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I'll break it down track by track here: 

"Go Into the Sea" sets the stage well - the delay/echo effects were interesting and creating some interesting textures. 

"Deep Memories" brings back the same motif, with some interesting tension added in. The bell synth that comes in around 0:48 feels a little jarringly loud imo, though perhaps that was your intention with the overall anxious sort of sound.

"Sadness" has a good melancholy sound to it, slightly reminiscent to me of Final Fantasy 7. The bass is a bit too loud and pops a bit around 0:53 and 1:17 specifically. The background synth that rises and falls in volume feels very similar to an ocean's waves to me, the reverb and timing on it is perfect to that effect.  The ocean sounds from "Go Into the Sea" are designed in a very similar way - you did a nice job of calling back to that. Great job there.

The reverb and echoes are laid on really thick for the bell synth in "Light From The Surface" and in most other use cases I would have said it was too much, but it does fit the context that you have created pretty well. There's some more clipping here; I would pile on with what some others have said and utilize soft clipping and limiting to reduce this in the future.

The last track, "My Inner Beauty" is a nice departure from the sound and tone of the previous tracks.  The chord progression and instrument choices are both lovely.

A lot of this album blends together - and I would say that is both a good bad and a bad thing in a couple of ways. It certainly feels like a cohesive album when looked at as a whole, and the recurring motif established in the first theme is utilized well throughout the soundtrack. "Light from the Suface" does a great job of calling back to the  anxiety established in "Deep Memories" and then proceeds back into the theme and ocean sounds from "Go Into the Sea". Excellent work there! However, a little more variety as a whole would have done well to break things up to prevent the sound from becoming monotonous; my ears had definitely moved on by the time I got to "My Inner Beauty." 

Nice work overall, I think you did a great job of sticking with the theme and keeping things short, sweet and to the point.  The album was enjoyable for the most part, my biggest complaints just being that things were feeling a little stale towards the end (tbh I totally missed the connection you made in track 4 to the rest of the album on my first listen, just because my ears had sort of zoned out at that point,) and you could use some work on your overall mixing to prevent clipping and make your instruments play a little more nicely together. If you would like some pointers in that area in the future, feel free to reach out. :)

Thanks for the timestamps - I'd have spent a while looking for what everyone was saying. I'm surprised the bass did it - my attention was reducing volume or velocity on the pads. I can understand if the bells do it. I might clean up the OST after this is over and repost.