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You don't gotta be so hard on yourself. I thought that the tracks were all quite nice!

Yes they did get repetitive because they were all basically remixes of each other but the base song itself is good. I Loved when the mallet came in for the call and response. I think adding a harmony line of some kind would enhance the song a lot!

Unchanging life had some serious clipping issues with how loud the piano got and it made that track the weakest one by a lot since it kind of hurt to listen to.

Putting some kind of limiter or just reducing its volume would fix that issue.

Great job overall!

Thank you so much!

Unchanging Life being painful to listen to was kind of the point, with the distortion effects and all, but yeah it probably became too loud too suddenly so sorry if it startled ya! I'm gonna update the project and submission page with a warning and more details on the last track. Again, thank you so much!!


ah ok. yeah having an explanation that it is meant to be like that would reduce confusion since many like me might think it is a mixing error