really cool implementation of the theme! The art style and lighting effects are great, and make for a cool atmospheric experience. I also think the difficulty curve is a bit steep, since its hard to master a platformer with a jump height that varies unless you are prepared to restart a lot. Good work overall!
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Thank you and thanks for playing and your thoughts! It was a ton of fun to design and play with the mechanics.
Yes, I wanted to play with varying the jump-mechanics based on how much you've eaten, so you had to figure out what was the maximum you could eat for a particular level, in order to make or miss different jumps, for example.
I spent quite a bit of time tweaking the physics so that the movement and puzzles wouldn't feel too punishing and things would still be fluid at different scales. I wonder if it's possible to tweak in such a way that it feels masterable? Hard to do that and have the feeling of "unintended consequences." 😂