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I feel like you don't get how complicated game design is.


anyone who comments dumb shit like "wtf whys it taking so long its not that big" is 100% someone who hasn't the faintest idea of how to make anything, game or not


for real, and the game just went from demo to pre-alpha, and it's still only the one main dev (afaik). Anyone who's tried to do a large scale creative project should know the goofing around/planning phase is far, far easier than even starting the actual project, and it can be absolutely crushing amounts of effort to keep at it

(1 edit) (+2)

Tbf, sometimes CERTAIN GAMES have taken longer periods of waiting for mediocre updates (partially due to incompetent devs or engine / publisher issues)... So it's not like a fanbase is always entirely absentminded for daring to question their game-devs at all.

But in most other cases, this time included? Yeah, you're right on the money king.