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Very cool! I loved reading about the game on the "wikipedia" page, the little links to other things added such a nice touch as well! In terms of the actual soundtrack, I broke it up song by song.

Precambrian: A very nice little upbeat track, befitting of a character creator!

Shallows: A nice loop for a chill first area! A tad bit repetitive, but something that wouldn't be an issue for an area in an MMO.

Ectosymbiosis: A mysterious, yet relaxing theme fitting for a puzzle themed area. There are some parts that just tickle the musical part of my brain, as such its probably my favorite of the bunch!

Biolumenesca: This theme very much fits the whole strange, dark, and just plain weird ecosystem that the void has. The occasional bits of dissonant notes help to eleviate this feeling, and I feel the track does a great job at that!

Deepest Known: When I read the discription of this track, I had in my head a sort of deep, empty void that players could fill with creativity. The song itself though has a very intimidating atmosphere to it only really picking up towards the end, quite fitting of a dark void, but it doesn't exactly fit the discription imo (This is entirely up to my opinion and how I interpereted the text, I could be totally off base from your vision). Judging the song off its own merits, I love the atmospheric choir, and when the song picks itself up and becomes more upbeat it sounds really great! It's probably my second favorite song!

Wash Away: The "lost" song, I didin't really know what to expect from reading about it on the main page. It turned out to be a really nice, chill song with callbacks to the previous tracks! Honestly I feel like if I was a player of CURRENT, this sound would feel quite bittersweet as the game approached the server closure.

Overall, very well done! You managed to make a lot of songs, and they all felt like they had a lot of love and effort put into them! Great job!