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A jam submission

Uneventful Days Original SoundtrackView project page

Short and sweet melancholic soundtrack for the imaginary game "Uneventful Days."
Submitted by ricmikkel (@ricmikkel) — 2 days, 9 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5172.8933.059

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Message from the artist
Please refer to the project page for more details. Also, a little warning: "Unchanging Life" gets very LOUD starting around after the first minute. It's intentional, and may startle some of you. Thank you all so much!!


Inside my world

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Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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It was definitely beautiful, sometimes cute, unusual and... I love this "distorted" effect in Changing Life


Thank you!!


Uneventful Days: The piano chords with the repeating melody on top remind me of the style of Animal Crossing songs. The motif followed by lots of open space helps mirror your story theme of uneventfulness. That’s good musical thematic composition.

Bedroom: This track also reminds me of Animal Crossing and has a nice lofi feeling which works well for the sleepiness one might feel in the bedroom specifically. I think it’s interesting how you chose to use the percussive elements in this track, as if to imply that the most energy may actually occur when inside in the bedroom.

Unchanging Life: Having both forward and reverse piano at the same time produces a really hypnotic effect that I like. Listening at a low volume, I did actually enjoy the sound you created with the high volume in the middle of the track. I wonder if using an overdrive plug-in would help create a similar desired effect without changing the overall volume of the track? Something to consider!

Overall: I like that you took an idea and you were able to change it enough to have it feel like three different situations to help tell your story. The lack of variation in harmonic structure works for the game theme you chose. Well done and thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much!!


Day 5 Of Rating Submissions With Few Ratings to Hopefully Get Some In Return

At first, I found the sparse piano in the first track a bit stiff and uneventful, but the way you reiterated on the theme in track two, morphing it into something else, made it all worth it. You took the prompt of using the leitmotif to heart and the tracks feel like they belong together, hinting at more than there is. 


Thank you so much!! I listen to and rate the submissions of the kind people who take their time to comment on my submission as further thanks, so consider me a plus one!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Based on what you said on your project page, I can relate to having trouble with creativity. One thing that helps me is setting a goal to learn something new. You could watch a tutorial on YouTube and make a song using what you learned from the video. Or you could try to copy an existing song. Or just explore on your own and make something new. Whether it’s weird or good, it’s still music.

Anyways,  my favorite track is your version of the theme in Bedroom. The sounds you chose are perfect and the mix is great. You could add two extra chords somewhere in there, make that a separate section, and that could be a complete track. Good job with this soundtrack!


Thank you so much for the advice and compliment!!


You did great! And as a fellow BandLab user, did you have any technical difficulties this past week? I had issues saving my work and I'm pretty sure there was a server crash on Friday, so I hope that didn't happen to you too.


Thanks! Yeah, I do remember there being a server crash. I was working on I think the last track, and the website was loading super slow, the revision wasn't saving, it annoyed me, but luckily by the time it happened I was pretty much done with the OST- I was only making small changes on the last track. I opened Facebook as usual a couple hours later then I noticed BandLab's story saying the servers are finally up, and I was like "Oh that's what happened," it didn't fully occur to me that there was a server crash, funnily enough. I hope it didn't mess up your work too much! Technical difficulties are always very inconvenient, especially at times like this.


You don't gotta be so hard on yourself. I thought that the tracks were all quite nice!

Yes they did get repetitive because they were all basically remixes of each other but the base song itself is good. I Loved when the mallet came in for the call and response. I think adding a harmony line of some kind would enhance the song a lot!

Unchanging life had some serious clipping issues with how loud the piano got and it made that track the weakest one by a lot since it kind of hurt to listen to.

Putting some kind of limiter or just reducing its volume would fix that issue.

Great job overall!


Thank you so much!

Unchanging Life being painful to listen to was kind of the point, with the distortion effects and all, but yeah it probably became too loud too suddenly so sorry if it startled ya! I'm gonna update the project and submission page with a warning and more details on the last track. Again, thank you so much!!


ah ok. yeah having an explanation that it is meant to be like that would reduce confusion since many like me might think it is a mixing error


Nice! that second song was a vibe!


Thank you!!


This was a fun entry, I like the use of the reversed piano in Unchanging Life - something about that sound always hits just right. It does get a little loud there (presumably intentional?) but I would recommend limiting the levels a bit just to keep it from startling people.

All in all a good mix of tracks, well executed. Good work, and best of luck with the competition!


Thank you so much!!