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The Extra Chromosome

A member registered Jan 17, 2022

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yeah, try broom, broom "unlocks"the fridge. You're not *supposed* to be able to move it by hand currently

also run as admin at least once to see if it simply did not have permission to build

well there's been a new tree mesh test for many versions now, presumably the map is getting totally rebuilt like the base did which is presumably slow going- but yes, current map is all sharing one render of trees and ground, which is probably a big reason why it also kinda runs like shit

I personally think this should be a feature with a specific tool you can buy/find (like a chainsaw, as you say), and it would give more purpose to the woodchipper to be able to clean up the debris after, but the more you chop, the more one of the anomalous radar pings goes from ambient and interesting to scary and malicious (I'm sure those who know which one I'm talking about would agree it would fit- maybe even start to overpopulate the map or grown in size/shape)

saves are stored in user files unfortunately... this is pretty normal for games in general as it allows discretion between different users on the same computer. In wiping your OS you almost certainly wiped the saves unless you somehow reinstalled without altering the user directories 

weird, using itch.io app or straight download in browser? app is very iffy

I'm gonna prevent you going insane, do not worry about getting out of the cave, when it's time to sleep, just let it happen

Iif you're using the itch app and not downloading directly out of a browser, I hear it's very buggy and rarely works, especially after having installed a previous version of the game, gotta give more info

painting and our own graffiti would be great yeah, I want to scrawl on the walls like a real psycho

zoomer detected
every game doesn't need to be tailored to multiplayer bro, if you want it, mod it

the previous updates also didn't really add much and the game is now in prealpha and getting massive overhauls, and is still only worked on by a couple artists and one programmer. Last update was rushed because of pirating leaks that people were charging for and still had the most labor and content put into it, be patient my man

press the . on your numpad brother, it's in the controls as debug teleport I believe. Drops you at your base instantly

add your native resolution to the resolution settings by entering it into the text file at appdata>local>votv>assets>res.txt

add your native resolution to the resolution settings by entering it into the text file at appdata>local>votv>assets>res.txt

pfft haha that's unhinged if that's true

there is some weird black artifacting issues with lighting and shadows- try turning shadows and lighting settings to minimum (or all settings to minimum, frankly, and switch to windowed mode)

normally I'd say it's a driver/incompatible hardware issue, but the fact you can see the game moving in its tab is sus

I believe it might be a slightly later day now as it's on the last day of story mode, which I think is day 49 or maybe 50, but it's the pre-alpha complete achievement if you already have it
remember to tick the "show spoilers" in the spawn menu in the bottom right, you can see in potato's pic

it is not out of the realm of possibility, but I think this game is supposed to be more serious than horny, even if the dev has other horny content lol

there is a "download now" button on the main page brother
you will need to install 7zip to extract it as well- it is free https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
once 7zip is installed right click the votv compressed folder and go to 7zip, and "extract to (folder name)" to make an uncompressed usable folder and just run the votv.exe inside it

spoilers ig? I don't believe the grays are supposed to be lore significant, and were mostly added to screw with vinesauce joel (a streamer who made the game very, very popular, very quickly and is absolutely terrified of even silly grays and ufos... which is also why the grays are comically tiny and silly looking, if you've seen one). I assume they'll still be used to add variety but I don't think they're supposed to be really relevant compared to arirals and rozital and such

(just pass out in the cave to leave it)
very strange bug but yeah... that's a pretty hard game-over. No clue what caused it and it would need a full object/map/event reset most likely if reloading doesn't fix it, and no clue what triggered it but I doubt it was glitching out the cave- I've done that lots screwing around and nothing bad ever happened, more likely it's a very specific/rare bug with switching maps in general :/

Thankfully you've seen basically everything scripted at day 47 (I think there was 2 more nights of the same event you should've already seen, very minor)- I would recommend holding off on the game for a while and starting fresh next major update so you have more random events you've not seen before to liven up the experience- and keep backups next time! Saves are stored at apddata>local>votv>saved>savegames

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it is meant to mimic the weird crusty gameplay of old source games and such, it's not meant to be user friendly and logical. You can turn off some stuff like tripping and kick props and food tolerance in the last settings page (E for experimental), but there is genuine reason behind some of the gameplay stuff, and something you're actively missing in-game in one of your complaints

I posted a solution here

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most people have it
actually compresses unlike default windows compression
supports basically any format outside truly obsolete/contractual/proprietary formats- yes it even does paid formats like winrar
super lightweight and multipurpose
can be used on essentially any OS including some mobile devices
has a surprising amount of community made compatibility patches and modifications you can install for it
has been supported and developed for almost 25 years

why wouldn't you use it??

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image insert didn't work? I'll try again
(edit) ok it's not working so I'll just paste my example:













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Your monitor resolution is usually in the options menu built into its buttons if you don't know what it is, or you can search "display resolution" in the windows search menu and the native resolution of your monitor will be the one labelled "recommended".

If you mean can't access/find the appdata>local folder, search %localappdata% and it will open directly. The res.txt file is a simple text file you can edit and save with notepad, just hit enter and add your native monitor resolution to a new line (in the pictured example I added 1680x1050- you really don't need to do anything special) and save.

If the assets folder/res.txt is not there in the votv folder, run the game as admin- right click the VotV.exe, go down to properties, in properties go to the compatibility tab, and check "run as administrator" on. Run the game, allow it when the admin access pops up, once you get to the main menu you can quit and it should now have generated the missing folders and files.

If you just don't know how to change your resolution, it's in the video settings (I think is what it's called, haven't gotten to open the game in a few weeks) of the VotV options, same options tab you would change to fullscreen or windowed. Change the resolution to your native monitor resolution and apply.

sorry for late reply, add your native resolution to the resolution file at >appdata>local>votv>assets>res.txt and change your resolution to what you added.

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run game as admin

sweep it with the broom

it's telling you exactly the problem, your gpu is incompatible with the game's requirements- if you're lucky, you might just me missing a driver update, but if you look up your GPU model and it doesn't support the requirements, you can't play with your hardware

is it, perhaps, raining? I assume you figured that out by now if so

if you lose essential/unique items, you can make a new story mode save to fetch them, and put them in the mailbox. When you save, the mailbox is saved to a different file that can be access by any other story mode mailbox, so anything that fits in your inventory can be sent between saves as needed. As for missing events and specific items... don't beat yourself up too much or stress about it, there is A LOT of minor events in the game and you will miss easily half of them to random chance alone. It makes playing through the game when it updates less boring and predictable