I've love to see this project grow. Maybe the map could be used to decide which town to go towards and that would lead to the player finding specific resources or enemies. I think the steam gauge (top middle) did go up but I'm not sure why or how. I did like the setup of the screen.